
Speak it out

Dear readers,

I am sorry for the very very very late update. There's a lot on my plate and I am getting them done one by one. I might rarely have chances to write or upload new chapters regularly. I hope you all will understand. But I will not let you all down. I'll try as much as I could. But I'm sorry once again. For now, enjoy this chapter!


***a month later***

Everything was going well. There wasn't any problem, as far as now. Beomgyu was doing greater than before. He was practicing hard, like the others, and giving his best.

Seonghwa and San were doing good too. They were getting busy with their comeback and other things.

Hana got close with the Bangtan boys and learned to be calm around them. I know she would be screaming inside, but she pulled it out so well. The boys were also were getting ready for their world tour. They kept practicing, non-stop.

As for me, I am great, doing the job I love and having new friends. But I couldn't stop worrying about Taehyung. Whenever I see him smiling and enjoying himself with the others, I can't stop imagining him being hurt and laying in the bed.

It hurts a lot. But Taehyung always comforted me, when I had those thoughts.

After a month of working there, the boys started begging me to stay with them. I ended up staying in their dorm and helping them out. Hana accepted and would come to visit me, at times.

Here I sat in my room, not even getting a second to breathe. I had a lot of work to complete before their tour started and on the other hand, Jimin and Jungkook stood in front of me, holding dresses.

"Y/n, how do I look in this?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, you look good," I said while doing my work.

"How about this one?" Jungkook asked. I just nodded my head.

"Yah! She is doing her work, let her do it. Why are you disturbing her?" Namjoon asked as he entered the room.

"Hyung, Y/n has good taste in dressing," Jimin said.

"Even Taehyung has, right? You could ask him." Namjoon replied.

"Hyung, Tae hyung is busy with some work." Jungkook said.

"Ask someone else. Let her alone." He said and took them both.

"Thanks, Oppa," I said and smiled. He smiled back and left.

I continued with my never-ending work and soon dozed off, holding the file.

---No one's POV---

Taehyung knocked on Y/n's door, to confirm a thing. But he didn't get any response. He opened the door and saw Y/n sleeping, amongst the files.

He smiled at her and stacked all the files aside and lay her properly, on the bed. He covered her with the blanket and left, closing the door.

Taehyung knew how much Y/n works. He's always seen her busy with some of the other work. And he was worried if she'd fall ill.

He made sure she ate all her meals and stayed strong enough.

He headed down and sat along with the others.

"Where's Y/n?" Jin asked.

"She's sleeping." He said and started eating.

"I'll go get her." Jimin got up but Taehyung stopped him.

"She's been working a lot, lately. Let her take rest for some more time." He said and they all nodded.

Their world tour was coming up and they were discussing it, when Y/n entered, yawning and stretching herself.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up?" She asked, sitting next to Jungkook and laying her head on his shoulder.

"You were sleeping peacefully. We didn't want to disturb you." Hoseok said and served some food on her plate.

She started digging into her food and they all talked about random stuff, except Y/n. She didn't feel good.

"Is everything ok?" Jimin asked her. She nodded her head and they all finished eating. They hit the bed early as they had a lot to do tomorrow.

As Y/n lay down on the bed, she felt some pain in her head. She ignored it and tried sleeping but she couldn't. She tossed and turned here and there but still, she couldn't fall asleep.

She got up from her bed and headed to the kitchen to drink some water. She thought to stay on the couch as she didn't get sleep anyways.

She stretched her legs and rested her head on the couch headboard. She touched herself and felt warm.

'Why do I feel sick, all of a sudden?' She asked herself. As she tried getting up from there, she tripped.

"Ouch!" She whispered under her breath.

"Are you ok?" She heard a voice, which made her startle.

The person switched on the light and she was relieved to see Jin.

"You made me scared for a second. What are you doing here anyway?" She asked as she sat back.

Jin made his way next to her.

"I came to drink water but noticed you. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Couldn't get sleep." She replied, her tone a bit off. He touched her forehead and she was a bit warm.

"You're warm. Don't over-work yourself. You are working more than us." He said.

"Wait here!" He said and came back soon with paracetamol and a glass of water.

"Oppa, I could've taken it myself." She said as she took in the tablet.

"If I don't do it for my sister, who else will I do it for?" He said and smiled.

Y/n was taken aback hearing this cause it was the first time anyone has ever said something like this to her.

"Is everything alright?" He asked. Y/n just nodded her head but he didn't seem convinced.

"If you feel something's disturbing, speak it out. Don't keep it in and make it kill you more. Tell me. I'm all ears." He said.

She paused for a bit and started.

"Since Beomgyu was born, I always wanted to have an elder sibling. Being the eldest is tough. I had to be a good role model to Beomgyu and I always tried my best to behave well but fate didn't let me. I turned to be the opposite of what I expected." She paused.

"It feels different when you have someone elder than you. It's like, you have someone to teach you about everything and tell you what you should do and not."

"What about your parents?" He asked.

"My mom is a professor and she wouldn't stay at the house, half the day. But she made sure I was taken care of well. Sometimes, she'd even take me to college. And you must know my dad. He's just working at the office, work at home and repeat."

"How did you manage then?" He asked worriedly.

"My mother gave me all the love she could. But when she wasn't there, I had maids to take care of me. They let me do whatever I wanted and helped when I felt alone. But how long can I be dependent on them? There are things I want to do with the family." He nodded his head.

"Let me ask you something. You have three wishes from Jinnie. How would you use them?" He asked. Y/n giggled as he mentioned "Jinnie".

"The first wish would be..."


Thank you for reading and supporting my stories! Love you guys always and forever!

Ruby093creators' thoughts