
Uchiha - Another Path

What if while playing a Naruto game, a person from real life goes into the Naruto World as Sasuke Uchiha. How will he live in the world of Shinobi. Read to find out. DISCLAIMER: This is a SI Sasuke Uchiha fic. I don’t own Naruto or any such manga/comic related characters. This is just a short Fanfiction with many liberties taken. Hope you like and Enjoy!!

Uchiha_Kai_Exino · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


My eyes widened when he said that. Seeing my shock, he began to explain, "You see Sasuke, I am not sure if you remember who were your random teammates in the Hydrax Server, but I do. That's how I was able to know who you are or rather were".


"So you mean to say that you were also with me that day when the server shut down. I don't remember much who were the other characters, but I knew there were 2 other players with me. Are you telling you were one of them".


"Yes, I was one of them. Lucky you, that you played with one of the main characters in Narutoverse and started living that life. But I had to live the life of Kid Kimimaro, a guy who I knew was to die from some stupid random disease. Do you know how I felt to know that you are living the life of a fictional character who is guaranteed to die. I refused to accept it, and that's why I started living on my own terms and started bringing change in Kirigakure".


Now I understood his viewpoint. This guy was one of the main reasons why the time line here was massively different. I asked, "What exactly did you do?"


He started laughing, "What did I do? Well, I was in this world when there was Civil war in Kirigakure in the body of Kimimaro Kaguya who was a kid. It was brutal trying to just survive. Well in short, I went with Orochimaru, used him to get Hashirama's cells, got Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo released and formed my own team Taka. Then we kicked Orochimaru and Kabuto and escaped to Uzushiogakure, where I ensured Karin became a Seal master with Uzumaki Scrolls. Then, we went back to Kirigakure and I found the 3 Tailed Beast along with the 6 Tailed Beast. You see, in this world, Utakata, the 6 Tails Jinchuriki died when his Teacher tried to release the Beast. So the 6 Tails was free here. And the 3 Tails was also lying without any Jinchuriki when the previous Mizukage died. With Karin's help, I have both the 3 Tails and the 6 Tails sealed in me. And I am a perfect jinchuriki. I also managed to save Zabuza and Haku, made Mei Terumi the 5th Mizukage and managed to get married to both her and Karin. From then on, I decided to make Kirigakure the number one village in Narutoverse and started slaughtering all other Shinobi Village Ninja since they are just some Fictional characters to me. I will control this world".


That was a lot of information for me to process. After a while, I asked, "Who was the other person with us that day?"


"It was Fu. Well in her case, she was a Gaara Fan. So she went to Sand Village somehow, saved Gaara and made him sane with her Talk no Jutsu. And guess what, she is now engaged to him after she somehow made him the Kazekage. But you got one thing wrong. That day in the Server, there were 4 Players and not 3 Players".


I just exclaimed, "What?".


"True, there was 1 more player who managed to join us just before the Server shut down. The problem is even I don't  who it is. But anyway enough talk, I think it's time we ended our Match", saying this he flared both of his Tailed Beasts Chakra and my Tsukiyomi got shattered.


Before I could even comprehend, he transformed into a Big Tailed Beast easily Towering over the entire arena. And somehow his form was completely different, as it was a Fusion of 3 Tails and 6 Tails, and so in total his Beast Form had 9 Tails. I decided to respond in Kind and brought my Perfect Susanoo, reaching his size and started battling him. Immediately many Konoha Shinobi, made some Barrier containing us such that our fight didn't kill the people outside who were just watching the fights. But everyone were stunned and scared seeing 2 Gigantic beings fighting each other.


And things took an even crazier turn from here. All the Six Paths of Pain from Akatsuki suddenly launched themselves into the village along with Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Deidara and Sasori. Even Orochimaru was there in Akatsuki Cloak. Figures! the guy could never be truly killed. Itachi was dumbfounded seeing my Perfect Susanoo and EMS.


Yahiko Pain declared, "Apologies for the interruption, but we have come to capture the Tailed Beasts. We couldn't pass up an opportunity when there were 5 Tailed Beasts in a Single Place – 1 Tails, 3 Tails + 6 Tails, 7 Tails and 9 Tails. It would be such a Time waste for us to individually hunt them".


It became a total mayhem from then onwards. Mine and Kimimaro's Battle stopped and we started fighting the Akatsuki along with everyone else. I tried to use Koto Amasukami on the Pains, but it didn't work at all on them. I didn't understand if that was because they were corpses or because of the Rinnegan.


