
Chpater 6 Familiarization

Ichimako:*thinking in his head it's been 6 months since the hospital and things have been rough we've been all training so much i even discovered that my power is not only creating a sword, I can create other things to now i just have to figure out what the limits are, Kenji isn't in the base as much as he used to I'm pretty sure he has found a girl well if that's the case i hope he's happy, well Himari is beautiful as ever but she's been working her ass off in training we all have been just to try and get stronger, jesus, if someone had told that my life would be like this i would call them crazy, i don't know why but i enjoy this life more than the one i had before*

Kenji gets into a coffee shop and sits at a table

Kenji: hey Miyoko, you look as beautiful as ever. How've you been?

*Miyoko blushing*

Miyoko: I've been well, how about you?

Kenji: I've been doing well but was missing you a lot

Miyoko: do you remember the day we started talking

they flashback to the day it happened

Kenji walking into a shop in a supermarket goes against someone

Kenji: im sorry, are you okay lady

Miyoko: aaa… yeah I'm aaa… okk*thinking, this guy is gorgeous but it seems like I saw him somewhere*

Kenji: you look so familiar it's like I've seen you somewhere

Miyoko: I was just thinking that

Kenji: wait I know it now, that robber girl from that day that used a device to run away

Miyoko: and you that hero who called me beautiful

Miyoko tries to run but Kenji grabs her arm and says

Kenji: hey don't run, don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I won't hurt you trust me, but anyways do you wanna grab something to eat

Miyoko: what ar…are you for real, can you at least tell me your name

Kenji: I'm Kenji, and your … Miyoko right? You can trust me and I'll pay for the food

Miyoko:thank you so much

*The flashback ends*

Kenji: yeah that was the start of our story, but we still have a problem Miyoko

Miyoko: yeah I know, i'm a villain and you're a hero, we're at war, i might be a villain but i'm not evil i hope you know that

Kenji: i know that but you never told me

Miyoko: I never told you what?

Kenji: why did you choose this life

Miyoko: my younger brother, it was to protect him, when we were kids he was always getting himself in trouble like stealing, getting on top of trees, hurting other kids, getting into people's houses and etcetera and I always tried to help him out of those situations, sometimes even taking the blame, and some people believed it but my father always knew the truth that it had been my brother doing everything i took the blame for, and then years later my father is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and when he was in the brink of death he only asked me for one thing… to protect my brother, and so I've been trying to do for 5 years, you must be thinking that it still doesn't explain why I'm in the Castle Ghouls, and it's to protect my brother he joined them and I had to do as well so i could protect him

Kenji: I understand *he says before hugging tightly and saying*it's ok, I'm gonna help you and your brother get out of this life and I Love You Myoko.

Miyoko: thank you…*she starts to blush when she realizes what Kenji said* wai..whaaat …you…you love… me?

Kenji: yes Miyoko * he says with a smile*

Miyoko: Kenji I…I Love You too * she says blushing so hard

*Kenji hugs her again*

Kenji: i will do everything I can to keep you safe

Miyoko: thanks I hope so.


*Osamu and Takehiko training*

Osamu: c'mon Take is that the best you can do

Takehiko: ooh I just now warmed up

Takehiko creates a bow and arrow which he shoots at Osamu but he quickly reacts with an energy blast to destroy the arrow as he does it Takehiko rushes him with one viking ax in each hand but Osamu creates a scythe using his energy manipulation to defend against Takehiko and he successfully does, then take goes back and throws 5 axes at Osamu which he cuts them all and before Takehiko could react, Osamu throws an energy ball using his scythe which Takehiko cant blocks so he falls and gets knocked out.

1 hour later

Takehiko awakes

Osamu: hey you're finally awake I'm sorry Take, I think i went overboard

Takehiko: hey man it's all alright, matter of fact I love sparing with you it makes me grow stronger so thank you

Osamu: you welcome my friend


Ichimako: hey Himari, you wanna go eat with me, there's a really good restaurant close by i think you would love it

Himari: Hmm.. let me think of a good restaurant, that depends, are you the one paying?

Ichimako:aaaa…ye…yeah sure

Himari: I'm just kidding, I can pay for my food, let me just change and then will go

Ichimako: okay then I'll be waiting for you

30 minutes later she meets Ichimako at the entrance with a beautiful red dress that makes her beautiful eyes stand out

Himari:hey Ichimako so let 's go?

Ichimako stunned by her beauty says

Ichimako: wow you… you beautiful, no no you not just beautiful, you perfection in person, i could never even start to imagine someone so beautiful

Himari:*blushing* well thank you for the compliment but it's not all that, and you're not so bad yourself

Ichimako:*blushing* thank you, so let's get going then?

Himari: yes let's go, i'm starving

15 minutes later

Ichimako: so here's the place let's get in

they both sit at a table

Ichimako:then what would you like to eat Himari

Himari: I don't know you can decide

Ichimako: Hmm, well what do you think about ramen?

Himari: yes i ramen

Ichimako:*smiling* yes of course

Waitress: Hello, would you like to order?

