
Break the ice

There was a knock on the door again.

"Come in," I said.

Taehyung came in with a dog, I suppose his pet.

"Y/n meet Kim Yeontan, my son." He said.

"Aww! He looks so cute." I said as I brushed my hand against his soft fur.

"What happened to your lips?" He asked.

"I hurt myself yesterday. Not a big thing," He nodded.

"So, Y/n, you told me you wanted to talk about something yesterday." I nodded.

"How about we go somewhere else?" I asked and we both headed to the terrace.

We stood there, looking at the view in front of us.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" He asked. I sighed and turned towards him.

"I guess Yoongi Oppa would have told you about our encounter yesterday." He nodded his head. I stayed silent after that.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why did you do that?" He asked, worried.

"I... I had no other choice." I paused.

"Everywhere I go, everyone only shows hate to me. Out of those 100 people, 99 people are against me. What can I do with that one person, who'll end up hating me? I started hearing them say these from middle school and then high school, make-up school, stores. It's all clogged up and I can't let go of them." As I said, tears fell from my eyes.

"I feel like giving up. I don't want to live like this. I feel like dying every second I'm outside." I controlled my tears.

He pulled me for a hug and comforted me.

"Y/n, don't say like that. You shouldn't give up. I'll always stay by your side and support you. Not only me but the other members and Yeontannie will also stay by you." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you," I said as we broke the hug.

Suddenly, I remembered what'll happen to Taehyung if my father gets to know that I work here.

"Taehyung, actually you need to know something." He was confused but then paid attention.

"I'm sorry for not telling before but-" Before I could say, I was cut by Taehyun.

"Noona!" Taehyun came running all the way.

"Beomgyu...." He said catching his breath.

"What happened to him?" I asked worriedly.

"Be-Beomgyu is... Noona it's better if you come and see yourself." He said. We three hurried down and I was shocked to digest what I was seeing.

He was... he was walking. I mean trying to walk, which shows that there is some response and effect.

Suddenly, he lost his balance and was about to fall but the others held him at the right time.

I hurried in as they made him sit.

"Noona, you saw I walked?" He asked, excitedly. I nodded in happiness.

"It reminds me of how you tried to walk when you were still a small kid," I said and ruffled his hair. She smiled.

"I envy you both," Namjoon said.

"Why Oppa?" I asked.

"Yeah, me too. I can't stop feeling jealous seeing your relationship and bonding." Hoseok Oppa said.

"It looks more like a mother-son relationship than a brother-sister," Jimin said.

"Noona has always been a mother to me from birth. Our mom would go to work and she didn't have time to care for me. Noona would be the one to feed me, bathe me, play with me, do everything for me to be happy." Beomgyu said.

"Really? That's so sweet to hear. Wish I had a sister like that." Jungkook said, sad.

"Don't worry. You all have me." I said and put my arm around his shoulder. He smiled as he heard it.

"So, let's get back to work," I said and headed out.

"Y/n, you told me you wanted to tell something," Taehyung asked.

"Um... about that... after practice? I don't want to disturb you with it now." I said. He nodded and headed back in.

I walked back to my room thinking about what to do. Should I tell him or not? Wouldn't it be best to tell him before anything happens? But what if I lose my job?

I reached my cabin and pushed away from the thoughts and finished all the work.

--skip to evening--

I finally finished all the work and handed them over to the manager. He was surprised that I finished it fast but to me, it felt like forever.

Beomgyu and his friends left home as Hana came over.

She took my car so I called San and told either him or Seonghwa to pick me up.

I waited by the front desk till I get a call from them.

"Hey, looks like you're waiting for someone?" Taehyung joined me.

"Yeah, my friends told me they're coming over to pick me up," I said.

I thought about it. Should I tell or not? It involves his life, this is the best chance I have. If not now, then never.

"Taehyung, let me just come straight to the point. Makeup is my life. I'd do anything to get into a company as a makeup artist. When I was in make-up school, my teacher got beaten by my father's men because.... she taught me to do make-up. Since then, I didn't get involved in makeup jobs a lot, cause I didn't want them to be hurt by me." I paused.

"But now you offered me to be your makeup artist. I'm scared that something might happen to you when my father knows about this. I just wanted to let you know this." I finished. He didn't reply to anything.

"I know... you might be wondering why I took this job even if I knew something like this would happen. Anyone would. Well, my friend Hana, told me that it is my passion and it'd be better if I go after my dream." I got a message from Seonghwa that he was here to pick me up, as I finished talking.

"Taehyung, just think about it. Your safety is important. If you don't feel it's right, I'm ready to quit. You can take your time. I'll take a leave." I said and left from there.

I felt a bit sad that I might lose my job because of this, but I know it was for the best.

I got in the car and both of them were there.

"Sorry to call you guys when you're busy," I said and kept my things aside.

"It's ok. So how did today go?" Seonghwa asked.

"It was good. Nothing special. And..." I paused.

"And what?" San asked.

"I told Taehyung about it," I said. Seonghwa suddenly hit the break, which made me scared.

"You did what? Why?" San asked.

"I thought it was for the best."

"You do know you might lose the job," Seonghwa said. I nodded my head.

"To me, his safety and health are important than the job. I don't mind if I lose the job, I can find another one. But life comes only once." I said. They were shocked by my speech.

Seonghwa got back to driving. The ride was quiet.

We reached home soon and I got down and thanked them for the ride.

I got in and headed to my room and took a shower. It felt relaxing.

I changed and lay on my bed.

'What a hectic day. Finally, I'm home.'

Laying like that, I fell asleep, immediately.