
Twilight: The Way Blood Flows in You

Okay folks here it goes. Chapters will be long around 4-5k words. Check AUX for information regarding fml. No Yuri, No NTR, No Yaoi. No f**k at first sight. Slow-burn. No Edward Bashing or a MC who is perfect. Mine will be full of certain type of flaws. No face slapping. Minimum 1 fml, maximum will be 2. Will depend upon the poll I will conduct. No weak MC. I will reveal things about MC over time. No angst or depression. It will be on lighter tone, so if you wanted dark or gritty one, this is not your cup of tea.

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7 Chs

Main Character

Name : Reynold Sylvesterus Wilhelm Rothchilde

Age : ??

Gender : Male


Eye Color: Violet

Hair Color: White

Skin Color: Pale

Build: Lithe

Demeanor: Sarcastic, Polite, Whimsical

Familiar: Fou

Female Lead (Alice is under poll)

Bella Swan