Ichimako: yes, it'll be two big bowls of ramen

Waitress: Okay then it'll be ready in 45 minutes I'll bring some entrances

Ichimako: okay thanks

Himari: you were a little to friendly with that girl

Ichimako: What are you jealous?

Himari: No, why would I be jealous? I have nothing to do with what you want

Ichimako:*smiling* ey dont worry my heart only belongs to you

Himari: wha…what, what do you mean by that

Ichimako: nothing… nothing at all

Himari:tell me now

Ichimako: already told you



Himari: you say your heart belongs to me but you were still smiling at that waitress

Ichimako: wait still jealous about that

Himari: I'm not jealous

Ichimako: that's what it looks like, maybe you like me

Himari: no i would never like you there's no reason for me to like you're friends that's all I'll never think of you or anything more

Ichimako: hum hum sure you can tell yourself that

Ichimako: Himari look behind you



Himari: yeah sure let's go im curious

they walk to Kenji's table

Ichimako:*smiling*hello Kenji how are you and who's this girl with you

Kenji:*nervous he says* hey Ichimako well this is Miyoko and she…she…

Miyoko: I'm his girlfriend, and who are you?

Ichimako: I'm his best friend, well Kenji you're a lucky guy she looks like a nice girl

Kenji: yes I am, but I'm not the only one lucky here

Ichimako:wha…what do you mean by that?

Kenji: you and Himari hum?


Himari: never I would have something with someone like Ichimako

Kenji: if what you said was true you guys wouldn't be so upset for mentioning it

Himari: that makes no sense let's go to our table Ichimako


*Kenji blinks his eye at Ichimako*

Himari: well who would have guessed that Kenji had a girlfriend

Ichimako: it does make sense he's not at the base as much time as before

Himari: Well, I guess it makes sense, but let's not dig into their relationship, let's talk about us…


Himari: *blushing* well not us like that I me…mean like you and me like what did you liked to do before joining us

Ichimako: your so cute when you're embarrassed


Ichimako: well that's a hard question, what I liked to do before, hum, well there was nothing i liked before of course i enjoyed playing games and traveling around the city but nothing i liked like doing this somehow doing what we do light up a spark inside me and being around you made my life better and happier

Himari: ooh so being around me makes you happy that's nice to hear

Ichimako: when I said i meant all of you but sure you did take a big part in it, what about you?

Himari: well I used to love shopping and hanging around with my group of friends and I used to stay at home and watch some movies and I loved it

Ichimako: so you love to watch movies hum then one day we can maybe watch a movie together or go to the cinema

Himari: yeah I'd like that maybe one day, but i find it funny that you claim I like you but you're the one that's always complimenting me, praising me, and wanting to hang out with me, I don't mind at all don't get me wrong i love it i never had someone that complimented me so much or wanted to spend so much time with me, I'm only saying that maybe you're the one who likes me

Ichimako: *embarrassed* well that's because i care for you and we're friends and even tho we don't know each other for a long time you're one of the most important people to me so of course I will compliment and want to hang out with you and every time i complimented you i meant it you are beautiful

Himari blushes

Waitress: well guys your food is here if you want a drink it will cost you 3200 yen

Ichimako: yes please bring a drink for each of us

Waitress: and which drinks will you be wanting

Ichimako: what do you want to drink Himari

Himari: hmm i don't know maybe a melon soda

Ichimako: then it will be two melon sodas

Waitress: okay wait a minute and I'll bring them here


Ichimako: what?

Himari: nothing, nothing at all

Ichimako: okay then

Waitress: here are your drinks enjoy

Ichimako & Himari: thank you

25 minutes later

Himari: ooh I'm stuffed

Ichimako: yes me too, did you like the food

Himari: yes, it was great, what about you

Ichimako: so did I, well now it's time to pay

Ichimako calls the waitress

Waitress: yes how may I help

Ichimako: we would like to pay

Waitress: would it be together or separated


Ichimako: together

Waitress: okay then it'll be 3200 yen

Ichimako: here

Waitress: here's your change and have a good day

Ichimako:have a good day

Himari: have a good day

Himari: you didn't have to pay for the food

Ichimako: i said i would

Himari: but you didn't have to

Ichimako: but i wanted to

Himari: *embarrassed* hum okay but dont think I'll be owing you something

Ichimako: *smiles* ok ok, let's go say goodbye to Kenji

Ichimako: Kenji we'll be going

Kenji:How was your date?

Himari: it was not a date but it was nice

Ichimako: exactly what she said, and how was yours

Kenji: spending time with her is always good

Ichimako: that's nice to hear, see you later, and nice to meet you Miyoko

Kenji:see ya

Miyoko: yes same for both of you bye

Himari: bye

they walk out of the restaurant and Himari says

Himari: thanks

Ichimako:hum for what

Himari:*embarrassed* for bringing me here, paying for the food and always complimenting me

Ichimako: you don't need to thank me for that but you're welcome

Himari:your a great guy Ichimako

Ichimako: Well, I'm not that much of a great…

Himari: i mean it you are so thank you for being a great guy

Ichimako: thank u for saying that,

I appreciate u, u are a great catch *blushing*

Himari:*blushing* stop saying things like that asshole