
2) Well, this seems to be a good start

So hey, it looks like I made a second chapter. Honestly, I'm writing right after publishing the first one so I still have the drive for the next one. Anyways, here's hoping this isn't going to flop. Well, that's enough about that, let's get on with this bs of a chapter.

Word Count: 2234

"___" This would be used when characters are talking.

'___' This would be used whenever characters are thinking.

*___* This would be for sound effects

A/N: This will be the last chapter you'll see the above info. I know some people will find it annoying.


January 3, U.C. 0079 approximately at 0730, or 7:30 am, the Principality of Zeon has declared war on the Earth Federation. This one continued until the 10th. On this day, the Principality of Zeon dropped a colony onto Jaburo. When the colony enter the atmosphere, it started to fall apart, this caused the broken pieces to fall over the Arabian Peninsula. When the colony finally impacted the ground, it was near Sydney, Australia, obliterating the city. This impact caused a domino effect of the surrounding area being destroyed by tsunamis and other disasters. After Zeon confirmed this operation was a failure, they retreated. This incident was later known as Operation British.

Thanks to this incident, caused a rise in orphans. With an increase in orphans, the Earth Federation has now gained more test pilots to test out experimental mobile suits. One of these orphans incidentally is our mc's love interest. Though this doesn't become relevant until later in the story.


Let's go back a few years, on January 1, U.C. 0068. This is around the time when our protagonist gained his memories.


"Auggh, my head." Grabbing my head while looking around, I noticed that I was in a shabby-looking room. Suddenly, a strong wave of head pains assaulted me, causing me to fall back down on the bed I was just laying in. After what feels like a few minutes, the pain starts to fade away, causing my(?) memories to come back.

Sitting up, I start to run through my memories, "Okay, it seems like I live in an orphanage that's run by the government. It also seems to be my birthday. Huh, well happy birthday to me then..." While going through my memory, one piece of information stuck out to me. It was today's date, or more specifically the year. "U.C. 0068... Dammit, I'm inside Mobile Suit Gundam (0079). Luckily I'm here before canon, I got time before the war starts."

'How do I even prepare for the up-and-coming war? It's not like there's much a four-year-old can do. Wait, didn't that god give me an enhanced body, that could help, I can probably-'

"Rei, hurry and come out, breakfast is ready!"

'Oh, right I don't live alone anymore, best get ready.' Getting out of my pajamas and wearing causal wear, I start to leave my room. Leaving my room, I bump into one of the other kids in the orphanage. 'I believe his name was Franklin.'

A/N: Franklin won't be coming back up in this fic, just named him this because I and my friends misread a boss's name. Thus, the boss was renamed, Franklin. Just thought of adding this here so I can still remember how funny it was during that moment. Anyways, back to the story.

"Good morning Franklin. What's for breakfast?"

"Good morning. For breakfast, it's probably the usual."

"Oh, dried beef, porridge, and a biscuit that feels more like a brick. Got it."

"Yup, the usual. Anyways, let's hurry downstairs before mother Isabella gets mad."

*Shudder* "Yeah, let's. I don't want to get yelled at again."

After that, we both make our way downstairs.

A/N: It might seem like the mc's personality has changed, but it hasn't. The mc sometimes gets excited in unexpected and interesting situations, other than that, he's pretty much like this. Though, sometimes he might get a little too excited.


<Third POV>

When entering the ground floor, the place is noticeably old and a little run down. The paint on the walls is fading and bits are peeling off. The old tables and chairs in the dining hall also contain some rough repairs. The one thing in this place that seems like it didn't belong was how healthy the caregivers were. It's almost as if they were withholding food from the rest.

Finally entering the dining hall, the two boys sat down on the last two available seats, which were, unfortunately, for them, near mother Isabella.

"I see you boys finally decided to show up. Any longer than we would have to eat without you." Mother Isabella said while sitting with the rest of the children.

"Sorry mother Isabella, I had trouble waking up..."

"Haha, same. I woke up with a bit of a headache. It does feel better now, so I'm good."

"I see. Well, good morning you two, and happy birthday Rei. Since you finally turned 4, you are now able to help with the older kids, so you will be helping, do I make myself clear?"


*Grumble* "Haha... Well since we're here, can we start eating? I'm starving."

With the arrival of the last two, everyone started to eat their breakfast. During the breakfast, Rei couldn't help but overhear some of the other caretakers talking about a certain event that has happened, the death of Zeon Zum Daikun. 'It seems I did get reincarnated right before everything starts going south. I'll finish breakfast first before thinking about this some more.'

Finishing up his breakfast, Rei left the hall to go back to his room before the day officially starts. Upon entering his room, Rei decided to check himself out. He had on a dark red shirt with some sewn patches showing its wear. Matching with that, he had on black pants with some tears and some small holes near his feet. For his shoes, they were just some old black sneakers. Rei couldn't see how long his hair was, but he seems to have noticed that his body was unusually rough alongside hiding cuts and bruises. There was one notable mark, the one on his right arm. The mark seemed like an old third-degree burn stemming from his neck and then extending a little passed his elbow. Oddly enough, he couldn't remember where or when he got it.



