
Twilight: Alpha

Mc gets reincarnated as Jacob Blacks, older brother Lucian Black the true alpha of the pack what will he be able to accomplish? First, fic just wanted to have fun and write my own story. The only thing I own is my OC’s. Words per chp 2000 plus.

TheOnlyAlpha · Filem
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

(1 week later.)

I slowly open my eyes I start to get up and feel that I am taller and have more muscles. I walk out of my room and see my dad and Harry Clearwater, they hear me walk out of my room.

"How do you feel," Billy asks.

Billy knew about the Spirit Warriors in the movie so I might as well tell him the truth.

"If I'm being honest dad I feel amazing, I feel so much stronger and faster."

Billy and Harry make eye contact and nod at each other.

"Son do you remember the stories I used to tell you about the Spirit Warriors and the story about Taha Aki." Billy asks.

"Yes, I do," I say while nodding.

"We believe you are the next spirit warrior of the tribe," Billy says.

I act surprised.

"What does this mean?" I ask.

"We believe you are in your Phasing phase, meaning here soon you will be a mighty warrior," Harry says proudly.

"Do you remember the stories of the cold ones?" Billy asks.

"So my purpose is to protect the tribe against the Bloodsuckers?" I ask.

"Yes, that is your purpose," Harry said.

Billy and Harry told me more about the Spirit Warriors over the next couple of hours.

(2 weeks later.)

Tonight, the tribe is having a meeting where all tribe members are invited. The tribe leaders tell stories, I don't want to go but Dad is telling me I have to.

Once we arrive at the tribal meeting Jake and I find a seat. I figured it was about time I start looking for potential Pack-mates I look around and see Sam and Leah I remember them both to be strong fighters. I also remember them having some sort of grudge against each other because of the imprint, maybe if I start them both Phasing right now they will Phase together and imprint on each other.

While looking at the both of them I close my eyes and do the same thing that I did to myself the other day.

'I hope it worked, I really should have asked for some sort of tutorial.' I thought to myself.

"Ahhhh" I fall out of my chair because of the pain my body is going through.

My instincts are going crazy inside of my head.

'Find them, Find them, Find them'

'Kill, Kill, Kill.'

"Lucian, what's going on?" Jake asks worriedly.

"F-Find Dad," I say.

I see Jake just standing next to me.

"HURRY" I bark at Jake he falls back stunned.

Billy hears me yell at Jake, he looks over and sees me on the ground he wheels himself over to us.

"Lucian, what's happening?" He asks.

"V-Vampires, I-It's happening," I say only Billy could hear me though.

He drops off the Wheelchair and gets close to my ear.

"Go, run to the forest and let it happen, don't fight it," Billy whispers in my ear.

I get up without taking another second to think about what he said, I take off running towards the Forest.

Once I take off running Billy turns around and makes eye contact with Harry Clearwater and the other tribe leaders and nods they are the only ones who know about Lucian Phasing.

Jade Cullen POV.

My family and I have just come back to Forks we were in Alaska with the Denali coven.

Alice got a vision that we would be coming back to forks, but she also saw something else.


I'm looking at myself in the mirror I'm doing my hear and makeup I have blonde hair grey eyes and very white teeth. (Image in comments)


We all run to Alice who is now in a daze. She's having a vision, and we all get slightly nervous Emmet grabs Rosalie, Carlisle grabs Esme, and Jasper stands next to Alice, while Edward and I stand alone because we have yet to find our mates.

After 2 minutes of utter silence, Alice's vision comes to an end.

Alice looks at me and smiles and walks toward me and starts jumping around like a little bundle of joy.

"Alice, what happened? Why are you so happy?" I ask irritated.

"Well, we're going back to forks!!" Alice says while smirking.

Edward laughs because he already knows what she didn't tell me.

I start to walk back upstairs annoyed that we are going back to Forks.

"Oh, I almost forgot I've seen your mate!" Alice says.

I stop midstep and speed back in front of Alice.

"W-What really?" I ask super excited.

"Yes!" Alice says with a big smile.

"Congratulations," Esme and Rosalie walk in front of me and give me a big hug.

"Alice, tell her everything you saw it's not right to keep it from her," Edward says.

"Edward some things don't need to be said right now, just let her be happy," Alice says while glaring at Edward.

"What is it tell me," I say to Alice Pleading with her.

"Are you sure?" Alice asks.

"Yes, please."

