
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

the mind


Following the recent turn of events, I resolved to persist in my existence and forge ahead, leaving behind the tumultuous past.

I found myself back within the confines of my own abode, distanced from my maternal abode. Engaged in scholarly pursuits, I became cognizant of various insights that could facilitate my personal growth.

In due course, a revelation dawned upon me.

The intricacies of our cognitive faculties, encapsulated within the enigmatic entity known as the "brain," possess a profound allure. This organ, inherently bestowed upon us all, can prove to be either a boon or a bane, contingent upon the manner in which we harness its potential.

However, that is not the crux of the matter.

The crux lies in the notion that when we encounter a distressing experience, one that inflicts wounds upon our being and elicits profound misery, we instinctively undertake remedial actions to restore our equilibrium and reclaim a sense of well-being.

Flashing back to a particular moment:

Eric: "What if, instead, we allowed ourselves to endure those emotions without intervening?"

Returning to the present:

That inquiry continues to linger within my recollections. What would truly befall us if we were to surrender ourselves to the onslaught of our darkest ruminations, emotions, and all other accompanying elements? What would unfold if we simply permitted them to unfold unimpeded?

Epiphany struck me in that very instant, illuminating the path I must traverse.

The sole remedy, in order to attain profound self-improvement and liberate oneself, resides in the act of relinquishing our attachments.

We shall endure excruciating anguish, anxiety, burdens, shame, and guilt, among myriad afflictions.

For therein lies the crux:

True freedom can solely be achieved through the crucible of suffering.

It is by navigating this treacherous terrain that we emancipate ourselves from the clutches of guilt, the cyclic grip of anxiety, and the manifold burdens that besiege us.

And so, I undertook a resolute course of action.

I renounced the allure of pornography, the enticement of alcohol, and every other facade of solace that threatened to impede my progress. Subsequently, I embraced the daunting choice of allowing myself to undergo this transformative journey, relinquishing control and surrendering to the depths of my own metamorphosis.

The journey proved to be exceptionally arduous, as my mind raced incessantly, besieging me with a deluge of thoughts.

The experience was nothing short of harrowing.

I found solace in seclusion, seeking respite from the overwhelming tumult within. Each time I ventured into the public sphere, traversing amidst ordinary mortals and revered deities, an overpowering sense of trepidation consumed me.

Within the recesses of my consciousness, vivid and disturbing visions unfolded. I witnessed the specter of death, intertwined with explicit and perverse imagery, encompassing individuals from all walks of life. No one was immune to the grasp of these brutal and sexual thoughts that plagued my psyche—children, infants, adults, men, women, and all other manifestations of humanity bore witness to this torment.

The relentless onslaught of panic, anxiety, and pressure threatened to overpower me, driving me perilously close to collapse. My mind, an unyielding adversary, tormented me ceaselessly, unrelenting in its assault.

I became intimately acquainted with the raw essence of my thoughts, as if they permeated my entire being. They possessed an omnipresence that disassociated me from my own existence, rendering me detached from reality.

The added agony lay in the fact that those around me, mere onlookers to my suffering, seemed to cast their gaze upon me. The weight of their scrutiny compounded my anguish, fueling a deep sense of shame and humiliation.

One particularly distressing memory etched itself into my consciousness not too long ago. I found myself seated in a train, surrounded by fellow passengers. In the grip of my torment, I withdrew into myself, choosing not to respond or intervene, allowing the relentless onslaught of anxiety to envelop me. The sheer intensity of the experience proved insurmountable, rendering me paralyzed in the face of overwhelming distress.

I found myself gripped by fear that others would cast mocking glances in my direction, exacerbating my anxiety. It became imperative to extricate myself from the confines of that train. Seeking respite, I averted my gaze, deliberately disregarding the presence of those around me, even as my anxiety continued to escalate unabated.

In that moment, an unexpected sight caught my peripheral vision—an enchanting couple. The goddess possessed an ethereal allure, her physical form exuding cosmic beauty and endowed with ample bosom that gracefully swayed. Her captivating curves exuded an undeniable allure.

Seated beside her was a god, his physique exuding an aura of formidable strength and muscularity. He stood tall and robust, a testament to his physical prowess. Their presence stirred within me a tumultuous mix of emotions, including a latent sense of arousal.

And then, the couple kissed, they kissed passionately, french kissing and caressing eachother's bodies. yet no one noticed,

The god then caressed her tits, feeling her soft curves.

I was so horny and aroused, my dick was so hard.

That goddess then let out a loud moan, as the god then rips of her clothes, fucking and penetrating her pussy and then her massive ass with his giant cock.

And all of what the couple did...

Only happened in my mind.

"The veracity of the situation is that I found myself gazing at that couple akin to an eccentric, only to abruptly regain my presence of mind and avert my gaze.

Inner monologue: Goodness... that was exceedingly mortifying...

Several weeks transpired, and I endured relentless anguish. It transcended mere pain, as I perceived my corporeal form ablaze with its intensity. I remained confined to my bed, submitting myself to the onslaught of emotions, pondering upon the profound uncertainties of this earthly realm and the realms beyond."

At a certain juncture, I succumbed to the overwhelming agony and collapsed upon my bed. The pain was all-consuming, yet paradoxically, I felt a peculiar sense of transcendence, as if ascending to a higher state of being.

I experienced every conceivable doubt, as though my mind had transformed into a personal inferno that both judged and chastised me for each and every transgression I had committed. I became aware of profound truths and realizations. It seemed to me that continuing to live was devoid of purpose, an utter waste of time, and that ending my own existence would be a preferable course of action.

We exist merely to traverse the cycle of life and death, bereft of any intrinsic significance. When will I ever attain true liberation? When will the ceaseless suffering dissipate?

Yet, as I pondered these questions, I gradually grasped their fleeting nature. They held no inherent meaning, for the world continues to spin incessantly, oblivious to our thoughts and our tribulations. We all move forward, irrespective of our individual experiences. And so, as I persisted in my journey, I surrendered to the flow, allowing life to unfold unabated.

Several weeks elapsed since those tumultuous times, and one day, I awakened to a profound transformation.

I felt an overwhelming sense of goodness enveloping me, an indescribable sensation of wonder and happiness. Peace permeated my being, casting aside the previous burdens.

Having recently celebrated my 19th birthday, though the occasion may not have been ideal, I nonetheless embraced the festivities.

But for now, the details of that day are inconsequential.

Presently, I find myself reclining on my bed, relishing in a newfound freedom and tranquility. Stepping outside, everything seems imbued with a heightened sense of joy. Merely observing people engaged in mirthful activities fills me with contentment.

I ventured towards the beach, a place of serene beauty that has always provided solace to my soul. Perhaps the connection lies in the fact that my father once served as a lifeguard there, although I cannot say for certain. Nevertheless, its soothing ambiance never fails to resonate with me.

As I gazed upon the undulating waves, a smile naturally graced my countenance.

Life, my dear friend, is simply good, don't you agree?