
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasi
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82 Chs

a strange kid

I strolled through the bustling streets, basking in an enhanced state of well-being. Happiness permeated my being, overshadowing the lingering thoughts that once troubled me.

As I meandered through the throngs of people, the ordinary and the extraordinary intertwined harmoniously. Life seemed to unfold before me, and I reveled in the sheer joy of existence. However, amidst this blissful ambiance, my attention was captured by a sight—a mother accompanied by her young child. The child appeared remarkably mature for their tender age, exuding an aura that piqued my curiosity.

Our paths converged, and for a fleeting moment, our eyes met. A desire to prevent any semblance of awkwardness led me to speak:

Me: Good morning.

The mother responded with a warm smile:

The mother: Hello!

I cast a brief gaze upon her child and engaged in a lighthearted exchange:

Me: Greetings, young brother.

The child responded with a mischievous smirk adorning his face:

The child: Greetings. You know, you exude an air of happiness and coolness. May I share a joke with you?

I expressed my willingness to partake in his spontaneous jest:

Me: Certainly!

Although taken aback by his sudden request to share a joke, I remained open and receptive. I eagerly awaited the forthcoming punchline, curious to see what the young wit had in store.

The child, with an air of confidence, teased:

The kid: Are you truly prepared? This joke is so amusing that it may leave you utterly flabbergasted!

I eagerly encouraged him to proceed:

Me: Please, go ahead!

My curiosity heightened as he built up the anticipation. And then, he delivered the punchline:

The kid: You.

I was initially taken aback by the simplicity and unexpected nature of his joke. Uncertain of how to respond, I found myself laughing:

Me: Haha... What?

The child maintained his smirk, seemingly content with his playful act:

The kid: You heard me.

The room filled with a blend of confusion, amusement, and an inexplicable surge of happiness within me. I struggled to comprehend the meaning behind the joke, yet its sheer randomness and unexpectedness seemed to amplify its comedic effect. I couldn't help but burst into laughter:

Me: Haha... HAHAHA!

The absurdity of the moment enveloped me, and I found myself surrendering to the infectious laughter. I couldn't fully grasp what had transpired, but it didn't matter—I was enveloped in an indescribable joy that defied explanation.

I found myself sprawled on the floor, overcome by uncontrollable laughter. It had been ages since such mirth had consumed me. As onlookers stared at me, their expressions mingling between confusion and shock, a sense of embarrassment should have washed over me. Yet, in that moment, their opinions held no sway.

For I was simply happy.

Rising to my feet, I wiped away a tear of laughter from my eye.

Me: Wow... Haha, I did NOT see that coming!

Brock: Yep, I was well aware of that.

Curiosity sparked within me as I sought to know more about this jovial companion.

Me: What's your name?

Brock: I'm Brock. And you?

Me: I'm Liran. Pleasure to meet you.

We exchanged a handshake, sealing our newfound connection.

Me: Well, Brock, that was quite an unexpected encounter. I never anticipated such a swift delivery of that joke.

Brock: It is what it is. I'll catch you later. How does that sound?

Me: Absolutely, Brock. You strike me as a remarkably astute young individual. Until we meet again.

We departed, each setting off on our respective paths, carrying the memory of this delightful meeting.

I returned to the comfort of my home and reclined on my bed, deep in contemplation about the enigmatic Brock.

Inner monologue: Wow... There's something captivating about Brock. There's an air of wisdom and purpose about him. It would be fascinating to cross paths with him once more.

2 days elapsed, and I found myself once again traversing the infamous "The Wankers 12" street—an area known for its illicit activities and unsavory occurrences. It was noon, and an eerie silence pervaded the surroundings. I spotted no one in sight... until an unforeseen encounter altered the course of events.

Random man: Come here!

Startled, my senses heightened as a single man confronted me. To my shock, he was not alone; two additional individuals flanked him.

Without warning, the man forcefully pushed me, effectively trapping me in a precarious situation. Cornered, I was coerced down a desolate alley. As we reached its end, the assailants cornered me, pinning me against a fence with brutal force, pressing my head against it.

The man: Look... We can settle this peacefully... or we can resort to violence.

Me: What the hell do you want?

Suddenly, one of the man's companions brandished a knife, wielding it as a menacing threat.

The man: If you refuse to comply with our demands, we won't hesitate to end your life. Do you understand?

I remained silent, paralyzed by fear and uncertainty.

The man: Good. Now, hand over your money.

As the man reached into my pocket, rummaging for my wallet, a sudden eruption shattered the tense atmosphere.


Gunshots rang out, piercing the air. I instinctively shut my eyes, crouching down and bracing for the inevitable. The chaos ensued as the assailants were met with resistance, engaged in a desperate struggle against the unknown assailant. And then...


Miraculously, I remained unscathed, untouched by the bullets that had whizzed through the air. Slowly, I rose to my feet, cautiously opening my eyes. I turned around, and there stood a figure shrouded in darkness, shorter in stature than myself, cloaked in black attire that concealed their face and body.

Me: W-Who are you?

The figure's voice carried a sense of familiarity that resonated deep within me. Could it be? No, it couldn't possibly...

Me: Just show me your face!

The figure obliged, removing their mask, revealing their true identity.

It was Brock.

Me: Brock?! Is that really you?

Brock chuckled softly.

Brock: Yep, it's me. I can see that you're quite perplexed right now.

Me: Confused doesn't even begin to describe it. How did you end up here? And how did you even acquire that gun?

Brock: Well, I happened to spot you walking along this notorious street. I knew all too well that it's teeming with unsavory characters driven by power and greed.

Me: Okay, but how did you come into possession of that gun you're holding right now?

Brock: It's a long story, but to keep it brief, I managed to acquire it and learned how to conceal it effectively. Now, take a moment to look around you.

I glanced around the dimly lit alley, taking in my surroundings.

Me: Um... What am I supposed to be looking for?

Brock: Have you noticed any security cameras around here?

Me: No, why would there be?

Brock: Well, you see, this particular alley we're in is the hunting ground for these scumbags who target unsuspecting victims like you.

This alley is secluded and eerily quiet, making it the perfect setting for these criminals' activities.

Clever, isn't it?

I looked at Brock, impressed by his strategic thinking.

Me: Yeah, that was a remarkably shrewd move on your part. If I may say so, you're quite intelligent for your age. Speaking of which, how old are you?

Brock: I'm 13 years old. You seem to be in your early twenties... or perhaps late teens.

Me: You're right, I'm 19 years old. But Brock, what should we do now? What if someone comes looking for them?

Brock: Don't worry about that. Since there are no security cameras here, there is no evidence. And with these special gloves I'm wearing, no one will be able to trace the gun back to me.

Brock then tossed the pistol on the ground, breaking it.

Brock: And now, there's no weapon left.

Me: Heh... Thank you, Brock, for everything.

Brock: You're welcome. I'll see you later.

Brock then walked away, leaving me standing there in a state of shock, trying to process the events that had just unfolded.

Inner monologue: Wow... I've possibly just encountered one of the most intelligent and kind-hearted individuals out there. He took it upon himself to bring justice to those who seek violence and power. What an extraordinary kid.

Lost in contemplation, I eventually made my way home.

Couple hours later...

I found myself lying on my bed, deep in thought, replaying the events of the day in my mind.

Me (mind): Hmm... Perhaps I should reach out to Brock. It would be great to have a meaningful conversation with him. He seems like a remarkable young person.

With thoughts of meeting Brock swirling in my mind, I drifted off to sleep, contemplating the best course of action to connect with him in the future.