
CHP13 Problems are being problems

With Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Sigr all back in Scotland after a weeks worth of travelling from Italy. All but Rebekah needed a few days of rest after spending the time making sure Rebekah did nothing rash or suicidal. The curse had taken a hold rapidly making her lash out at things in her imagination. Klaus and Elijah mainly bearing the brunt of her madness, repeatedly having to snap her neck to keep her sated until they could find a better solution.

Once they arrived at Klaus's manor being greeted by Aurora they quickly explained what had happened and getting Rebekah to a place that she wouldn't be able to cause any more trouble.

"She's been cursed." Klaus told Aurora sighing heavily.

"Cursed? Somebody managed to curse an Original?" Aurora asked confused.

"It's that bleeding witch." He said getting riled up.

Aurora quickly calmed her husband down by saying.

"Calm down Nik, your sister needs your help now. Deal with the witch later." She calmly said.

Klaus took some deep breaths then set of with Elijah to his underground facility where he had much space to keep Rebekah safe and her out of the way.

Both brothers entered the location. Elijah was naturally curious not having seen this part of the property, only Finn and Aurora had been down here before.

Klaus showed his brother around quickly before taking him to a remote area where he kept his hostages and where he was currently housing Dalhia's body.

They placed Rebekah's body that was currently knocked out inside of a room that was spelled to drain the power of the being in the room to keep the boundary spell running, so the higher the power level of the prisoner or in this case guest, the harder it will be to break. Of course the spell isn't perfect. If the subject in the room is someone with ridiculously high power levels then it could be overpowered and Rebekah is one of those beings so it will need to be upgraded fast. But it would have to do for now.

"I'll keep her company while you go about finding a better solution." Elijah said to Niklaus, deciding to stay put for the tiny bit of Rebekah sanity's sake.

"Ive already got one," Klaus said to his brother, "A siphon witch."

Elijah nodded before asking, "How long will it take to bring one here?"

"Not to long brother." Klaus confidently spoke, "Finn or Kol should know, they've dealt with them before."

"Good. We don't know the after effects the curse will have." Elijah said worried for his sisters sanity. "We must be as quick as possible, for Rebekah's sake."

"I'm on it brother." Klaus agreed with his brother, turning heading to leave.

As Klaus neared the exit he quickly mentioned, "If you need blood Elijah, there should be some bottles of blood stored near the entrance to this place."

Klaus left heading straight to the coven of his witches who where located only a couple of minutes away, which only took his a couple of seconds to arrive at.

As he neared the manor he went to knock on the door but a light skinned woman, aged around 40 opened the door with a neutral face and spoke.

"Klaus, how can i help you?" She said in a bland tone.

"Ada its lovely to see you again, you look as young as ever." Klaus spoke in a light hearted tone, before turning more serious and saying.

"I need you to locate someone for me." Klaus said

Ada invited him in, taking him to a place where nobody could listen in on their conversation.

They entered the houses library, shooing away all other people in there.

"And who is this someone?" Ada spoke, sitting down and giving Klaus all of her attention.

"A siphon witch," Klaus said sitting down across from her. "My brothers Kol and Finn should be able to help your narrow down their location but i need this done as quick as possible."

Ada who was the leader of the witches under Klaus' control knew that she never wanted to be on the bad side of Klaus so she treated him with the utmost respect but made sure to stand up for herself if she felt she had to. Klaus disliked people that let him step all over them, he much preferred to work with someone who could challenge him if he was being stupid, keeping his arrogance and ego better under control.

"I'll start looking. Why so urgently?" She asked curious as to why.

"You don't need to know that, just know the quick the better." Klaus said shutting down her questions.

"Ok ill do my best, anything else?" Ada asked.

"No that's all, I've got things to do and so do you, ill get a message to Kol but Finn you should be able to get ahold of yourself." Klaus said getting up to leave

As she started to get up to say goodbye, Klaus disappeared,. All she heard was the front door open and close.

"Goodbye to you too." She said sarcastially, already use to the vampire disappearing act.

Klaus left heading towards Kol's location, he was currently in the west of South America so that meant Klaus had to waste time on boats when he could be sprinting at ten times the speed.

After making his way to South America he headed on foot, hunting freely without restrictions causing chaos to sate his frustration. This madness in turn led to the leaders of local supernatural communities who where confused and angry at Klaus' destruction. He was confronted by a warlock who had control over a significant piece of turf. The warlock had some experience dealing with vampires, mainly young ones so he was confident in dealing with Klaus not knowing to extent of his strength and power. He soon found out though, when him and his coven attempted to confront Klaus they where dealt with mercilessly. He kept the leader alive, thinking his useful in the pursuit of Kol, which turned out to be true.

After getting the location from the defeated man Klaus ripped his heart out, making sure enemies didn't fester in the wings outside of his control. He headed straight to where Kol was staying coming across a group of witches who thought he was there to harm Kol. They came to realize soon he was his brother after showing of some of his abilities, so he was led to his brother.

Kol didn't need much persuasion to help Rebekah. All though he was fairly distant, he did love his family and would do everything he could when it was called for.

Kol settled everything with his community of witches, explaining how long he would be gone for and what needed his attention.

"You might as well, make it a couple of years." Klaus said to his brother, "Dalhia will wake soon and your help would be appreciated then as well."

"This family and always getting into trouble." Kol sighed in acceptance

After sorting everything we left heading back to Scotland. As we travelled through South America, Kol knew his way around most of the land so we managed to get up to the north as quick as possible. Unluckily for the humans, 2 Originals who wanted a feast where passing through so destruction of course followed them.

After a month of travelling, Klaus arrived back home with his brother catching up on all that had transpired since his departure. Kol and Finn helped Ada locate the siphons who were in what would be modern day Russia having moved since Kol and Finn had previously found the coven. The 2 brothers both head out to bring back a siphon, preferably by choice and maybe bargaining as well.

Elijah and Klaus both stayed to watch over Rebekah who was getting worse. Klaus also made sure the security of Dahlia's and Freya's body where safe and secure having Sigr and Aurora regularly check up on them if he was unable.

All that's left to do was wait.