
Uchiha - Another Path

What if while playing a Naruto game, a person from real life goes into the Naruto World as Sasuke Uchiha. How will he live in the world of Shinobi. Read to find out. DISCLAIMER: This is a SI Sasuke Uchiha fic. I don’t own Naruto or any such manga/comic related characters. This is just a short Fanfiction with many liberties taken. Hope you like and Enjoy!!

Uchiha_Kai_Exino · Komik
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8 Chs




During these past 2 years, nothing much happened. There were no Chunin Exams conducted and we were all still Genins still doing missions. I still didn't care much about anyone here, because to me they were all Fictional Characters. I became much stronger physically and hoped I was as strong as the Raikage. Me and Naruto grew taller and looked like how Sasuke and Naruto looked in Naruto: The Last movie while others looked like they were in Shippuden.


Naruto and Hinata started dating, which I thought was expected. Neji became friendly with all and was like Canon Neji personally training Hinata along with Hanabi as his sisters. Surprisingly, in this world, Neji was named Hiashi's successor.


I used to spar with Naruto frequently because he challenged me regularly for a fight to show me he was stronger. Had it been Canon Sasuke, he might have been defeated, but not me. With my EMS and Nintaijutsu, I defeated Naruto every single time, though I used to get hurt in the process as well. Well he never gave up and came back every time with more tenacity. 


During this time, once, I saw Tsunade near the Konoha Hero memorial stone and was crying. Well, I thought that maybe it was because of her Brother or her Ex Lover Dan. On seeing me, she tried to compose herself and walked towards me.


"Sorry Sasuke, you had to see me like that. Hope, you don't think your sensei is weak and an emotional wreck".


"It's okay, no problem. Everyone have someone close in their life who has died, so it's natural to grieve. Especially considering how dangerous our world is".


She nodded in understanding, "True we live in dangerous times. Sorry, if I reminded you of your family".


I tried to be casual, "It's okay sensei. But I was just curious. How does it feel to be the last of your Clan?"


She was a little caught aback by my question, but answered, "Well, family is family no matter what. You tend to realize value of people once they are no longer in your lives. I miss my Clan people, but I have gotten used to it and try to move forward even though it's very hard. You should also try to move forward and try not to dwell in the past". Saying that she said goodbye and started leaving.


Well that was a little different from what I expected, but again this version of Tsunade was not like Canon Tsunade who had PTSD from war. And looking at her back as she was leaving, I got a very crazy idea.


Here Tsunade is just 6 years older than Sasuke and it is possible that she could marry Sasuke in future since the age gap is less. The Uchiha's are generally weak when compared in Physical strength and chakra reserves. So a hybrid of Senju and Uchiha will have the best of both worlds. Also, they will not have to suffer from Blindness due to Mangekyo since they have Senju's blood (by default Hashirama's blood) running in their veins, negating their need for an eternal mangekyou.


I immediately used Koto Amatsukami there on her when she was not looking at me as Koto didn't require Eye contact. I implanted an idea in her head that she would consider the idea of being Uchiha Clan Matriarch in the future.


Then coming to Hiruzen Sarutobi, he was still alive and the Hokage. One day, he called us and told that they were going to conduct the Chunin exams now to bolster cooperation between Shinobi villages. I didn't know much about what was happening with the other villages, but I knew that if Chunin exams are conducted, then Orochimaru will come after my body. So I had to be careful and give him a Nasty Surprise instead of me getting ambushed.


Our team got ready and we gathered for the Chunin Exams. I was again surprised by the changes in the Time line. I was expecting the Sand Village Genin team to be Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. But, no it was Fu (Seven Tails Jinchuriki), Temari and Kankuro. And Gaara was the Kazekage while being sane and having the One Tails in him. Apparently, he and Fu were engaged. Also, his father, the 4th Kazekage was still alive and just retired.


I could see Sound Village Ninjas and immediately spotted Orochimaru in that girl's disguise as in Canon. I was sure that if Gaara was the Kazekage, then Orochimaru cannot manipulate Sand Village, so this time there will not be the Konoha Crush. There were 2 Teams from Sound village as in Canon, one was Orochimaru's and second were the 3 guys as in Canon – Dosu, Kin and Zaku. Surprisingly, there was no Kabuto anywhere.


