

A family void of the mystery behind their success and achievements,get to find out later on....

Favour_Enyinnaya · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs


<p>Crystal's POV<br/> <br/> Today being the fifth day at work has been an adventure. Being an accomplice to my boss has been so boring and tiresome as we rarely talk or find comfort in each other's company.<br/><br/> Taking a short nap, I kept stealing glances at him because, since this morning, he looked so disheveled and seemed to be in denial of proper sleep because he had sleeping bags under his eyes and that made me worried.<br/> <br/> I wonder what a young man at his age would be thinking of all through the day. I have been trying to engage him in a conversation but he never ceased to remind me of my position here.<br/> <br/> "I don't think a woman like you should be involved in what you don't know. Sometimes curiosity kills" He said as I attempted the third time.<br/> <br/> I tried to focus on work, being his assistant, I have been occupied trying to wrap up my work since the morning. I guess he trusts me because no man in his right senses would give his PA such a task without a thorough check-up.<br/> <br/> "Sir I'm done going through it" I announced, handing over the big file to him.<br/><br/> "Well Miss Crystal you can keep it over there" He replied indifferently.<br/> <br/> "But Sir do you trust me this much?" I asked.<br/><br/> "Can't you be trusted?" He questioned back.<br/><br/> "Of course but..." I trailed off.<br/><br/> "Don't you worry, I will still go through them" He interrupted.<br/><br/> I stared at him one more time before retreating to my desk in the spacious luxurious room. Being bored, I tried chatting up Jess to give her a hint of my day at work but it seems she is busy as always so I decided to rest my head on the desk.<br/><br/> Damien's POV<br/><br/> I can't believe I slept without having the usual nightmare occurring this time. I woke up with a broad smile plastered all over my face. Since I turned twenty-four, this is my first time sleeping without that voice hunting me down in my dreams.<br/><br/> I stood up from the bed to freshen up then strode out from my mini apartment hidden inside my office.<br/><br/> Stepping a foot into the office, I noticed my PA sleeping as though she was within the confines of her room. I waltzed up to her to end her rest but she seemed to be in a deep sleep so I let her be.<br/> <br/> I decided to go through all the documents she left on my desk. I think she was right. I can't fathom the reserved trust I have for her.<br/> I spent my time going through them and what baffled me was her business intelligence. I tried catching up with any fault but found none. I stole a glance her way then returned to my work. <br/> <br/> I wonder why such a person doesn't have her own company by now. This world seems cruel to some kinds of people I guess.<br/><br/> Jessica's POV<br/> <br/> I wonder why Crystal loves putting me in a tight spot all the time. This is past her closing time, where could she be?<br/><br/> I kept on moving from one place to another as I kept trying to reach her through the line. I think going over to that place will be better.<br/><br/> I proceeded to get dressed but as I attempted, the door creaked open revealing her looking all worked up and tired. I heaved a sigh of relief.</p>