
UC: Into The World of Gundam [Hiatus]

(I'll put a better synopsis when I understand where this story is heading. I'm coming up with ideas on the go.) After getting into an unfortunate accident, our protagonist dies and meets the God of Reincarnation. After the God of Reincarnation agrees and sends our protagonist into another world, he faces two issues. He has entered the world of Gundam. What will he do in this new world? He isn't tied to the fight for the Earth Federation. He isn't tied to fight for the Principality of Zeon. What will he do in this new world? (I decided to write this because I was bored, so I'll say this here, don't expect this to be good or consistent. I'll try my best to upload good chapters, but no promises.)

noobstar14213 · Komik
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9 Chs

3) The life of an orphan (1)

Woah, a third chapter, crazy. Yes, I am BSing the chapter's name, and I'll continue to do so. Oh, that 2 chapters a week is BS. I'm not that consistent. Anyways, Let's start this chapter now.

Word Count: 2092



It's been 2 months since I got reincarnated. During these 2 months, I noticed a few things. One of the more notable ones is that people are more of an ass to orphans than you would think. Like honestly, the hell did I do to you, get the right to eat family-sized snacks alone? ...Okay, I know that was a bad joke, but come on, it was funny right? RIGHT? No? Well, your loss then. Anyways, back to what I was saying, the people around the market were giving me the stink eye, many of them even ignored me, hell, a couple even straight-up shoved me. Honestly, I don't even know why they're being such an ass... The best idea I could come up with is to release stress, but from what...?

Enough about that, since I started to help around the market, I built up some muscle and increased my endurance. Thankfully, by being the youngest here, no one expected me to do much. I was able to do my own thing and explore. During one of my many adventures, I came across an interesting piece of information, a rumor about a field test of a humanoid robot. It is more likely than not, the radiant R-8 prototype humanoid robot, you can say, is the very first prototype of the mobile suits. With the creation of the radian R-8 prototype, the next created mobile suit would be the MS-01.

The MS-01, also known as the ZI-XA3 Crabman, was the first functional mobile created by zeon. Thankfully I still have 5 years before these mobile suits start to improve and begin production.

A/N: Keep in mind, I just said mobile suits. The war doesn't officially start until another 11 years.

*Slap* Slapping my cheeks, "Alright, let's stop thinking about that, I still got time." Slapping myself out of my little monologue, I start making my way back to where our stall is at. Upon reaching the stalls, I noticed that there was a commotion. "Dammit, it better not be those asses again, if they are..."

"It looks like you little runts don't know when to leave, huh!?" Hearing that, I start to run closer to the others, while muttering, "I had to say it huh..."

"Woah, some of you guys are getting upset, what are you runts going to do, cry to your parents!? Oh wait, you don't have any! Hahaha!!!" After finishing his terrible and very overused insult, his entourage started to laugh.

*Clap Clap Clap* "Wow, such an original joke, I almost laughed. Though I gotta say, for a bunch of adults, you sure know how to play a children's game."

Turning around, the adult that instigated this whole joke of a situation yelled back, "Huh, what did you say you little brat!? You asking to get hurt!?"

"Woah, easy now, getting heated by a child's words? I wonder what would happen if you start to touch them?" I smiled back suggestively, hoping he'll do something stupid. 'Come on ol big mighty adult, do something.' My smile slowly turned into a toothy grin.

Finally having enough, the man started to rush at me. "It seems like having no parents left you with no discipline!"

"And having no one to love left you looking for children!" Yelling back, while rolling right to dodge a kick. After getting out of the roll, I turned around and punched the back of his knee, causing the poor bastard to drop.

"Slow down man, you really going to propose to me? Sorry, but I'm going to say no. I'm straight, and not to mention, a child." After such a great snarky comment, I noticed that was some movement in the crowd coming this way.

*Sigh* "It seems that our little lover's quarrel would have to end," Pointing in the direction where I saw people pushing towards us. "It seems people are trying to break us apart once again. We'll have to continue this on our next date." *Sniff Sniff*

"Dammit! I'll get you back for this!" Growled back from the manchild, while running away.

"You know where I live, so call me!" Yelling back without hiding my toothy grin, knowing that I just won this little confrontation.

<Third POV>

After the little "lover's quarrel" ended, Rei was dragged closer to the stalls run by the rest of the orphans.

*Smack* "Ouch. Dammit, why?"

"Why? It's because you could've gotten us in trouble Rei! Why did you go and escalate the problem? They would've left if you waited-"

"If I had waited until they had enough, they would've already destroyed the stall and possibly beaten some of us too. Though, it seemed to be happening for much longer seeing how you guys are taking this..." Bit back Rei, while muttering the last part.

"That's not the point! The point is that if people start to complain to the head caretaker about this, we'll get in trouble!"

"You say that as if they haven't heard yet. For the past 2 months that I've been allowed to help, I've seen them come back and destroy the things we sell. So tell me, what would cause us more trouble, them complaining, or us going back without any money and with squashed goods?" Rei answered back calmly, but holding slight irritation in his voice.

"..." Hearing no reply, Rei made his way to clean up the mess those people created.

Seeing how the situation has been resolved, if you can call it that, one of the older children spoke up, "Okay, since the problem is gone, we can clean up and continue working. Come on, hurry up!"

