
Van Helsing,Is that you

After the encounter with Selene,

Alex and Alice came to their house.

"Do you think it's wrong to kill her?" Alex asked sitting on the couch.

"No She wanted to control you"

"I thought it makes you upset"

"I am a vampire, remember?" Alice said sitting near Alex."Just because we don't drink human blood anymore,it dosen't mean we never had killed before."

'Now I think about that it's my first time killing a human even though she is a witch.Reincarnation really changed me huh' Alex thought.

After few days Alex took Alice to a date and after enjoying their time together they were walking on a street at night.

" Someone following us"Alex said in a low voice.

Soon Alex and Alice turn to a alley and the man who was following them quickened his steps to keep up with them.But after turning he met with a empty alley.

"Are you looking for someone ?" suddenly a voice came behind making him jolt.He raised his arms turning around.

"Wait,I am not here to fight" He said while looking at the couple infront of him.

"Then are you here to spy on us?" Alex asked.

"He is a hunter" Alice said

" Wait wait I am here to deliver the message

from our boss." The hunter said nervously.

"Our boss likes to meet you"

"Then lead the way" Alex said.

"Are you sure?Hunters known for their cunningness"Alice said.

"Don't worry.If they try something we will crush them.So let's go."

"She can't come.She is a vampire." Hunter said

" Nobody cares" Alex said ignoring the hunter.

"They will act hostile if I came too."Alice asked.

"Come on.It will be fun and since they want to just talk there will be no problem."Alex said putting his hand around Alice's waist.

While they were going towards the hunter's base Alex thought 'Hunters were never shown in the movie or book.So this is new.Well witches were not suppose to be here either.'

After walk for a while they stoped infront of a building. The hunter tapped the door three times and suddenly a man opend the door said "Come in."

When Alice tried to enter she was pushed back by a invisible force.

" Vampires are not allowed to enter" The man who opend the door said.

"Then I am not coming either." Alex said

"Let them enter" Another voice came.

When a old man around 70s came towards them both hunters bowed their heads.

"I am sorry for the inconveniencement Mr.-" Old man said.

"Creed,Alex Creed.Who may you be?"

"Ah...Where is my manners?I am Hector Van Helsing leader of The Hunters."Old man said.

After he invited Alice to inside and she was able to passed the door without a problem.Then they went to a office room.Inside the room there was a big portrait of a man who looks like a cowboy with crossbow on his shoulder.

'Wait,Why the hell is he looks like Hugh Jackman'Alex thought in surprise.

"This is our ancestor Gabriel Van Helsing " Hector said looking at Alex.

"Do you like a tea or coffee Mr.Alex?"

" Don't beat around the bush old man" Alex said.

"Yes...Let's get into the topic then.You know New York isn't our headquarters.But few years ago there were reports about dead vampires who turned into ashes.And it attracted lot of attention of supernatural world.We decided to investigate too.Then we find a security camera footage of you killing a vampire.Since then we tried to keep a eye on you but you always disappeared.But few days ago we found a magic pulse and when we investigate we found your involvement.You may not know but we keep covering your tracks for a long time."Hector said

"So what do you want?Don't tell me you called me here to have a little chat"

"Your girlfriend is a golden eyed vampire right?Normally vampires are hunted whether they are vegetarian or not.But if you do something for us we will stop hunting golden eyed vampires so they can live anywhere they like without looking out for hunters"

"What should I do for that?"Alex asked.

"Get rid of Volturi "

"Are you crazy?Alex,This is dangerous" Alice said

"I didn't tell you to fight them face to face.You can get rid of them one by one or anyway you like.So do we have a deal?" Hector asked.

"I will think about it" Alex said

"Let's go alice" After they get out and walked towards their home.

"You can't do that" Alice said.


" Fight with volturi .What if you get hurt?"Alice said worriedly.

"Don't worry Alice.But is it true that vampires hunted by them."

"Yes,they made deals with witches to make enchanted weapons for them.Some of these weapons are really powerful.But they are mostly active in Europe.I think they especially came for you."

"I think its better discuss this with Carlisle and others."Alex said.'Even if I don't destroy them now.I will destroy them in few years.'He thought.

"Don't worry nothing will separate us"Alex said kissing Alice's forehead.

"By the way you are really something else" Alex said playfully.

"Why" Alice asked in confuse.

"I lived in this city for three decades but never encountered these situations.But just in week After you came we met a crazy witch and the hunters"

"Hump....are you calling me a troublemaker"Alice asked with a pout.

"Of course not.You are my lucky charm." Alex said pinching her cheek.

Later that night

Alex was sleeping when he had a dream.He was back in void were he met old man god. 'Did I died again'he thought

"No,you are not" Old man god said.

"Huh...Then why I am here again?"

"I just wanted to tell, you can't kill volturi yet."


" Everything will be revealed over time my child"

"Then what is this man from stars story?"

"I thought that for your origin I should give a personal touch."Old man god said with a smug smile.

"Don't tell me..."

"Hah hah ha...bow down to your ancestor kid"

"Noooo"With that Alex lost his consciousness.