
Twenty Ninety

Jax, a 23-year-old man, finds himself in a strange and chaotic future in the year 2090. Along with thousands of other people, he wakes up in a massive arena without any knowledge of how or why they were brought there. The atmosphere is tense as everyone is confused and frightened by the situation. Jax, however, is determined to find a way back to the past and begins his quest for answers. As he explores the futuristic world around him, he encounters strange new technologies and discovers that the world has undergone significant changes since his time. He meets other survivors who share his goal of returning home, and together they begin to unravel the mystery behind their displacement. As Jax delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a sinister plot by a group of scientists who have been experimenting with time travel. He realizes that they are responsible for bringing him and the others to this future as part of their twisted experiment. However, their experiments have gone awry, and Jax and his fellow survivors are now trapped in this time period. The conflict rises as Jax and his team must navigate through various obstacles to uncover the truth about the experiment and find a way back to their own time. They face numerous challenges, including dangerous creatures, hostile factions, and the ever-present threat of being captured by the scientists. The stakes are high as Jax and his team race against time to find a way back home. They experience many setbacks along the way, but their determination never wavers. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they discover the key to their escape: a secret portal that leads back to their own time. In a climactic scene, Jax and his team confront the scientists responsible for their predicament and succeed in shutting down their operation. With the portal now open, Jax and the others make their way back to their own time, leaving behind the strange and terrifying world of 2090. In the end, Jax returns home a changed man, having learned valuable lessons about perseverance, determination, and the power of friendship. He realizes that even in the face of impossible odds, anything is possible with the right mindset and support system.

Nirv · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Jax's fingers flew across the keyboard, each keystroke a testament to his dedication and expertise. He delved into the encrypted corners of the digital world, seeking answers to the cryptic message that threatened catastrophe.

"Alright," he muttered to himself, "let's see what you're hiding." He initiated a search algorithm that combed through vast quantities of data, focusing on anything related to the potential disaster. Simultaneously, Jax tapped into his network of contacts in the tech community, sending messages to trusted friends and colleagues who might have information or insights about the warning.

A soft ping interrupted his thoughts as a reply appeared on the screen. It was from Alex, an old college friend turned cybersecurity expert. Jax's eyes scanned the message quickly, absorbing its contents with growing concern.

"Hey Jax, I've heard rumors of some kind of attack being planned. Something massive. I don't have much info yet, but I'll keep digging and let you know if I find anything."

"Thanks, Alex. Keep me posted," Jax typed back, his fingers trembling slightly. If Alex had heard rumors too, this was far more serious than he had initially thought.

As he dove deeper into his investigation, the pieces began to fall into place. Reports from his contacts painted a picture of an imminent catastrophe orchestrated by an unknown group, one that could impact millions of lives and send shockwaves through the global economy. The scale and scope of the potential disaster were staggering, leaving Jax feeling both awed and terrified.

"God, what is going on?" Jax whispered, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath to steady himself, then refocused on the task at hand.

He continued to sift through the data, searching for patterns and connections that might reveal the truth behind the message. It wasn't long before he uncovered something that made his blood run cold – a series of seemingly unrelated events that, when viewed together, formed a chillingly coherent picture.

"Could this really be happening?" he thought, his mind racing. The evidence was mounting, and with each new discovery, Jax's concern deepened. He knew that if the catastrophe occurred as predicted, it would be unlike anything the world had ever seen.

"Alright," Jax said, steeling himself for what lay ahead, "I need to find more solid evidence. And then…I'll do everything in my power to stop this."

His resolve hardened, Jax continued his search, his fingers tapping out a frenzied rhythm on the keyboard. He knew the stakes were higher than ever before, and nothing – not skepticism, nor fear, nor any obstacle that might arise – would deter him from his mission.

"Time is running out," he thought grimly, determination burning brightly within him. "I won't let this happen. I can't."

The hum of Jax's computer filled the small apartment as he leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes wearily. He had been digging through mountains of data for hours, and while the evidence was piling up, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something crucial.

"Alright," he muttered to himself, "let's see what my contacts in the tech community have found."

As he pulled up their encrypted messages, he frowned at the news they brought. It seemed a rival hacker group had caught wind of the impending catastrophe and was planning to exploit the chaos for their own gain. To make matters worse, his contacts warned him that a hostile government agency was also involved, actively working to suppress any knowledge of the threat and discredit those who sought to expose it.

"Great," Jax sighed, running a hand through his unkempt hair. "Just what I needed – more obstacles." Despite the mounting odds, his determination only grew stronger. He knew that millions of lives were at stake, and he refused to let them down.

