
Tryst Under The War [BL, Omegaverse,Action]

Rius is an inexperienced dominant omega if not more dominant than a normal dominant omega who is strangled by the marriage that was arranged but to his knowledge he doesn't even know who is his arranged partner yet he meets an alpha who along the way fell in love with him. On his way to the stadium he is brought to the Phantasmal Realm in an accident by the light jellies and fought a goddess who is unknown to him, after surviving the battle he reunited with the alpha whom he newly met with the unforeseen future coming to them, can they change the fates design?

ChaosBride · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 15 - A Lust in Wonder

Like a rose plump and gorgeous from the young spring that comes forth like your lips, black and elegant, empty yet extravagant, lashes that brush like pen's ink in a perfect curve, skin white as snow, reflection of the colour of porcelain.

Dust like sparkles float around from the light of the sunset that smiles giving the warmth of brilliance. Breaths heard in my ears that seem calm, my eyes fixated at one point that seems to be you, no it wasn't to be seem but it's you entirely.

A smile in a beautiful curve appears on my face, touch of warmth were on your face by the hands of mine caressing your hair as cold like feeling dwells from our touch colliding.

"You seem so cold"

Your eyes have opened, mesmerising and beautiful pair of aquamarine eyes that are like mine, not as black as coal but same as mine, i showed you a smile greeting you from your slumber. You blinked twice making sure of something.

"Uhm who are you?" You squinted your eyes as if confused to who i am.

You gasps and got nervous, your ears turning to tinted peaches. I held unto your hand with an exchange of surprise coming from you, i sighed in relief that you don't seem to be scared or alerted,still we meet several times, if my memory serves it's the third time?

"U- uhm"

Stuttering of his voice, eye lashes that seem to be more noticeable from the sunset that enhanced your incandescent self, your beauty was more than cromulent and i become someone who's lost in his own reverie. You pursed your lips averting my gentle gaze, your hands were smooth to the touch that never wavered nor let go of my holding hands to it. The scintilla of your scent was still under my nose like a gentle breeze of aroma. I began to spoke trying with a calming and soothing voice that were gentle in your ears.

"What is your name?"

"What is your name?"

Both of our eyes widened with our mouths gaped and laughed briefly.

"I should introduce myself first, My name is Alistair Vislewain Claudemist" kissing the back of his hands.

His eyes blinked twice leaning his back a little and then leaned closer towards me. He swayed his hair at the back of his ears as i quitely observed his movements.

"My name is Rius Aubrey Adamstein" his shoulders raised a little then composed himself "N-nice to meet you"

I giggled to his stutter and kissed his hand once more "We Meet again today"


"I've been wanting to meet you"

"You do?"

I nodded.

"Can i sit beside you?"

He nodded in reluctance.

I sit beside him on the bed. My heart was racing as if i were running in a competition and got first place, such a silly way to compare my heart beat.

"Can i let you smell my scent?"

He nodded.

The pheromones was not strong, i gave him a warm hug as he did hug me back in his imbrace, after some research his body height is one seventy centimetres, yet still he seems so small compared to me who's one ninety centimetres tall.

His scent were an alluring trap to nose like a perfume that were ineffable to say. His demurity that he possess was something that i want to latch on, his purity that may seem pure with the crevices that hide the darkest colours inside you, i panted, my ears seemed to have a sudden rise in temperature. My hands were restricted by my own thoughts yet they escaped from these chains and had begun to move as if having it's own thoughts only wanting to explore this body of yours.

"Can i touch you?"


My hands pushed him slowly as his body lands on the sheets, i was atop of him, it seemed hot. His eyes were the ocean water glistening under the hot summer, they were beautiful that i wanted to treasure them. I huffed a little and looked at his eyes directly. Now i am atop him as our breaths clash to one another.

"How old are you?"


I know that already.

"Your favourite colour?"


I know that already.

