
Shen Yi Nian's Idea

Qin Zhan mentioned that he wanted to take Gu Xin Ye to a good place for dinner.

Gu Xin Ye did not know where did Qin Zhan planned on taking her but, judging from his expression, Gu Xin Ye could expect that the place he was going to take her would have good food.

Seeing that there was still time before dinner, the couple decided to return to their hotel and rest. 

Once she arrived at her room, Gu Xin Ye changed her clothes, set up the alarm, and climbed up the bed. She was too tired after playing around and fell asleep very quickly.

She planned to nap for a couple of hours before she would wake up again and get ready to go out with Qin Zhan.

However, her phone rang before her alarm could ring. Gu Xin Ye reached for her phone and narrowed her eyes to adjust to the lighting. Seeing Shen Yi Nian's name, Gu Xin Ye swiped her finger on the screen and pressed the phone on her ear.

"Hello?" Gu Xin Ye's voice was groggy from sleep.