I took out all the 6 Pains, while Naruto, Kimimaro and others fought the rest of Akatsuki. After a very long battle in Konoha, Itachi and Kisame managed to escape as the only Akatsuki survivors. Well Itachi actually tried to die as a Villain as he intended, but I actually broke his Genjutsu and told I knew the truth of Uchiha Clan Massacre. "Sorry Itachi, let me tell you a secret, your little brother died the day you used Tsukiyomi on him. I am someone else and I don't care about you or Konoha at all. Oh and for the record, I have your Father's eyes for my eternal mangekyou and I don't need yours". He couldn't respond to what I spoke but decided to Flee after seeing my Power.


But the Death Toll was still high. Hiruzen Sarutobi died in the battle. We couldn't find Nagato or Konan even with Naruto's Sage mode sensing. After the battle, all the Shinobi who came from other Villages for Chunin Exams immediately left. An emergency Meeting with all Clan Heads and jonins was scheduled for 3 days later to decide on what to do now that the Battle with Akatsuki was over. Even the Fire Country Daimyo came to Konoha in order to elect the new Hokage. The probable candidates were Jiraiya, Tsunade and Danzo.


After 3 days, I suddenly got some summon from Anbu saying that the Konoha Elders and Fire Daimyo wanted to meet me in a secret place that day to commend me for protecting Konoha and defeating Akatsuki's leader. I went to the place alone and found that the area was slightly on the outskirts (I remembered from my Anime Knowledge that this was the place where Danzo took Shisui's eye).


I could assume that he was planning on taking me out here and Danzo was here with his full force of Root Shinobi. But I decided to play his game and spoke "Hi Danzo Shimura. Why are we here? I was told you all wanted to meet me".


Danzo started speaking slowly "Ever since I became a shinobi I wanted to be the Hokage. I wanted to protect Konoha in my own way. I was initially scared of Itachi, but today you have made me realize that you are a bigger threat. You see, you Uchiha are a cursed clan and should not be allowed to have that much power, lest you start trampling on Konoha for your own Self-Interests. Also, you are close to Tsunade who is a thorn in my attempt to be Hokage. So I called you here to eliminate you and take your eyes.".


Saying this, he immediately revealed Shisui's eye trying to use KotoAmatsukami on me. My eyes reacted and morphed into the Eternal Mangekyo. He saw that nothing was happening to me and I started laughing at seeing him shocked "What's the matter Danzo, thought that Shisui's KotoAmatsukami will work on me. Unfortunately for you my Mangekyo possesses the exact same power". I immediately threw a senbon at Shisui's eye damaging it.


Danzo was shocked about his opponents' knowledge of Shisui. And Shisui's eye was rendered unusable. He immediately signaled for his entire Root to take care of me while he started removing the bandages on his hand so that he can use Izanagi.


I already knew what Danzo was planning and so when the Entire Root appeared, I proceeded to thoroughly demolish them and put them out of commission. Danzo was already ready and he was about to make hand signs for Izanagi when I used Tsukiyomi on him and tortured him with Genjutsu. After that genjutsu attack, he was in a mentally fractured state. I summoned my Susanoo and held him so that I could crush this guy who was really a pain for everyone. But before I could kill him, suddenly many Anbu, Jonin, Jiraiya and Tsunade in Hokage attire flickered there.


And before I could realize what was happening, Danzo exploded in my Susanoo's hand by activating his Suicide Seal. Everyone were looking at me shocked as if I committed a National Crime.


After some silence, Tsunade spoke sadly, "Sasuke, what did you just do. You killed an elder of Konoha. After becoming Hokage, I was thinking of promoting both you and Naruto to Jonin. But now this, this is equivalent to a state crime of being a Missing Nin".


What! Oh Shit, Danzo exploded so now they couldn't even use any Yamanaka to find his secrets by probing his head. And he had a backup plan to frame me in case he died by ensuring that everyone came here at the correct time. The crafty Bastard!


But now I couldn't prove my Innocence that Danzo was the one who attacked me first, nor could I tell them the truth of Uchiha Clan Massacre. Also, I can't use Koto Amatsukami on these many people as according to them, I killed Konoha's Elder in front of them. The only option left was to Run and I decided it was long overdue. This Ninja Village system was anyway hampering my freedom to explore the world on my own terms.


I took my Konoha Headband and threw it. I activated my Lightning Nintaijutsu and ran out of the Village faster than anyone could see. With my speed nobody could even catch me. And so, I became a Rogue Ninja!

To the Readers: And yes, that's the end of my fanfiction for now, which I just started as random thoughts. Sorry, there was some bashing and it ended on a dark note. Sorry, I don't have any much ideas to continue this story. I really don't know writing that much (due to which there may be problems in the quality of this Fic). Thank you very much for your patience and Hope you liked it. If you are interested, you can happily use the ideas present in this fic for your fanfiction. 😀