
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

What a good feeling and small surprise

Trevor walked into the small settlement, the smell of iron lingered in the air.

Trevor looked around and was appalled by the conditions.

Everything was made out of wood, straw or mud. There was no real sign of sophistication at all.

Trevor then thought about how other beings may think the same about his city and shuddered. Those guys could probably send some random underlings and destroy him entirely.

The clones looked at Trevor weirdly. They knew what Trevor what he was thinking about. How were they just some random underlings? We are basically you!

Forgetting it, Trevor still fell in the revelation of being super duper strong. He walked towards the large building that was also made of wood and straw, albeit no mud.

Trevor walked around a while trying to find a vault but couldn't find a thing.

"Guys, go search for some stuff."

The clones disappeared.

Trevor start to think about an Arabic story he heard about before from Mohammed. The forty thieves. There were forty of them and they are technically now thieves. Some Ali Baba better not come down and steal my loot.

Well, he would be some stupid goblin anyways wouldn't it.


Rather far away, a couple green creatures frowned.

A few beings managed to locate Trevor after his, phenomenon. By few, it was still in the thousands, however there are many trillions and more beings there at the time.

They had lived so many years but wanted to watch this puny human grow up for some entertainment besides their daily cultivation.

The green creatures did not care that he had killed the goblins, after all the weak are killed and the strong prevail. But they didn't like Trevor cursing their race saying that they are all stupid.

You've only seen the goblins of the lowest level! How dare you say such a thing.

One of the more rash beings raised his arm.

He wanted to place a curse of devil's unluckiness on him. If it was any other random mortal being, he would have placed him to torture for eons before refining the soul into a flame and keep him as a candle for eternity. However, there were some beings also watching that were many times stronger than him.

Just as he was about too, another being stepped out and stopped him.

He let out an invisible wave of energy that cut through the fabric of space and moved unimaginable distances and cleanly removed three fingers from the green being's hand.

Of course, he noticed and withdrew his hand quickly. If not, the arm would be gone.

"I just wanted to help clean your arm. It looked rather dirty after so many years. Why retract it?"

The voice came from a very handsome young man of the human race. If he was placed on earth, he would certainly be the number one forever there. Although he said this, who amongst their circle didn't know that he simply wanted to protect their race's child.

"You dare do such a thing?"

A voice behind the green being echoed out. It was deep and monotonous, yet weak beings would die from the amount of expression. Thankfully, they weren't actually speaking. Only sending messages.

The voice from who knew where also equal shot out and attacked the human.

The human couldn't even react in time. When he could finally see the blade and couldn't raise his hands to defend, a translucent shield appeared out of nowhere.

"Goshutak, if you want to fight the human race again, we would gladly do so. However, do you have the guts to do so. You guys are only a medium level race whilst we are a top tier race. Do you want to have another fight? Remember what happened last time?

Concealed by space, a green being grimaced in anger. They used to be a high level race but they thought that the human race didn't deserve their spot as they were simply weak offspring of the byproduct of the angel and immortal race. Who knew that their talent didn't rely in great power of one, but good power in a thousand. Still, their individual strength was not to be scoffed at. Last time, they sent out a couple guys and wiped them off the face of the map.

They took trillions of eons to recover to a passable medium level race.

He knew that he was in the wrong as well because he was attacking someone from thousands of generations younger than him.

Goshutak spoke nothing else and went away, not bothering with the humans anymore.

An invisible human scoffed and also disappeared. Many beings laughed at the goblins stupidity.

The humans is quite funny and right. All at the time, they raised their hands and blessed Trevor.

He was good amusement.

It's like billionaire viewers donating to a streamer who can't even afford muddy water from a ditch, whilst not letting the streamer know that he was streaming.


Right after Trevor said how stupid the future Ali Baba would be, he started to feel stronger, not physically, but he still felt more rejuvenated. Trevor felt satisfied. Cursing goblins is they way to go. The gods must have thanked me by talking about how stupid they are. I mean, there is no need to say anything, after all, they are really just so stupid.

Just as he thought this, the good feeling came back. How great! I can harvest the good feeling. I mean, it is going to be very easy considering how stupid the goblins are.

This time, Trevor couldn't feel as much. Those guys are quite stings.

Far away, the beings were frowning, having being taking advantage of by such a dust particle. Some laughed at the others and some prepared to kill. Thankfully, things calmed down, or Trevor wouldn't even know what happened.

"Yo, main body, we found a prison. Want to check it out!"

Intrigued, Trevor went to take a look.

Trevor was slightly impressed by the prison. The door was hidden under a carpet in the main house.

He nodded to the clones that discovered it and descended the already opened hatch and walked down.

Trevor looked around and his initial feeling once more collapsed.

This isn't no prison. It is literally just some beasts that have been chained here. Wait, chains?

Trevor was impressed once more. They actually have something sophisticated like chains. They must have stolen it from some other tribes out there. Lucky them.

Trevor walked down the dimly lit hallway.

He reached the end to find nothing, he turned around, preparing to kill the beasts to harvest a couple spirit stones and prevent them from dying of starvation. He couldn't really release them because they would immediately attack him. It was rather problematic. They were already all screaming at him just walking along.

Just as he pulled out his sword. He heard a soft and weak voice from behind.

He turned around confused, wondering which human ventured so deep only to get captured.

In one of the cells behind, there was an unimaginably beautiful woman lying their shackled, almost as beautiful as Jasmine. Trevor was in a short stupor before realising and helping her out.

He expertly cut the chains and carried her out. She felt rather frail and light.

"Thank you," was the last thing she said before dozing off. Surprised, she tried to feel her pulse to make sure she didn't die.

It was still there, must have fallen asleep. He gently walked out of the prison and instructed the clones to kill the beasts and save anything else that didn't growl at them.

Trevor started to blush. He had never held a woman so close to him before, let alone one so pretty.

Trevor looked up at the sky and decided to head back. He needed to formulate a proper plan now.

He immediately dashed away, the woman in his hands.