Alice sighs.

"He's a wolf from the tribe and a big one at that.

I start to walk upstairs once I'm almost at the top I turn around.

"I don't care who or what he is." I then walk to my room and close the door.

I sit in bed and bring my knees to my chest.

"I Finally have a mate." talking to myself with a smile.

(Flashback end)

We arrive at our house and start to unpack.

(5 hours later)

It is now dark outside we are all in the living room Emmet and Jasper are playing the Xbox while Rosalie, Carlisle, Alice, Esme, and I are discussing my mate, Edward is playing the piano.

Alice stops talking and just stares straight ahead, we notice she is having a vision.

After 2 minutes Alice comes out of it with a scared look on her face.

"Alice, what is it?" Carlisle asks.

"F-Four Nomads are about to cross into our territory, looking for a fight." Alice stands up and takes off about the door we all start to run after her.

After running for about 2 minutes we arrive at the edge of our territory.

"On the other side is the Quileute tribe," Carlisle says.

We all stop at the edge of the cliff at the bottom of the cliff is a river and on the other side is the Quileute territory.

"HAHAHA, look who's here." We hear a voice from the other side of the river.

We look toward the voice and see 3 Vampires.

"Hey, Carlisle remember me?" a man with blood-red eyes says.

"Kalon, Jorin, and Simon, how could I forget but where's your brother?" Carlisle asks while stepping in front of us.

"He's dead because of you Carlisle," Kalon says with anger.

Alice said four vampires were coming so he's lying and the other one is waiting and is hiding himself somewhere.

"I am sorry to hear that," Carlisle says.

"Your gonna be." we hear Kalon whisper.

Kalon makes eye contact with me and has a sinister smile.

"You know what Carlisle there is a way all can be forgiven," Kalon says while never taking his eyes off me.

"Oh, and how's that?" Carlisle asks.

I hear Edward start to snarl behind me.

"The only thing I want is your Daughter," Kalon says with a sinister smile.

Jasper and Emmett step beside me.

"Just let my brothers and I go a couple of rounds with her and all is forgiven." Kalon says.

His brothers are now smiling beside him.

"You wish" I say.

"What did you say slu-" Kalon gets cut off.



I look toward the sound and I see two eyes that are reflecting the light from the moon.

I can now see it is a giant Black wolf with white and blonde streaks in it's furr. (image in comments.)

'Could it be?' I think to myself.

The Giant wolf keeps walking toward the 3 vamps now that it is outside of the tree line I notice that there is a head in its mouth but I'm not the only one that notices.

"COLIN" the three brothers say together.

As they say, their brother's name we all hear another sound.


Colin's head crumbles into a lot of Pieces.

The smile on the three brothers' faces is now long gone and their faces are now filled with anger.

Kalon starts to run toward the giant wolf but on the wolf's face, I swear I can see a smile.

As Kolin is about to reach him the wolf lunges Forward and grabs Kolon by the Throat with his mouth he easily bites down and Kolin's head falls off.

Jorin and Simon see how easily the wolf killed their brother they start to run toward us as they're about to jump over the river the giant wolf bites Jorin by the foot and pulls him down and starts tearing him apart.

"AH-Ahhh-Ah bro-ther" Jorin yells in pain.

Simon hearing his brother call for help doesn't care and continues to run towards us when he was about to run past us Emmett and Jasper grab him.


I look back over and see the giant wolf has crushed Jorin's head.

The wolf looks at us and once his eyes meet Simons, he jumps over the river with little effort.

Jasper and Emmett see the giant wolf walking toward them and throw Simon toward the wolf.



"They've gotten stronger," Carlisle says referring to the wolf.

"Hello my name is Carlisle, my family and I have a treaty with your Tribe I believe the Cheif at the time was Ephraim Black." Carlisle says to the wolf.

"GRRRRR" the wolf Growls at Carlisle but this time it's more of a grumble instead.

"Edward what did he say?" Carlisle asks.

We all look toward Edward but we see he has a confused look on his face.

"I-I can't read his thoughts I look into his thoughts and all I see is a wolf looking back at me." Edward says.

"How about you Jade?" Carlisle asks knowing that my gift is the ability to speak to animals.

"I'll try" I say.

The wolf looks towards me.

"Hello my name is Jade cul-."

Before I could finish speaking i make eye contact with the wolf at that moment it was like he was the only thing that matters.

Lucian POV.