I adjusted my necktie that it feels uncomfortable around my neck, him being under me was a dream fever that i longed for, i leaned down licking his neck to his side, my right hand holds his hand, my left hand unbuttoning his buttons. His other hand crawled around my neck that it seems that he is comfortable to me.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

He shook his head as i saw his half naked body, i undressed his shirt that were his uniform and started playing with his nipples, the exchange of this was his moans that came out of his mouth. He was a quite person yet still seems so...

"Kiss"He says softly.

My eyes widened for a bit and let our lips clash in a conquering way to the the way our tongues would twist on each other ,breathes clashing, salivas fusing, hearts becoming one in the beat of a drum and bodies that bloom in lust that abides within us locking it up for this very moment. Not in a ball room that i wanted him to dance with me, but this was a tryst between us and only us.

"More" He says.

Fuck, the moment he said that was the way my crotch was hiding a monster inside it seemed to rampage inside my pants. I grit my teeth as my hand touched his face, thumb that caresses gently on his cheek, his face was flushed along with mine, our sweat now covering our chins, once more i conquered those lips again, i wanted to ravish this body of his,eat it all up in one go, i want to explore it more i want to know which part does he want me to touch, i want his voice shouldn't i hear more? I want your touch that it sends me to shiver in pleasure.

"Want to do more?" I asked as i pant, he nodded.

We lifted up ourselves as i grabbed his wrists letting them cup my chest.

"Grab it, fondle them and lick them" A mischievous tone let out of my lips, he was hesitant and i forced him shoving his head to my chest.

In a moment his hands were shaking unable to process this situation i gave him, i want to do what a lover really does even though we're still not in that stage. With his tongue he licked them and felt great like a thunder crossing every part of my body that were tingling from his every touch. I moaned briefly.

"Like this?" I nodded as he kept on doing it until i dropped my upper body backwards to the other side sheet of the bed. He placed his bum on my crotch hiding the rampaging and desperate longness inside my pants. His face was flushed red and my mouth began to open.

"Do you want to be a top?" I asked with a grin on my face.

His face was painted in shock and redness that in exaggeration were like a steam coming out of his head.

"I- I don't i have the length to do that"

"I was kidding" I giggled.

Even though I'm not actually kidding i wanted your very being inside me or me being inside you completely because i look at you as someone that should experience everything, someone that should be worthy of everything in the world. I want to give you everything even though you don't know me completely, for i had loved you so in a distance every night as you visit and stare at the stars above. I was bumfuzzled at first and was reluctant but i knew you were quintessence of a lover on my life opposite of being the bane of it. Whatever it was that chained me to you, whether it was the bonds of fate i don't care as long as it makes you happy. I hugged his waist kissing his chest, his arms were around my neck and i let out more pheromones in the room.

"It smells good" he said, i pinched both of his nipples and he arched his back and closed his eyes from the pleasure he's feeling.

"It does?i want to hug you more"

"M-me as well" hugging his arms to my neck more tight.

"W-why are you good at this?"he asks.

"I'm only good when I'm with you"

I replied, my tongue was twisting to his nipples then glides going to his mouth, he opened his mouth voluntarily and once that happened our tongues were connected again, my arms handled more of his hips. I smell the pheromones of his getting uncontrollable that it makes my head seems to go into a dizzy, after all he's not a normal Omega, not even a dominant but something more that is elegant and more powerful like a princess just for me who's a prince.

"My head feels dizzy do you know that?Do you know how ravishing you are?" I looked at his eyes and his eyes were on mine. He was panting for breaths that were the result of the hooks of lust that was taking in effect. My heart beat was not stopping on beating fast as before it was still the same, the feeling of confliction of my thoughts and body were clashing on each other, the monster inside my pants were twitching in delight that i wanted to hold him tight in my arms.

"You are beautiful" i whispered to his ears and hugged him. He was silent yet he hugged me back. We were locked by apricity yet this was our own comfort in this dwelling of pheromones. Then a knock on the door was heard.

"Hello?Your Majesty?"

A Hot Spicy Scene After 13 Chapters✨


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