
Tribute: I am a gamer

Stop me if you hear this. Someone dies in some traumatic event, and they get reincarnated with superpowers. Not like I care but what am I supposed to do with my superpowers when I'm superlazy.

StoryCraft · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Stat sheet



HP: 999

MP: 999

SP: 999

Body 10

Mind 10


Curse: Cosmokinesis 10

Sage 10

Alchemy 10


??? 10

Curse: Cosmokinesis

The user has an innate knowledge of the cosmos allowing them to create, shape, absorb and manipulate cosmic forces and energies to produce nearly any effect they desire, including the manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, the manipulation of the space-time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortexes, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness.

The user can summon or manipulate comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, galaxies, antimatter, and dark matter. They can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms, and invoke meteor showers. They can also empower themselves and others by harnessing the power of the cosmos. This power can also be used for combat purposes.


The skill allows the user to harness Ki and enhance their physical body with the addition of unlocking the chakras of the human body allowing one to achieve incredible feats.

Eye of the Rat

Not to be mistaken for future sight, the user is able to simulate scenarios and events however they must first attain the necessary data of the target.


The user can create, shape, and manipulate Alchemy, the mystic and scientific pursuit of the power of the Philosopher's Stone and Universal Panacea, focusing on Elemental Transmutation (ranging from transforming base materials into purer (lead or iron into silver or gold) to making permanent changes on the state of matter (making glass malleable or durable), etc.), various forms of Elemental Manipulation (especially electricity and fire) and Life-Force Manipulation (Immortality, Healing and even creating life or at the least clones/homunculi). The user can also manipulate alchemical processes.


No one knows the true nature of this power except the user and maker of the skill. Only rumors of users that possess an enhanced level of freedom and independence that entails a form of supernatural freedom that liberates users from laws, rules, fate, predestination, concepts, limits, and other types of cosmic, spiritual, mental, physical, and mystical jurisdictions, making the users highly resistant or outright immune to their effects. In theory, the lowest level of freedom amounts to enhanced free will that enables users to act more independently and/or immunity from more 'worldly' limitations such as laws or societal norms. The truest levels of freedom, however, would liberate users from fundamental aspects of reality and existence, such as logic, causality, or even their own origin.