
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Not a small surprise, but a massive one

Trevor soon returned to the palace and laid down the girl in some random bedroom, before returning to his favourite bath and soaking in it.

Trevor lay for a long time before he heard a soft knocking on the door.

Confused, he quickly got up and dried off.

"Give me a second!"


"Where am I? What is this place?"

A woman groggily woke up, her throat parched and her stomach growling.

She started to look around and was startled by the lavishness of the room. Still confused and trying to recollect her memories, she started to move out of the bed.

She looked back and discovered that the soft bed and silk blankets were covered in mud and guck. She felt pity for the cleaner having to clean it.

[Welcome back]

"Oh, ok. Where am I?"

The woman was completely confused and obviously asked her system that will hopefully always be with her.

[Follow the map and someone will fill you in on that]

Finally remembering everything. She cleaned the filth off of herself the best she could and followed the faint blue line that disappeared through the door.


Trevor opened the door, surprised to see the pale woman from earlier.

Trevor blushed, "wait just a moment, let me dry up."

Before hearing a response, Trevor shut the door in her face.

Sighing, the woman got some food out of her system and quickly ate it, filling herself as much as she could.

Two minutes later, Trevor walked out of the bathroom, with a light lavender smell which the woman happily inhaled, far nicer to smell than blood, urine and poop.

"Why don't you take a bath first, I will wait."

Trevor put on a light smile, which the woman returned.

She happily skipped into the bathroom, also slamming the door in Trevor's face.

Trevor twitched then walked away to a living room to wait for the woman to finish. However, with his lack of knowledge of woman, he knew that it will take quite a long time for her to finish, let alone in her state.

Trevor sank into a sofa in a rather luxuriant room and opened Alice, starting to sort his equipment and items as well as buying more skills and powers.

Opening up the shop, Trevor's smile reached his eyes

[Money: 157,235 M, 531,632 L]

"Damn I got a lot to spend. This is so much better than being stupidly poor like before," Trevor whispered under his breath.

Trevor opened up the page and started browsing through before remembering something

[9 Divine Qi Heavens (Core Formation Stage) +1]

[9 Divine Qi Heavens (Soul Transformation Stage) +1]

[Money: 81,485 M, 531,632 L]

"And I am poor again," Trevor said to himself sighing.

He went back to find some good abilities to buy.

A rather interesting power caught his eye.

[Qi Blast: A massive amount of Qi totalling 90% of all the remaining Qi reserves in the user's body will be used up in one massive explosion. At great proficiency, you are able to control the direction of the blast as well as its concentration. Cost: 54,000 M]

It was a rather good technique to make a quick attack against an extremely powerful beast. It is especially good for me because of my massive Qi reserves from being just so great.

Whilst thinking to himself, another soft knock could be heard.

Trevor frowned, wondering how time went past so quickly before looking down to see how much time went by.

"What! Five minutes! What a practical girl. Never thought there was a woman who doesn't spend a full hour in the shower. That's right, do come in."

Outside the room, the blonde girl slightly blushed hearing Trevor's loud shouting before composing herself and entering the door.

She saw Trevor leaning back in the couch before sitting on the other side of him.

Trevor began: "Hello then. Who are you. How did you manage to get so far out from the sub-city to get caught. That's several hundred kilometres. You won't be able to get that distance in the few days we got here. Plus, you are only in the second refinement, and are especially weak."

The woman got shocked by how easily Trevor spotted her cultivation. She thought that she could just overpower and force the information out of Trevor without having to try too hard. This guy must be rather strong.

"Hello. My name is Elvia von Aurelia Baumeister of the Baumeister family. Before I continue, I would be pleased to know whom I can refer to you as."

Trevor was shocked. She spoke so politely with great etiquette. I must look like some roadside unrefined Hillbilly to her. Especially with her name. I thought those kind of names have gone extinct.

"My name is Trevor Bianchi. That is all." Though Trevor held the same face as before, he felt embarrassed telling his name to some woman who's name is so prim and proper.

Eliva had some suspicions about Trevor's origins. She had not heard of the Bianchi family before, yet he had the capacity to rule over the city. How interesting.

"Well Trevor, which city is this. Considering the size of the palace, the city must be equally large. The Elven race must be the first of your original planet, yet I have not heard of your, Bianchi, family before today."

Trevor's eyes slightly closed. How interesting. This small surprise of a woman turned out to be a large surprise. That stupid Alice won't tell me any useful knowledge.

Elvia suddenly heard Trevor grown. "Are you all right Trevor."

"Yes, yes, no problem. Well, you have not heard of the Bianchi family before because I am not of the Elven race. I am of the Human race."

Elvia's nose wrinkled in disgust, ruining her beautiful image.

To her, humans were like sewer rats that always loved to destroy everything. At least, thats what she had heard of them. The good image of Trevor having saved her had already been washed away like water running down from the clouds.

Trevor was confused by why Elvia's expression changed so much when hearing about his race. Well, considering my race, it is not too bad that she didn't try to kill me.

Trevor continued. "Well, seeing that you think I own a planet for myself, I assume that your Elven race has an Empire of their own consisting of multiple planets. Well, you don't need to ask, but my human race only had us and no others. At least, we had no interactions with any beings outside of our planet before."

Trevor took the information easily. He is not like those idiots that believe that Aliens of any kind don't exist. After all, our existence alone means that other must exist due to our meaninglessness and chance of occurrence.

"Yes. We are of the Overweg Empire, ruled by the Overweg Royals. My family is known as the Baumeister Dukedom. We have a total of 119 Planets under our rule and have millennia of history."

"After the reformation, all of the planets joined together on this large planet. All 119 planets were subdivided into 119 cities placed all over the planet. Only those city masters can contact each other currently. That being my father and the others."

He was not the least bit surprised by Elvia's high status just considering her beauty and cultivation.

Trevor started to formulate more plans. Obviously, if there was a race of pretty elves, there must be races of ugly ogres or other creatures like big fat worms.

"Well, how did you get here."

"I accidentally stepped on a supposed ancient teleportation device when is went to explore a ravine. I woke up in the dungeon a whilst before you found me. I must thank you for this."

Elvia slightly lowered her head in thanks, yet not too much since she still did not like the human in front of her.

Trevor slightly nodded before standing up. Everything that he wanted to know about her he could extrapolate. He did not need useless details.

Trevor looked more closely at the side of her head only to see her golden locks moving outwards a bit.

Trevor was impressed with the human that figured out elves. They cool. They got things right.

Trevor left the room silently leaving Elvia to her own affairs.

He did not want to interfere any more. He had many things to do now.

He quickly called the two men and walked to the study.

Elvia shortly stood up after Trevor left, determined to become stronger and find her home again. She left, leaving the room to grow dust once more.