
Chapter 5 The Recovery

Genko: is Ichimako going to be okay?

Himari:he's gonna pull it off, but it is not his body that im worried about

Sayuri: And what do you mean by that?

Takehiko:he did just take the vital force away from a life, so I am pretty sure that it can complicate his mental state

Himari: the problem is not that he killed someone is who he killed

Kenji: Aoi, i don't understand why he would do what he did, Ichimako had no other choice there is still not a prison that can contain the ones who are ranked above class B, and Aoi was one of them, Ichimako had no other choice he must understand that

Himari: it doesn't matter if he had a choice or not, Ichimako will still blame himself Aoi was one of his best friends if i only hadn't been careless I could have been the one to take him out and left that burden to myself

Sayuri:dont say that Himari it wasn't your fault you were caught off guard if anything is our fault for not going, but we can't think like that, we must stay positive and be there for Ichimako

Osamu:i hope he gets better soon so i can fight him

meanwhile, Ichimako while unconscious is having continuous flashbacks about that day about he killed his best friend until he finally wakes up

Ichimako:where am i

Doctor: You're in the hospital kid, do you remember what happened?

Ichimako:Yes,I was… I was fighting Aoi and then…

Doctor:it's okay you don't have to say anything else,you got stabbed in your chest and it hit your heart, but thanks to your regeneration you are alive but it will leave a scar

Ichimako:Is Himari okay?

please tell me she's okay

Doctor: yes she's okay she suffers some damage but nothing serious

Ichimako: that's amazing to hear

Doctor:You know this is the second time I'm treating you. and your regeneration is something amazing even now I've never seen one so strong, it must be because of your will to live

Ichimako:oh really that's good, but can I please see my friends

Doctor:yes you can, but you can't leave here we'll have to do some tests and you'll need some rest in the hospital but I'll contact your friends just stay here while I do

Ichimako: thank you doctor, i will

Doctor: hey young man here are your friends

Ichimako: hey guys,it's nice to see you

Genko: hey man, don't go off hurting like that again you'll worry us

Ichimako: i'll try i promise

Sayuri: Ichimako, thank goodness you're alright

Takehiko:don't you go off and try to go to Valhalla alone Ichimako, and if you ever need some help my Viking shield shall protect your skin

Osamu: Ichimako please get better, I'm so bored i need adrenaline, I need to fight you all out

Ichimako: thank you guys really but can i please speak with Kenji alone?

they all say "Sure" and leave his room

Ichimako: Kenji I am sorry please, I am sorry I'm sorry for killing him. I was filled with rage and I didn't know what to do and he was gonna kill me and Himari and I just didn't know what to do. I'm sorry.

Kenji: You don't have to apologize, there was nothing you could have done, there was no way to keep him arrested, you only did what was right. I know he was our friend, but the man you killed wasn't Aoi, at least not the Aoi that we knew.

Ichimako: I know that but it still feels wrong, I still killed someone, I was so blinded by rage that I couldn't control myself.

Kenji: you did it to save Himari, you saved an innocent and gentle soul, to purge a malefic and corrupted one, you don't need to blame yourself for that, way less apologize to me.

Ichimako:It still feels wrong, but you helped me even if it's just a little you thank you, but can you please call Himari.

Kenji: You're welcome, yeah sure I'll call her.

Himari enters the room and the moment she sees Ichimako she starts crying and says

Himari:Ichi…Ichimako im sorry sorry if I had been more careful if I only had been stronger, nothing of these would have happened and things would have been different you wouldn't have to kill your friend …

Ichimako seeing her like that gets up from the hospital bed and hugs her and says

Ichimako: I'm happy to see that you're alright please don't blame yourself there was nothing that you could have done, so please stop talking Himari

he gives Himari a paper towel

Ichimako: clean your tears, please


Ichimako:you don't have to say anything else please don't blame yourself

Himari:okay thanks… Ichimako?


Himari: nothing forget it, do you want me to call the others

Ichimako: hum yeah sure,but i'm happy to see that you're looking fine

Himari: thank you Ichimako get better soon.

She opens the hospital room door and calls everyone to get in

Sayuri:are you fine Himari

Himari: yes why wouldn't I

Sayuri: you look like you've been crying

Himari: you must be crazy i don't cry

Sayuri: okay I'm sorry for asking

Himari: okay Ichimako since your are here we can tell you about our powers I'll start, mine are basically I can manipulate magnetic fields, summon daggers out any material, or even summon poison

Ichimako: OMG REALLY, those powers are so cool and useful i would love to see it in action


Ichimako:100 TIMES?!!

Osamu: yes exactly

Ichimako:*thinking: thank god this guy is on our side*

Takehiko: now mine i can create any Viking item and enchant them with the power of Valhalla and if in any case I would fall and die in a battle i would come back that's my other powers

Ichimako: So you are a viking with a second chance in life during a battle and do your injuries all heal when it happens? and can it be used more than one time in your life?

Takehiko:yes it does heal but not fully I still have way less stamina after I am reborn, and yes i can use it once a month

Ichimako: That's kinda overpowered, so I guess I won't need to worry about you.

Ichimako:Now Genko tell me yours.

