
Tryst Under The War [BL, Omegaverse,Action]

Rius is an inexperienced dominant omega if not more dominant than a normal dominant omega who is strangled by the marriage that was arranged but to his knowledge he doesn't even know who is his arranged partner yet he meets an alpha who along the way fell in love with him. On his way to the stadium he is brought to the Phantasmal Realm in an accident by the light jellies and fought a goddess who is unknown to him, after surviving the battle he reunited with the alpha whom he newly met with the unforeseen future coming to them, can they change the fates design?

ChaosBride · LGBT+
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30 Chs

Chapter 14 - The Lady In Black Part 2

Fear struck me like lightning as i ran, i couldn't process the situation away, i was panicking thinking of Rius, i put down Chris leaving him to lay down on the floor and closed his eyes to rest.It was suspicious, i watched this devastating scene around me.

"What about the people on the shore?"

I uttered, this feeling that was growing on me was like death, malevolence,despair,sadness,

sorrow and fear. These things were the reflection of this scenery in front of me, sending me to feel shivers down my spine. I placed my finger to his wrist to where his pulse was, i closed my eyes feeling the pulse of his in concentration.

My lips parted, my eyes widened.

His mana! It's not regulating normally at all, i checked again and it was true. This is not a paralyze shock spell. I felt the mana inside jim going on a rampage destabilising it's course inside him.

His mana is outraged , I don't know how this could go south, i walked to the center of teleportation.

"Teleport first floor"

Is the electricity a problem this time? Out of all times but there are generators here so why would the Ai not respond? i ruffled my hair in annoyance to the situation but there another way. I jumped from this floor going down, the wind brushing to me as i continued to go down, then to the last second i used my flight magic landing safely.

"That was a dangerous stunt but i should get hurry at once!"

I was stunned for a moment but the root of the darkened clouds weren't natural, there i saw a dark trail that connects to the sky. I gasped when i remember that place was.

"It's Rius's school crap!"

My body trembled, i knew what this feeling was, it was panicking. I stopped moving for moment then calmed myself. I breathe in and out trying to compose myself.


I shouted as my body had became to become light, i dashed through the streets, people somehow resembling statues that were shocked suddenly by time before. It was a pitiful sight to behold, my feet carried me through the wind with fast strides, in a hurry before i could know it I'm already outside the gate, i sniffed a smell, i widened eyes for this similar smell, captivating and alluring smell. A sweat run down to my chin and ran quickly following the scent of Rius. It was the stadium, i ran over to that place, time passes then i finally saw the entrance already opened by someone, i looked around the stadium as if there was a fight that had gone on like a leftover battlefield.

My body froze from seeing the body of Rius laying down unconscious, then i moved up my glance to the stage seeing a person wearing dark veil on her, not revealing the face of hers as it reached down to her collar bone, dressed in black like the midnight sun, sparkling dots like glitter on her black dress symbolising the stars, a circlet made up of diamond on her head, bracelets that float around her wrist and ankles that are also diamond. I felt an eerie feeling along with doubt.

"Who are you?" I asked sternly.

Doubt was in my heart that i could never defeat her in a battle, the instinct to flee was on sight before me, this person, no this might not be a person as i saw the trail of darkness to her connected to her causing this weather of harshness.

"I'm not inclined to tell you that" She tilted her head with mockery in her voice i took a step forward then it scared me, i remembered something in the legends as a kid, there were places in the world that held secrets of the old that there were places governed by the mana itself, places that were dangerous for the people to settle in. Those places were hard and quite the tackle to survive.

This was her presence in me, the presence of life and death itself, she is the domain itself. Those places that holds mana were harsh because the mana causes tremors,tornadoes, whirlpools as such it was dangerous to go against this woman back.

My sword appearing out of nowhere were caught by my hands, i was on guard, i was afraid , i wasn't the courageous and blabber mouth man like before, i was nervous to know what will be the next to happen.

"You love this boy don't you?"

Pointing her finger to Rius.

I widened my eyes, to my reaction, i was fast enough to go in front of her in an instant clashing my sword to her negating shield.

"You dare him I'll kill you myself" i said menacingly to her with scorn, my fear have vanished for there was concern and hatred growing inside me.

"You want a test of strength?" A sword, an Estoc to be precise coming out of the space hole she grabbed into "I shall give you one"

She appeared to me in a blink of an eye, before her strike could hit me, i paired with the blow of my sword, we exchanged fast speed of clashing sword to one another, but there was a hint of it, she was holding back, as i said earlier i could take her on a full course of action.

I managed to block her strike but it resulted my body to be deflected colliding to the chairs. I panted meanwhile she yawned.

"I'm bored" she uttered.

Huh? My eyesight have begun to be blurry in a haze, everything was moving as if i were a drunk person, i held into my head as i was just trying to doze off in reality.

"Sleep well boy"She said in a tone of being mischievous.

Those were the last words she spoke out of her mouth, i fell unconscious from the sudden sleep i felt. I opened my eyes then got up quickly, i looked around seeing Rius still laying down but the woman right there on the stage was no longer here. Perhaps only minutes have passed from then on? I grit my teeth from this situation and slammed my foot on the floor creating a sound of thud.


I cursed out loud not being able to assess the situation quickly nor find a way to solve it, still it was great that Rius was okay, i sighed.

I tried to recall my memories of that woman yet i trembled at thought of it. My sight was on Rius as the Light Jellies hovered above him, why would such creatures be beside him? I frowned my brows seemingly curious at this occurrence. Watching those creatures seemed to calm my anger down with him resting peacefully.

"Light Jellies?"


They all had these squeaking sounds of cuteness as they flutter using their antenna. These were a type of Anticleseus that didn't do harm to the people in fact they help nature by feeding off on carbon dioxide while exchanging it with oxygen. They are at the category of positive and one of the helpful Anticleseus, in fact they have their own category...Benecleseus.

I held Rius and placed his to my lap.

Kyu? Kyu?

A Light Jelly came closer as the other followed and they continue to flutter in the air. I smiled while watching you sleep. You have this serene yet joyful aura that you carry and i seem to stare at a distance, lips like the cherries in the forests, eyes that show the elegance where everything seems to slow down whenever i gaze upon your eyes, your skin smooth and skin white as the snow that falls on winter, though maybe cold it still gives the warmth in the heart of mine that the beauty of winter holds, brows like streaks of black almost painted by the goddesses of fates that seemed to bless you with cozy and calmness.

Even if your heart was still not mine I'd hope that even maybe a small chance maybe i could pour all the love that this bottomless pit of a heart of mine, like a fountain that overflows never ending to give you love...tell me can you love me back?

I caressed your hair as i remember the time when your eyes blazed like flames into the colour of a darkened aqua.

I sighed "Something unusual has happened yet here i am having these romantic thoughts"

I leaned down wanting to put my ear on your chest hearing his heart beating, his breath being heard sighing in relief i carried his body on my arms being held gently, i walked on the halls with no one in sight, i was in awe watching you sleep until i reached the infirmary, i slid through the curtains and put you down on the bed. Then suddenly a beeping noise can be heard in my pocket buzzing.

I swiped through the screen then a voice of a man is heard.

"Y-YOUR MAJESTY!" screamed Chris through the call.

"Don't shout"


"He's sleeping soundly" i smiled.