(5 minutes before.)

I am now running in the forest at speeds that are impossible for any normal human.


I start Breathing heavily and start to feel extremely hot.

"AHHHHH" I scream in pain as my body is being ripped apart and reformed after what felt like 5 minutes of excruciating pain I am now standing on four legs at a height of 7'5 at shoulder length and about 13' long.

'Kill Kill Kill'

I sniff in the air and smell something that is almost revolting to the nose once the sent is in my reach my legs start moving on their own like my instincts are pulling me towards what ever this smell is.

I start running I trip over my legs a couple of times I'm still trying to get used to running on four legs after I deal with these Bloodsuckers I need to train and get used to my new body.

After running for about 3 more minutes I arrive about 30 meters behind a vamp that is trying to hide behind a tree, in the distance, I can hear some vampires talking.

I start to sneak up on the one in front of me I get about 5 meters away from him, and I bend down and get ready to launch at him.

The wolf inside of me is screaming at me to kill him.


I launch myself at him, giving him no time to react. By the time he's able to turn around, I already have my teeth around his neck.


After killing my first vamp I feel my wolf is pleased with me, I hear some talking in front of me I look up and see the Cullens and a new group of vamps I don't know.

"Kalon, Jorin, and Simon, how could I forget but where's your brother?" A man says if I remember correctly that's Carlisle.

"He's dead because of you Carlisle," Kalon says with anger.

'Well, he is now' I think to myself.

"I am sorry to hear that,"Carlisle says.

"Your gonna be." I hear Kalon whisper.

"You know what Carlisle there is a way all can be forgiven," Kalon says.

"Oh, and how's that?" Carlisle asks.

I hear a snarl coming from behind Carlisle.

"The only thing I want is your Daughter," Kalon says with a sinister smile.

"Just let my brothers and I go a couple of rounds with her and all is forgiven." Kalon says.

His brothers are now smiling beside him.

"You wish" I hear a soft and gentle voice say.

I start to feel enraged at the comment he just made to this girl I've never met her but it's like my wolf is telling me to protect her and never let anything harm her.

"What did you say slu-"

I start to growl uncontrollably.


I start to take a step forward.

"SNAP" I step on a thick branch and it snaps in half under my weight.

I keep walking forward I am now about 10 meters away from the 3 Vampires I hear them say something.

"COLIN," they say in unison.

'AHH, so that's this vamps name.'


I bight down on the head in my mouth and crush it with ease.

I see one of the vamps start to run towards me I start to grin if that's even possible for a wolf he's about 2 meters away from me I bend down and launch on top of him I guess I moved faster than he thought I would because I now have my teeth around his neck I bight down and once again easily sever his head off his body.


The other 2 brothers seeing me easily kill their Brother start to jump across the river i grab one of them and slam him down on the ground I jump on top of him and start to tear him limb for limb.

"SCREECH" was the sound that was heard when I was tearing his limbs off.

I hear him say something to his brother but I don't care what it is.

After killing him I look at the Cullens and realize they caught the other Vamp I see Emmett make eye contact with me and he nods I jump across the river and I am now slowly walking in front of Emmett and Jasper, they throw the vamp at me I jump on him and rip his head off.

"They've gotten stronger," Carlisle says while looking at me.

I start to walk away but then I hear Carlisle trying to talk to me.

"Hello my name is Carlisle, my family and I have a treaty with your Tribe I believe the Cheif at the time was Ephraim Black." Carlisle says while looking at me.

I try talking to him but then I remembered I am a wolf body.

"Edward what did he say?" Carlisle asks Edward.

All the Cullens look at Edward and so do I.

"I-I can't read his thoughts I look into his thoughts and all I see is a wolf looking back at me." Edward says.

'Ohh, yea he won't be able to read my thoughts forgot about that.

"How about you Jade?" Carlisle asks.

'Wait who is Jade I don't remember there being a Jade in the movie?' I think to myself.

"I'll try" I hear the same soft and gentle voice say.

I look toward where the voice came from and I see the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen in this life or my past, she has a stunning head of blonde hair hair and her body is perfect. I think to myself.

"Hello, my name is Jade cul-."

Before she could finish my eyes met hears and at that moment it was like she was the only person that matters.

'W-Why,' I think to myself before turning around and running away.

To be continued.


Word count-2751

Hey guys author here hope y'all liked the chp from now on the chps are gonna be 2000+ words maybe more.