Genko: okay sure,my powers are not as complicated as the others but they are really useful, so basically my power consists in copying anyone's powers, and if they are weaker than me the powers I stole will be stronger than theirs and the contrary is also true

Ichimako: ok so with your powers you can have any power

Genko:yes basically

Ichimako: and can you copy more than one power

Genko: of course, i can, but there's a catch it drains too much stamina, but I'm trying to overcome that by basing training my endurance but if in any case, anyone has a power that can give them infinite stamina I can copy them all easily but I can't use a copied power for a limited time but with infinite stamina who knows how long i can use them

Ichimako: if you could use them forever there was no stopping you, now what about your powers Sayuri

Sayuri:mine? My powers are more based on restraining and healing i can control trees, any plant life, and I can also control animals and even talk to them and understand them i also have a healing power which i don't know how to use quite yet and takes a big tool in my body

Ichimako: so you're pretty good for support and even for atack if you catch him of guard

suddenly an enormous amount of energy is sensed in the air is so powerful that the air feels heavier to breathe in

Kenji: what is this energy i'm sensing i can't even move my arms

Osamu: I don't know, but whatever it is strong to strong for me to fight

a mysterious man with a flaming kimono a black skull mask and a katana on his back walks into the room

Mysterious Man:Hello heros

Himari: who are you and what are you doing here

Mysterious Man: you can call me Draken, i'm here to Announce that the castle ghouls and you heroes are at war

as Draken walks out, Ichimako gets up from the hospital bed and asks

Ichimako by hearing his voice, watching the way he carries himself, and looking at that fiery kimono with that sword made him have flashbacks about the night of his parent's deaths about the flaming man so he asks

Ichimako: Draken are you the one who killed my parents

Draken: hum I'm surprised you can stand since your friends can't, but remind me again who you are.

Ichimako: i'm Ichimako, and my family was murdered 14 years ago by a flaming man with a sword and kimono-like yours

Draken: I've killed a lot of people but your name is somewhat familiar Ichimako hum wait i know you're the fool who killed his friend Aoi, yes he was my servant, he told me about you

Ichimako:you knew Aoi?

Draken: of course i did I was the one who gave him a purpose, and another thing, now i remember yes i did kill your parents

he says before disappearing into the flames

Ichimako almost crying says

Ichimako: we have to catch that guy please he was the one that killed my parents and if that wasn't enough it's because of him that Aoi turned evil

Himari: we will don't worry

Osamu: Ichimako I have a question for you, how could you move i could barely breathe because of that guy's immense energy

Ichimako:yes I could move but it wasn't easily but i wasn't the only one who could move right Himari

Himari: your right i could move as well but not easily, it must mean we have the equivalent to 40% of his energy at maximum any less than that we couldn't move anymore i would have felt we could win and I would have attacked

Kenji: how are we supposed to beat that guy

Himari:by training

Osamu: The thing is, if he's from a group, it means that he has more people in that group…

Ichimako: which means there can be a lot more people with that amount of power and if we don't train we will be outmatched

Himari: you guys are right, we have to get better soon…

And then Kenji whispering to Himari says

Kenji: Himari there's a robbery going on close by

Himari:What!? where I'll go

Kenji:NO Himari please stay here with Ichimako I'll go with Takehiko and Osamu

Himari: wha… why?

Kenji: Please stay here with Ichimako

Himari:okay then i'll let you guys go alone but please be careful

and then he says out loud

Kenji: Takehiko, Osamu lets go

Ichimako: eiii where you guys going

Himari: don't worry they just had to take of somewhere

Ichimako: They went on a mission, right?

Himari:aaaa… yes they did

Ichimako: why didn't you go as well

Himari: Kenji told to stay here, and to be honest I do want to be here to keep an eye on you

Kenji, Takehiko, and Osamu get to the place of the crime and there is only one person there a beautiful girl with pink hair and green eyes

Criminal:Hello heroes it's the second time my group has met with yours

Osamu: What do you mean by that? Who are you?

Criminal:well my name is Miyoko and if I believe correctly my boss just, visited you guys at the hospital

Kenji: what so you work for that guy aren't you too beautiful to be a criminal

Miyoko:wha… what did you just said aaa no matter I'll take off now

she uses a device that teleports her from that place, Osamu tries to stop her but fails

Takehiko: what was that she just used a guidance object from the gods perhaps

Kenji: I have no idea what it was but I think I'm in love

Osamu calls Himari

Himari: hum Osamu is calling me, hello

Osamu: hey Himari there was a girl there and her name was Miyoko we tried to stop her but but she escaped using some sort of teleportation device

Himari: teleportation device never heard of such thing but don't worry about it now we will get her soon, for now you guys get back to the base so we can start our training

Osamu: as you wish

Ichimako: what did he want

Himari: He was informing me that they left the criminal escape. I ordered them to get back to the base whenever you're cleared. We should do the same.

Ichimako: Yes sir, Himari you're so cute when your serious

Himari starts blushing and says


Ichimako laughing says

Ichimako: hum hum

Himari: hum hum what hum what do you want to say with that hum hum

Ichimako: nothing nothing at all, but where did Genko and Sayuri go

Himari: how should i know, i already texted Sayuri to get back to base with Genko

Doctor: Guys I have good news your all cleared, we ran the tests and everything is good with you

Himari excited says

Himari: yes that's amazing to hear thank god he's okay so can we leave yet

Docter: yes you can he just has to sign these papers and we are all good to go

Ichimako after signing the papers, and while walking out of the hospital says to Himari

Icimako: never thought I would see you so happy to see that I'm okay, I didn't know you cared that much for me

Himari blushes again and says:

Himari: of course, I care were friend right, you did save my life so of course i would be happy to see that you are good

Ichimako: i guess it's a good reason