
Who paid? Edited

Asura and Indra looked at each other before Indra left to catch that sniper. Both had a serious expression as they followed her orders...well, more serious in Indra's case.

After he left, Liara's phone rang and she looked at the number and answered it, "Not a good time Lucca,"

A younger girls voice came over the phone, "Come on Lil, I called to warn you and this is how you treat me?"

She said, "If it's about a sniper, you're late." She tried to put pressure on her dad's wound.

Lucca said, "Holy snikies, You ok? Should I call Kyra and her boyfriend for back up?" You could hear her typing very loudly on her keyboard.

She said, "The sniper missed and hit dad, call Ryousuke or Serena to get a bed ready...and yeah, we could use a ride."

Lucca said, "Ok, one bed and ride coming up, it'll be fifteen minutes before they can get there." After a minute she corrected, "Shite sandwich, I forgot that she has a match across town...make it thirty...and there's a big wreck and construction. Looks like you'll be on your own for your ride."

Liara said, "Isn't Kyra's boyfriend a mercenary? Can't you ask that Aussie viking to send his mates for help?"

Lucca chuckled, "About that..."

Liara said, "What did you do?" Her face darkened a bit as she heard that.

Asura spoke up, "Master, we should go in case more come." He kept his eyes on the door for any enemies.

She said, "Lucca, we'll have that conversation later." She then hung up before she said, "Alright, can you make a few shadow clones?" She looked up as blood seeped through her fingers.

He nodded, "Yes master, I should have enough Chakra to make a few." Afterwards he created six clones, one of which used healing jutsu to temporarily stop the bleeding.

She said, "We'll need to head for the garage to get a ride..."

He said, "Master, neither of us can drive..." He looked a bit nervous at his response. He bowed his head as she practically facepalmed.

She said, "How about sending one of your clones to Jiaolong Lake to tell Ezio and Cole about the situation? Have them meet us at the garage and pick us up."

One of the clones saluted, "Yes your highness." He then disappeared and ran to the lake. Two of his other clones moved to carry her and her father.

~~~~~~~~~~~| Indra's POV |~~~~~~~~~~~

Indra looked as he made his Sharingan turn on. He thought, 'So, that's the guy who attacked Her Majesty? I should interrogate him to see if he had a vendetta or was paid. Either way, he will pay for his actions.' He climbed up and appeared behind the sniper and knocked him out.

He then created a few clones and said, "Check if there's any more enemies. Find out any important information." The clones nodded and he watched one of Asura's clones leave.

He left a clone by the sniper and stopped infront of Asura's clone. He said, "Looking for me?"

Asura's clone shook his head, "No, her highness asked me to send a message to someone else at a place called Jiaolong Lake." He explained what happened before Indra let him go.

He thought, 'Master, I hope you don't lose that kind heart. I will follow the dark path if need be to keep you safe. Even if I lose my sight.'