
Tryan Magical Palace

In the enchanting realm of Ethinora, Tryan, a formidable and mystical being, wielded unparalleled power that rendered him invisible to any would-be conqueror. Yet, in his relentless pursuit of greater invisibility, he finds himself inexplicably transported to an unfamiliar world, stripped of his identity and purpose. Embarking on a quest to rediscover himself in this new reality, Tryan becomes ensnared in a tapestry woven with threads of love, hatred, unwavering loyalty, and an insatiable thirst for both magic and redemption. In a world where the boundaries between enchantment and reality blur, only the potent forces of love, magic, and the elusive whispers in the silence hold the key to his rescue. Join Tryan on a journey where the boundaries of the seen and unseen converge, and where the echoes of his destiny are whispered in the wind, waiting to be unraveled. In this spellbinding tale, the power of the invisible and the might of the intangible collide in a symphony of emotions, beckoning readers into a world where the heart's desires dance with the unknown...

Nikkybrien270 · Fantasi
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68 Chs

Chapter 30: Cries of the unknown

After some hours Chris and Louis returned home from the hospital, Louis decided to help Chris take away some worries and stress, so he suggested they go out and have some fun at the bar.

"Bro, let's go out to the bar for some fun, at least have some drinks," Louis said persuasively.

"I don't feel like going out, I just want to remain indoors," Chris said while stretching his arms.

"Okay, I promise we won't stay late, just some drinks and fun won't harm us," Louis said.

"Okay, you win Louis, let me go change into something more comfortable" Chris responded, as he left for the room.

*At the bar*

Chris and Louis arrived at the bar and there were a lot of noises from every corner. As the music was playing and some people were busy on the dance floor dancing and having fun, they entered and sat down close to the bartender's area and requested drinks.