A man got reincarnated as a Kryptonian in the Twilight universe.What will be his destiny? Author note:- This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language. Twilight or superman dosen't belong to me
Alex was a normal youth in his twenties. His hobby was reading webnovel and gaming.This particular day he went to grocery and on his way back he saw a old lady crossing the street.Suddenly he saw a truck coming towards the old lady.
Alex being a typical MC ran towards the old lady and pushed her away, but unluckily he got hit by the truck. Alex felt his life drifting away from him ' Atleast I saved the old lady right? 'That was his thought before he fell unconscious.
He woke up in a middle of a void 'Am I dead? Is this the after life maybe I will get a chance to reincarnate.After all I died in a classic way' he thought.
"Hahaha..That's right my boy.you will be reincarnated." Alex was surprised to find an old man who looks like a neighborhood grandfather behind him.
"so I am really dead. Aren't I accepting this little too fast? Shouldn't I be panicking?"
"This is the hall of reincarnation my boy.It's a place where souls can keep their calm and accept the death faster" the old man said.
"So you are kinda a god and I'm going to reincarnate.Do I get a gift or something?"
"Yes,but its depends on your luck.Let's hurry"
A gaint wheel appeared infront of Alex and there were lots of different words like super soldier serum, necromancy,gen x,vampire,werewolf,etc
The wheel start to spin and after while It stoped at Kryptonian.
"Hell yah, I am fu**ing op"
"yah,yah well let's see which world you will be going"
Another wheel appeared with words like Marvel,dc,Teen wolf,Twilight ,etc and after spinning it's stoped at Twilight.
"Well kid, you probably going to be the strongest of that world.whatever do you want customize your powers?"
"You can have special abilities of any kryptonians for a equal exchange like flying for kryptonite resistance.Do you understand ? "
After hearing that Alex start to think deeply after while he said " since I am going to twilight universe I want superdemon's magic and psychic resistance and...flame breath.Which abilities will be exchange for them?"
"hmm...heat vision and freeze breath ,btw excellent choice .If you are done let's proceed.you will be reincarnated 30 years before the canon. Since you need to absorb solar energy .Don't worry there won't be any kryptonite. your backstory will be a sad one btw.Your parents die at age 9 in a car accident and you will awake your power at that time and survives
you will regain your memories at that time as well.Now begone " Old man god said in one breath and even before Alex can open his mouth he start to fell unconscious again.