
Twisted Bliss

Luna Eclipse aka Twisted Bliss is a metahuman who finds your deepest darkest secrets and exploits them until you eventually kill yourself. She famous for quite a number of things like working with the mafia and being a jewel thief. *** Luna Moon or Eclipse is a 24 year old metahuman with white hair and grey eyes. She is like the Harley Quinn and Alexa Bliss combined. She is the definition of insane. She doesn't care who she crosses as long as she gets what she wants. Welcome to her playground ,It's gonna be a total lunar Eclipse.

Angela_Masara · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter six: Ace Cain

So you might be wondering when there will be a cool heist or is there going to be an assassination or am I gonna be unemployed forever. The answers are yes (to the heist), yes (to the assassination) and no.

I am actually going to be working at a nerd school as a robotics teacher but I have a surprise. Do you remember when my friends crashed at my place .Well Kil kinda sorta told me about the nerd school and how they needed a new robotics teacher since the last one quit .So I applied and I had some rough competition but I 'took care' of him.

While I was celebrating I suddenly got a call from a certain someone (Eric).

''Hey dude'' I said while I was struggling to put on my boots.

''Hey is everything ok. Should I come over?'' he asked.

''Nope you should not come over. I am just struggling to get my goddamn boots on'' I said knocking over one of my very very very expensive vases.

''Ok. So we are in trouble.'' he said sounding distressed.

''What happened?'' I asked.

''So remember when I said that no detective wanted to take your case'' he said.

''Yeah'' I said.

''Well I was very wrong. It turns out that someone did take the lead in investigating you'' he said panicking. I could sense that he was in panic mode because I could hear panting.

''Well why are you panicking? The poor sap who decided to do the unthinkable should be panicking. And anyway we all know that whenever someone tries they never get anywhere'' I said sounding proud and confident and I was.

''Well I wouldn't be afraid if that person wasn't Ace Cain'' he said and I laughed hard.

''Ooh! I'm so scared, I'm even shaking in my five thousand dollar boots. Is that name supposed to send shivers down my spine 'cause it sure ain't.'' .

''If you don't know who he is ,you should do a search on him'' he said and disconnected the call.

I did an online search on this so-called Ace Cain an I was impressed by him. He had done some amazing stuff like getting the leader of the Russian mafia a life sentence and he had never been bought off by anyone. He had the heart, the honor, the pride, the honesty and the skills. Detective Ace Cain was everything a cop should be (if they weren't all dirty). But it's not enough to catch a world class criminal like me.

I am not scared of him and he's not scared of me. We are both alike but in this game of cat and mouse who is gonna win.

This is gonna be a fun, twisted game of cat and mouse Ace Cain. I'll be counting down the days till your demise. Ha! ha! ha! ha!. Tick tock, tick tock.

Should I tell my new boss that I'm not coming to work today. Sure he won't mind. And I was gonna quit the job anyway 'cause it was lame and boring. I should have let the dude get the job but I wanted to win at all cost even though I might have destroyed the nerd's future but he at least he learned a good valuable lesson which was DON'T EVER MESS WITH ME.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

The contest is ending soon so hurry up

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