After that, the rest of them made their way to Rei and helped clean up the place. Though, in a place not too far away, a man was watching this whole event unfold. The man was none other than pedo bear- wait, wrong guy. *Ahem* The man was none other than Lucas, the moody, wannabe drill instructor of a caretaker. This now raises a few questions, why was he just watching? Why didn't he do anything? How long has he just watched and done nothing? Why didn't anyone bat an eye at the 4-year-old making pedo jokes?

A/N: Relax people, this is the end of my very "excellent and refined" jokes. Though, I can try and add more jokes, if the situation, or people, ask for it. And yes, I know that some of these jokes didn't really fit, but hey, let's just call it a beginning writer testing the waters, yeah? (Well, if they did fit, then uhh... YAY!!!)


After getting the stall cleaned up and running again, the day continued as usual. The shopping district looked like a generic flea market, or swamp meet to other people. It was loud, the streets were busy, you can see people bargaining, people buying crops and items, and if you paid a little attention, you can notice some people are also being pickpocketed.

The stall that Rei helped at mainly sold their leftover crops and handmade trinkets to the general public. Many of these trinkets were simple wooden flowers, keychains, necklaces, and bracelets. With what happened before, there wasn't much to sell. It didn't help that only a few people bought the crops, not to mention even fewer numbers for the homemade items.

As for the items they bought and brought back, they were generally tools and materials to help around to orphanage. If they had money to spare, they would buy their own things, for themselves and others. Sometimes, they would even bring back some desserts, such as cookies, muffins, candy, and even some shortcakes. Although, today wasn't one of those days.

At the end of the day, the group made their way back to the orphanage. On their way back, they saw the same adult harassing, this time, an old couple. Seeing this, Rei stopped and stared at what was happening.

"Rei, you're not thinking of causing trouble, are you?" Asked one of them, noticing that Rei stopped.

"Trouble for us, not really. For them, different story." Rei replied. A small grin started to appear while Rei ran over to do something. 'Since they leave before getting caught, let's just make it so they won't be able to.'

Getting close enough, Rei heard the man start ranting about how it's so much easier to harass the old couple than the brats that kicked his ass. Bearly keeping himself together, Rei started his plan.

Rei started to hit some nearby stalls causing some owners to get upset and blame others nearby for disrupting their business. Seeing how the idea was working, Rei continued for a while longer, right up until noticing a group of officers approaching.

After a short but successful mission, Rei made it back to the others. When they started to head back home, one of them couldn't help but complain.

"Rei, you could've-"

"But I didn't. Let's just head back before we do." Rei said instantly, knowing that if he continued, it would've been a pain.

A/N: And because I think I'm writing too much dialog. If you guys think otherwise, plz tell. If you do think I am, well, plz tell too. Anyways, back to the story.


Reaching the orphanage, the group reported to Lucas about the day. While reporting, Rei started to look around. 'Hm, seems like the other group isn't back yet. Where do they even go to be this late..?'

"It's only been 2 months since you started and you're still causing trouble it seems," Lucas said, interrupting Rei out of his thoughts. 'Great, now he's going to be on my ass again...'

"Did they tell you why I did it, or did they just say I'm causing trouble?" Rei answered back while wondering why he was still questioned. 'This isn't the first time this happened, why is he always on me like this...' *sigh*

"They did, but it will sooner or later bring trouble here, so stop before it happens. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. If I do get into trouble, I'll at least not bring it to the place where I live. I want live in peace too." Replied Rei nonchalantly, failing to see Lucas's wry expression.

"As long as you don't bring the trouble here then." Lucas finished and then walked away to do whatever he does.

Seeing Lucas walk away, Rei made his way to his room waiting for dinner. Inside his room, Rei pondered on the thought he had before getting interrupted.

'The first group always leaves first, they are also the only group that leaves in cars. I also haven't heard anyone talk much about what they do. The only notable thing is that the first group has most of the older ones while the group I'm in has the younger ones.'

"Rei, the others are back, so it's time for dinner!"

"Alright, be right there!"

Getting up, Rei made his way to the dining hall. 'I won't be getting answers if I just think about it. I might as well ask. I mean, what's the worst that can happen right?'


LET'S GO! I was able to get 3 chapters out! *Ahem* Anyways, here's chapter three. I decided to dedicate this chapter and the next, maybe 2, to Rei's life in the orphanage. I tried making it one chapter, but it felt like I just spilled paint on the chapter, so I just thought I'll make this into a couple of parts, hence part 1.

Enough about that. What are your guys thoughts on the dialogue? Honestly, it felt like I added a bit too much.

The comedy bits might have seen a bit much, but I was trying to use that to establish Rei's personality. If it seemed to be a bit much, I'll try to fix that. If you guys think it's alright, I'll keep it. (If I get no feedback, I'll keep it the same.)

One last note before signing off. I thought of a new fanfic idea. The fanfic is going to be in Seraph of The End, though I won't start to write it, wanna try finishing this first. If guys want that fic to be uploaded instead, or a first chapter, then well... ask.

Welp, that's it, I'm out. (Time to just read and relax)

So, thoughts? Ideas? suggestions? Don't have any? Oh, uh... well, thanks for reading none the less!

Here's hopping the next chapter comes out better, right?

noobstar14213creators' thoughts