But what I was not prepared was the Kirigakure's Ninja. They had 2 Teams – one was Kimimaro, Jugo and Chojuro while the other Team was Haku, Suigetsu and Karin. Weren't majority of these guys supposed to be Orochimaru's test subject? Orochimaru was looking Predatorily at them, indicating some history there but I didn't know what was that. 


The Chunin Exams went somewhat like in Canon. The first part of exams – Written exams was over without any hiccups and the  second part – the survival test in Forest of Death started.


We immediately got the 2 required Heaven and Earth Scrolls from some random Shinobi team. On our way to the Tower, we encountered Orochimaru. He was looking hungrily at me, "Ku Ku Ku, we finally meet Sasuke Uchiha. Let me test your power and see if you are worthy of the name Uchiha".


I didn't want to waste much time. So I immediately activated my EMS. On seeing my eyes, Orochimaru became visibly scared. The fool thought that he could get my body, but he is mistaken very badly. I immediately used Tsukiyomi on him and thoroughly destroyed his sanity. He looked like Half Dead after withstanding my Genjusu.

"You are just like him", he was telling with such fear that I knew he was referring to Itachi. He was already mentally disoriented and I used my Flame Rasengan on him which then exploded. He was no more.


Naruto and Hinata were kind of shocked with my Brutality but didn't say anything. I didn't give a care, and we went to the Tower passing the second round.


Then, to my surprise, came the Final round directly without any preliminaries. Both the Hokage and Kazekage were sitting together to watch the Matches.

The Matchups were like this:


Match 1: Neji vs Hinata

Match 2: Kiba vs Lee

Match 3: Temari vs Shikamaru

Match 4: Kankuro vs Choji

Match 5: Ino vs Kin

Match 6: Sakura vs Karin

Match 7: Zaku vs Haku

Match 8: Dosu vs Suigetsu

Match 9: Shino vs Chojuro

Match 10: TenTen vs Jugo

Match 11: Naruto vs Fu

Match 12: Kimimaro vs Sasuke


Well that was a pretty Interesting Line up of Matches.


Neji vs Hinata surprisingly ended with a Draw. Both cousins gave their all.

Lee defeated Kiba without much difficulty once he opened the 5th Gate.

Temari vs Shikamaru ended just like in Canon, with Shikamaru giving up.

Surprisingly Choji won against Kankuro the moment he gigantified with his clan's jutsu. 

Ino also won against Kin with little difficulty.


Now Sakura vs Karin was a shocker for me. I expected Sakura to easily beat Karin since Karin in Canon was never a fighter and just a sensor. But here, she outclassed Sakura too much. Karin was using Uzumaki Adamantine Chains and freaking Fuinjutsu seals. Sakura was not a physical fighter here, as she was never trained by Tsunade, but still she could not do anything with strong Genjutsu. Karin won with little difficulty.


This pattern followed with all Kirigakure ninjas, where they were kind of overpowered as compared to Canon. 

Then the match between Naruto and Fu started. I was again surprised here when Fu just entered her Seven Tailed Beast Mode Version 2 (the compressed Red color Tailed beast mode) from the start. Naruto activated his Sage mode and was fighting Fu. Both were kind of evenly matched until Naruto used his Rasen Shuriken which absolutely hit her. Fu was able to somehow stand and the Biju chakra started healing her. But she forfeited.


Finally, it was my match with Kimimaro. I knew that in canon he had some random illness and died. But here he was looking pretty normal. He immediately started using his Clan's Kekkei Genkai and started shooting bone projectiles at me. I was able to evade them with my Lightning Cloak Nintaijutsu without much trouble.


"So Sasuke, huh. Interesting, that you are using Raikage's Nintaijutsu. Looks like you have been enjoying your NEW LIFE a lot".

His words started rubbing me the wrong way. I thought of speaking with him a little privately on what he meant by "NEW LIFE". I activated my EMS and pulled him into Tsukiyomi world.

"What do you mean by New Life, I don't exactly understand", I asked.

"It's like this, we played a game, and then got pulled into a Fictional world living as Fictional Characters. Ring any Bells?".


I was shocked at his question. How did he know that I came into this world by playing a game. 

"How do you know about me? There is no possibility anyone can know".

"Oh I know about you because even I am also like you, after all we were in the same server room Hydrax when it shut down. And you have different Mangekyou powers as compared to Canon Sasuke".