

A family void of the mystery behind their success and achievements,get to find out later on....

Favour_Enyinnaya · Urban
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33 Chs


<p>Crystal's POV<br/> <br/> I stirred from my sleep as the ray of sunlight kissed my cheeks. Today being a Sunday, I took a quick sleepy glance at the wall clock, and boom it was already 8:00 am. I hurried into the bathroom to do the necessary and after some minutes, I was all dressed for today's exuberant service.<br/> <br/> Done with the celebration I had with the duo last night, I also informed my mum about it and of course, she felt proud. I wish I could make time to go see her. She's been my support since the day my dad kicked the bucket.<br/> <br/> Jessica's POV<br/> <br/> All dressed to go with Crystal today, I relaxed in the living room awaiting her arrival as memories of last night came rushing through my mind like the wind. I couldn't even catch some sleep the previous night. My curious mind kept wondering how she made it with that company when the little companies that have less profound names refused her.<br/><br/> After a while in my flustered thought, I saw her matching down the stairs gracefully dressed in a red floral gown.<br/> <br/> I stood up as she took a few steps towards me with mixed emotions evident on her face if I were to be in her shoes, I would've done the same.<br/> <br/> "Jess, where are you off to this early?" She asked, scanning me all over with those balls of hers.<br/> <br/> "I'm coming with you today to serve that God of yours" I replied smiling but she just stood transfixed in her position looking surprised.<br/> <br/> "I know it sounds weird but I've made up my mind to serve your God. I've watched you for five years and I've seen and learned a lot without your knowledge. The way you lived, the way you tolerated every ill thing around you kept me wondering. What broke the last straw was this job you got at one of the most prestigious companies here in London" I revealed, watching her somber expression due to my expositions, I decided to halt thereby pulling her in for an embrace.<br/> <br/> <br/> Crystal's POV<br/> <br/> Overwhelmed by Jess's confession, I felt so happy knowing who my best friend would be soon. After consoling each other, we burst into a fit of laughter and then headed to the church in her car.<br/><br/> <br/> Writer's POV<br/> <br/> "How dare you?" The voice resounded again.<br/><br/> "Please untie me" He cried, struggling to break free.<br/><br/> Tied to a chair in the same dark room as always, he kept groaning, panicking because the voice this time seemed dire in need of his life. The duo seemed to be in an awful situation as none wished to back off his own pace.<br/><br/> "Please untie me" He pleaded again but this time in a hoarse voice seeking freedom.<br/><br/> "I know no mercy" The voice replied, laughing eerily causing goosebumps all over his body.<br/><br/> After a while, he held onto his neck gasping for air. Struggling, the voice kept laughing eerily.<br/><br/> "Your time is up due to our bargain" The voice announced.<br/><br/> "I...didn't" He replied fearfully.<br/> <br/> "Well, that's not my problem. I'm here for what is mine" The voice answered.<br/><br/> He jerked up swiftly from the nightmare trying to take in some air. <br/><br/> Damien's POV<br/> <br/> I jerked from my sleep due to the nightmare I just had. I wept uncontrollably wondering the very day all these would come to an end. It was already 3:00 am so I decided to keep myself company with my work after weeping for a while. Just when I was about to work, my door crept open revealing my mum peeping through. <br/> <br/> " You are awake already or you didn't even try to catch some sleep?" She asked worriedly, walking in.<br/> <br/> "Mum I just woke up" I replied weakly.<br/><br/> "The nightmare again?" <br/><br/> "Yes Mum"<br/><br/> She nodded sadly coming over to sit beside me on the bed.<br/><br/> "Mum don't get worked up with this. Go back to sleep" I informed.<br/> <br/> "Come on Damien, you know I can't leave you like this. I feel so useless knowing that I can't offer any help. I don't know what's even after your life. I'm confused" She replied, weeping with her face buried in between her palms.<br/> I felt sorry for her and it seems she doesn't know or have anything that could be of help.<br/><br/> "Come here mum" I urged her, pulling her into my embrace.<br/> <br/> "I need to find out more about my dad, mum" I informed.<br/><br/> "I know nothing about him sincerely. It seems my memory of him is vague. I could only remember his last wish" She revealed.</p>