"Okay, think," he said, tapping his fingers on the desk. "I need a countermeasure, and I need it fast." Jax's mind raced through possible solutions, each accompanied by a flurry of images and calculations. His high IQ and love for technology were both a blessing and a curse; while they allowed him to process information at breakneck speeds, they also fed his insatiable curiosity, driving him to seek out new challenges even when he should have been resting.

"Maybe if I can isolate the source of the attack, I can create a firewall or some sort of defense mechanism to shield the global network," he thought, his fingers already flying over the keyboard as he began to code the necessary software. As he did so, he sent out messages to his online friends, rallying them to join his cause.

"Guys, I've uncovered something massive, and I need your help," he typed, his words appearing on the screens of fellow hackers and programmers around the world. "We don't have much time, but together, I believe we can prevent a global catastrophe."

"Count me in," one friend responded immediately, while others chimed in with their own pledges of support.

"Alright team, here's what I've found so far," Jax said, sharing his discoveries with his newfound allies. As they exchanged ideas and strategies, their collective knowledge and skills quickly began to outpace the efforts of their adversaries. They were an unlikely group – a ragtag band of tech-savvy misfits united by a common goal – but their determination was unwavering.

"Jax, I think I've got a lead on the hostile government agency," one friend reported, her voice crackling over the encrypted voice call. "They're trying to silence whistleblowers and discredit any rumors about the catastrophe."

"Good work," Jax replied, his brow furrowed in concentration as he continued to refine his countermeasure. "Keep digging, and let me know as soon as you find anything else."

As hours turned into days, Jax and his allies worked tirelessly, each contributing their unique skills and insights to the cause. Despite setbacks and challenges, they remained steadfast in their mission, refusing to be deterred by the rival hacker group or the shadowy government forces that sought to undermine them.

"Time is running out, but we can do this," Jax thought, his eyes glued to the screen as he put the finishing touches on his countermeasure. The stakes had never been higher, and failure was not an option. He knew that, together, they had the power to change the course of history – and he would stop at nothing to ensure their success.

Jax's heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the countdown on his screen. The numbers seemed to blur together, taunting him with their relentless march toward zero. Sweat beaded on his forehead as his fingers danced across the keyboard, desperately inputting the final commands for the countermeasure.

"Five minutes until the deadline," Jax muttered to himself, feeling the weight of those words pressing down on him like a mountain. His pulse quickened, and he could feel the tremble in his hands, but he refused to let fear paralyze him.

"Guys, we have to finish this now. We've got only five minutes left!" Jax called out over the encrypted voice call to his allies.

"Almost there, Jax. Just need a minute more," one friend replied, her voice strained with tension.

"Same here," another chimed in, his breathing heavy from the pressure they all felt.

"Okay, remember everyone, once we deploy the countermeasure, it's going to be chaotic. Stay focused and follow the plan," Jax instructed, his voice firm despite the panic gnawing at his insides.

His fingers flew across the keys, each keystroke bringing them closer to salvation or doom. With every passing second, the catastrophe loomed larger, casting its shadow over all their efforts.

"Countermeasure is ready. Deploying in three... two... one..." Jax announced, hitting the enter key with determination. He held his breath, waiting for the results to unfold.

"Jax! It worked!" one of his friends shouted excitedly. "The rival hacker group's systems are crashing. Their attempts to exploit the chaos are failing!"

"Great job, everyone," Jax said, relief washing over him like a wave. "Now, let's—"

"Wait!" another ally interrupted, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Something's not right. The government agency... they're still operational."

"Impossible," Jax replied, his heart sinking. "We took them all down."

"Jax, you need to see this," the friend insisted, sending a live video feed to Jax's screen.

The image that appeared before him sent a chill down his spine. The hostile government agency had been one step ahead of them the entire time, and now they were deploying their own countermeasure – one far more sinister than anyone could have anticipated.

"Guys, we've been played," Jax said, his voice taut with dread. "I don't know how, but they knew our plan. They've turned the tables on us."

"Jax, what do we do?" one ally asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"Stay calm. We'll figure this out," he replied, trying to sound confident even as his own doubts threatened to overwhelm him. "We've come too far to give up now. Whatever they're planning, we can stop it."

As the countdown reached its final seconds, the once triumphant group now faced an enemy more dangerous than they had ever imagined. With time running out and the stakes higher than ever, Jax knew that every decision he made from this moment on would determine not only their fate but that of the entire world.