
Twenty Ninety

Jax, a 23-year-old man, finds himself in a strange and chaotic future in the year 2090. Along with thousands of other people, he wakes up in a massive arena without any knowledge of how or why they were brought there. The atmosphere is tense as everyone is confused and frightened by the situation. Jax, however, is determined to find a way back to the past and begins his quest for answers. As he explores the futuristic world around him, he encounters strange new technologies and discovers that the world has undergone significant changes since his time. He meets other survivors who share his goal of returning home, and together they begin to unravel the mystery behind their displacement. As Jax delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a sinister plot by a group of scientists who have been experimenting with time travel. He realizes that they are responsible for bringing him and the others to this future as part of their twisted experiment. However, their experiments have gone awry, and Jax and his fellow survivors are now trapped in this time period. The conflict rises as Jax and his team must navigate through various obstacles to uncover the truth about the experiment and find a way back to their own time. They face numerous challenges, including dangerous creatures, hostile factions, and the ever-present threat of being captured by the scientists. The stakes are high as Jax and his team race against time to find a way back home. They experience many setbacks along the way, but their determination never wavers. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they discover the key to their escape: a secret portal that leads back to their own time. In a climactic scene, Jax and his team confront the scientists responsible for their predicament and succeed in shutting down their operation. With the portal now open, Jax and the others make their way back to their own time, leaving behind the strange and terrifying world of 2090. In the end, Jax returns home a changed man, having learned valuable lessons about perseverance, determination, and the power of friendship. He realizes that even in the face of impossible odds, anything is possible with the right mindset and support system.

Nirv · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

Awakening In The Future

A sudden, violent gust of wind tore through the colossal arena, whipping up dust and debris as it swept across the expansive space. The once-clear sky had turned an ominous shade of dark purple, lightning streaking through the swirling clouds like crackling veins of electricity. The thousands of people who filled the arena's seats were in a state of complete disarray, their fear palpable as they screamed and scrambled to find shelter from the tempestuous storm that had erupted out of nowhere.

In the midst of the chaos lay Jax, his eyes fluttering open as he struggled to make sense of the cacophony around him. He groaned, trying to recall how he'd ended up here. Just moments ago, he'd been working on a time-travel experiment in his lab. And now, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by terrified strangers.

"Wh-where am I?" he stammered, pushing himself onto his elbows and scanning the arena, his heart pounding with anxiety.

"Hey, watch out!" cried a woman nearby, her voice barely audible over the howling winds. She yanked Jax away just as a piece of metal debris narrowly missed him, crashing with a resounding clang where he'd lain moments before. Jax stared at the wreckage, his breath coming in shallow gasps as his survival instincts kicked in.

"Are you okay?" the woman asked, her face etched with concern.

"Y-yeah," Jax replied, his voice wavering. "I think so. But I have no idea what's happening or how I got here."

"None of us do," the woman said, her eyes darting nervously between Jax and the unfolding pandemonium. "One minute, everything was fine, and then... this happened."

Jax swallowed hard, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. If he could somehow get back to his lab, maybe he could reverse whatever had brought him here. But first, he needed to find a way to survive the storm. He scanned the arena, taking in the panicked masses and the debris flying through the air like deadly missiles.

"Come on!" Jax shouted, grabbing the woman's arm as he sprinted towards a partially collapsed section of the arena. "We need to find cover!"

As they ran, Jax couldn't help but wonder what had caused this disaster – and how he'd become entangled in it. The memory of his time-travel experiment flickered at the edges of his mind, taunting him with the possibility that he might be responsible for this chaos. But there was no time for guilt or self-doubt; he needed to focus on surviving and finding a way back to his own time.

"Here!" Jax yelled, indicating a small alcove created by the fallen debris. They dove underneath, huddled together as the world around them continued to unravel.

"Thanks," the woman whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

Jax nodded grimly, his resolve hardening. Whatever had happened, he'd find a way to fix it. And if that meant facing the unknown dangers lurking in this strange, futuristic land, then so be it. For now, though, they had to survive the storm.

Jax's heart pounded as if it were trying to escape his chest. Every breath he took felt shallow and unsatisfying, like the air was thinner than what he was used to. He stole a glance at the woman beside him, who seemed just as disoriented as he was.

"Where are we?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"2090," Jax responded, his mind racing with confusion. "At least, that's what I think."

"Wh-what? How is that possible?" she stammered.

"Time travel. But I don't know how it happened," Jax admitted, his voice barely audible over the roaring storm.

He tried to make sense of his surroundings, but everything looked alien to him – the strange, sleek architecture of the arena, the flickering holographic displays suspended in mid-air, and the silvery metallic fabric everyone seemed to be wearing. The people around them all wore perplexed expressions on their faces, shouting questions at one another while they searched for any semblance of understanding.

"Hey, you!" a man with a grizzled beard called out to Jax. "Do you know what's going on?"

"I'm afraid not," Jax replied, scanning the massive arena filled with thousands of confused, terrified people. It seemed as if everyone had been plucked from different moments in time and dropped unceremoniously into this futuristic world. They were all struggling to find answers, clinging to each other for support both physically and emotionally.

"Listen up, everybody!" Jax yelled, climbing onto a nearby pile of rubble to address the crowd. "We need to stay calm and work together if we want to survive this!"

A cacophony of voices rose in response, some expressing agreement, others fear or anger. But one question echoed above the rest: "How did we get here?"

Jax bit his lip, grappling with the uncertainty that consumed him. He didn't have an answer, but he knew he had to try. "I... I think it's time travel," he said hesitantly. "But I don't know how it happened or why we're all here."

"Time travel?!" a woman shouted in disbelief. "That's insane!"

"Maybe," Jax conceded, trying to maintain his composure despite the chaotic scene around him. "But we need to focus on surviving and figuring out what's going on. We can't do that if we're panicking."

He took a deep breath, steadying himself before continuing. "We need to find shelter and regroup. Together, we might be able to figure out what happened and how to get back to our own times."

His words seemed to resonate with those around him, as the crowd gradually began to quiet down. Faces etched with fear and confusion now showed a glimmer of hope, and a sense of unity began to form among the strangers in the arena.

"Let's start with finding shelter," Jax said, motioning for everyone to follow him. "From there, we can work together to find answers and, hopefully, a way home."

As they moved forward, Jax couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he was somehow responsible for this chaos. But he pushed his guilt aside, focusing instead on the task at hand – survival, and ultimately, finding a way back to his own time.