I finished checking myself out, I started to look around my room. The room had the necessities a person can need. There was a desk and chair, a dresser with a lamp on top of it, and what seemed to be a bed nearby the window. There was also a notebook on the desk. Making my way toward it, I noticed that it wasn't used much. There were some creases on the pages, but not much writing. Seeing how there wasn't anything of note in it, I decided to think about what to do next.

*Phew* 'Now that I got some time to myself, let's start with what I know:

- Today's my birthday. I turned four years old and today's date is January 1, U.C. 0068

- Today being my birthday isn't that important, what is, is the year. From today's date, I know I am in the pre-canon of Mobile Suit Gundam (0079), and hearing that Zeon Zum Daikun has recently died, I can assume that I am at the start of Gundam Origins.

- The last thing to note is that in the orphanage, the government starts picking up some of the older kids if they weren't adopted, these kids range from 15-17. With this stuff happening, it could be said that this orphanage is more than what it seems. Though, it can also be something normal, can't be sure yet, yknow, for only being 4 years old and not remembering anything important because the younger me didn't find it fun.

Went a little off-topic there, anyways knowing that I'm at the start of Gundam Origins, I have a little over ten years before the war starts, meaning I got that much time to prep somehow. With that much time, I should work on making my body stronger and more durable. With a stronger body, joining the war or not, it'll benefit me in life in case of health problems start. I should also start reading; if I remember correctly, it should help boost brain power and make me smarter, it also doesn't hurt to read to pass the time here. With just these two solutions, if you can them that, I should be okay for a while, well up until I decide to pilot some mobile suits or the like.

'Alright, with that stuff done, time to begin the morning workout. Let's first start with-'

"Rei, everyone finished breakfast so get out here already! Mother Isabella needs you to start helping like the rest of us.

'Shit, right, not alone.'

Tidying up myself and the room, I make my way towards the dining hall. "Be right there!"

Going inside the dining hall, I spot mother Isabella alongside the others. "I see you came back out, any later, I would've gone up and got you myself."

"Haha, sorry. I just wanted to go back and start writing inside my notebook. Now that I can finally help out, I just thought I should start writing stuff down."

"Since you're so eager to work, let's get you started. First, put on these clothes. They may be a little big, but they should do the job. Those will help protect you in case you hurt yourself. After you put those on, meet the rest outside, they'll tell you what to do." After giving me the instructions, mother Isabella left.

Now in work clothes, I made my way to the group. Upon reaching them, I noticed there were about 20 others, including myself. We all had on the same wear though something stood out to me, I was the youngest one here. Not like a year younger, but like a few years. It seems I'm a little out of place.

"You brats line up, we got ourselves a new blood!" Hearing that shout startled me out of my thoughts. "New blood, get over here! I will tell you what to do, when you do, and how to do things here."

<Third POV>

Rei, making his way toward the person in charge, noticed that of the group of people they were supposed to line up, the other half started to go somewhere else. 'Weird, why did they leave? I thought we were supposed to line up altogether.'

"New blood, what you are doing is helping move stuff around, alright? We would've gotten you to do more but you are still a child so doing any more would be too much. Is that good enough for you?"

"Uh, yes sir."

"Good that you understand, 'cause I won't be explaining it again." Before walking away, the person in charge turned back and said, "You better do your job correctly, if not, we'll send you back. I don't care that you wanted to start early, if you blow this chance now, then you'll have to wait until the time when others normally begin. Oh, and the name's Lucas, and as you can see, I'm the person in charge of watching you brats."

"Yeah, I'll do my best," Rei said awkwardly, wondering why the man named Lucas was so aggressive with him. 'Ignoring how aggressive Lucas was, I now get why I am the youngest here. Anyways though, I should probably go to the rest.'

Finishing up his thoughts, Rei ran up to gather with the rest. Upon reaching them, They were then set to their jobs. Some of these jobs were to attend to the gardens, clean up the ever-dirty yard, repair broken items, and go buy and sell stuff in the local market. Where Rei decided to go was the local market. 'If I help at the market, I'll be able to gather information from the locals, plus with my help to move around the wears, I can get a bit of a workout to build up my muscles and endurance. Who knows, I might be able to build up my patience if there are any asshats that are annoying. Anyways, time to get to work.' With the work decided, everyone made their way to their respective jobs.


A/N: Yesh, trying to write without a concrete plan to follow is hard. Who would've guessed trying to make a spur-of-a-moment story was this hard? Anyways, here's the second chapter of this story. I've decided to try out pov switches, but honestly, I don't think I did it any good. Should I continue and try to mess with pov switches or nah?

From writing this chapter, I'm going to assume this fanfic is going to take a while to write. Took me about 3-4 days just to write this. So I'll say this here, I'll probably upload once a week, give or take, well, unless something comes up. (Totally won't be me trying to make an excuse of not wanting to write, umu.)

P.S: I didn't really proofread this, so there are gonna be mistakes. I'll fix any after sleeping.

P.P.S: I don't really know what "P.S" really mean, I always just assumed they're just there to tell people there's another smaller message.

So, thoughts? Ideas? suggestions? Don't have any? Oh, uh... well, thanks for reading none the less!

Here's hopping the next chapter comes out better, right?

noobstar14213creators' thoughts
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