

The council has decided to separate us while a plan is made. I am with Anakin and my father. Zephyr is with our mother lucky him, and Satine is with Obi-Wan and Cody scratch what I said before she is the lucky one. Once on board the Resolute Anakin hands me over to my father. "Keep an eye on it can't be trusted." Ok enough of this. I force choke him lifting him in the air. "I don't know what your damage is. But I will not put up with misstatement. You don't know me there for you should have no problem with me. " I throw him to the ground. My father pulls me down the hall scalding me about force choking Anakin. What I didn't see was the smirk Anaking gave as we walked away. "You know you could have been nicer. She is right you don't know her. I sense a darkness in her sure but isn't only a small amount. She isn't a threat Anakin." Ahsoka said helping him up. "You don't know what she is here to do. I believe she is no threat to us, but she will be to someone I care about Snips." With that said he walked to the bridge. 

After lights out I walked to the bridge and sat down. It was beautiful seeing all the stars. The clones manning the monitors didn't seem to mind me. "Can I ask what your doing on the bridge?" I turned around and see Anakin. "Just looking at the stars. *childish excitement* They are beautiful." I said not realizing how childish I sound. "They are just stars." He said unamused. "To you maybe but to someone who always had to hide seeing the sky was a luxury. A lot of times My siblings and I had to hide in caves for months on end. " I said before looking back at the large window. "Where were your parents?" He asked in a gentle tone. "Mom sent my brothers and I away when Yatoosa was under attack. I never saw my mother so scared nor had I seen her in tears. We were separated for three years till the rust bucket crashed on Tatooine. We were found by Obi-Wan who recognized us. I guess I know why now. " I felt him grab my hand. "Meadow I want to apologize for earlier and for force choking you." He looked kinda sad. "Anakin I don't blame you. I understand why you did those things. You hold your friends close to your heart. I do the same thing. I don't wish to hurt anyone Anakin." I said before leaving to head for bed.