
Traveling Through Worlds (Multiverse)

Lin Yi has obtained the ability to traverse through countless realms and dimensions. Regardless of the world's timeline or the type of protagonist, anyone who obstructs his path to becoming stronger will be killed. = This is a Harem FanFic where the MC is thrown into various anime worlds, embarking on missions assigned by his system. The missions don't have any time limits and the MC is free to do whatever he want. The system serves as a means to travel between worlds, and the MC doesn't rely on it to become stronger. Additionally, the MC is genuinely intelligent and competent, unlike some authors who portray intelligence by diminishing the IQ of other characters. = Current World: Attack on Titan Worlds: Tokyo Ghoul -> Attack on Titan -> Dragon Nest -> Akame Ga Kill -> Dragon Raja = Check my Patreon and read upto 50 Chapters ahead! — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · Komik
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176 Chs

TTW Chapter 91: Titans

"Take a break for a while," Lin Yi suggested. "Dealing with matters like this isn't something that can be resolved in an instant."

Mikasa nodded in response. As she calmed down, she noticed a peculiar device placed near the weapons rack, unable to resist her curiosity, she asked, "What is that?"

"That's an Omni-Directional Mobility Gear," Lin Yi explained. Then, realizing that this explanation might be too technical for a child, he added, "It's a special equipment used for fighting against Titans."

Mikasa nodded again, indicating her understanding, and asked, "Do I need to learn how to use it?"

"Heh..." Lin Yi smiled gently and ruffled Mikasa's hair. "No, you don't."

He didn't need Titan-fighting weapons; he only needed his Jörmungandr to fight alongside humans.

"Remember, the only things you need to learn are these," Lin Yi pointed at the weapons on the rack. "Will these really help me?" Mikasa asked.

"They should, if you become skilled at using them," Lin Yi vaguely replied.

In the following days, Mikasa visited the trading post daily to train in combat. Meanwhile, a significant event was taking place—the Survey Corps was setting off.

They were venturing beyond the walls to investigate the truth about the Titans in the outside world.

Each time they went on an expedition, everyone was filled with hope, but tragically, it always ended in failure.

This time was no exception.

The expedition took a week, which was considered quite lengthy. The world outside the walls was highly perilous, infested with roaming Titans. Consequently, the Survey Corps suffered considerable losses during this expedition.

Today marked the day of the Survey Corps' return, and the streets of Shiganshina District were already crowded with people.


The clash of wooden swords echoed as Lin Yi skillfully parried Mikasa's attack with controlled strength.

"You've made remarkable progress, Mikasa. Your talent is truly exceptional," Lin Yi praised her. Despite her forehead glistening with sweat, Mikasa smiled brightly, pleased with the compliment.

During a rare break, Mikasa put down her wooden sword and caught her breath before asking, "Sir, today is the day the Survey Corps returns. Don't you want to go and see? Eren came to see me this morning."

At some point, Mikasa had started addressing Lin Yi as "Sir," imitating how the others referred to him, regarding him as someone to look up to.

"I already know the outcome, so there's no need to watch," Lin Yi replied candidly.

Mikasa's spirits weren't high at the moment, but she wasn't too surprised by Lin Yi's response either.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask," Lin Yi encouraged.

"Sir, it seems you know a lot, and ever since you learned that the Survey Corps was returning, you've been transferring goods and suspending trades at the trading post for the past few days."

Lin Yi couldn't help but silently admire her keen observation despite her young age.

However, Mikasa was troubled by the fact that she still couldn't contribute much.

"Don't worry too much about it. You're still too young. Focus on becoming exceptional, and one day, you'll be able to help me," Lin Yi patted Mikasa's head, feeling a sense of guilt for influencing her growth.

"After today's training, don't go back. I've already sent someone to pick up your mother."

"The trading post is relocating to Wall Rose."

Lin Yi explained, "I'll give you some time to say goodbye to your friends, okay?"

Mikasa shook her head.

It seemed that her relationship with Eren wasn't as close as it was in the original story, probably due to Lin Yi's influence.

Lin Yi dismissed the temporary workers at the site, watching as Mikasa's carriage departed. She and the supplies were bound for Wall Rose.

And he had other matters to attend to.

He arrived alone at the rooftop. The trading post was located in the most prosperous area of Shiganshina District, providing an unobstructed view of most of the district.

People were still bustling on the streets, gathering in groups to discuss the defeated Survey Corps and expressing various complaints.

"That should be enough."

Originally, the setting sun should have cast a red glow, but the colossal wall, reaching fifty meters high, obstructed the beautiful sight.

What a waste of a magnificent view.

"It's been a while since I used Quinque. I wonder if I'm rusty," Lin Yi murmured to himself. Beside him was a golden-bordered white suitcase, an incongruous sight in this world.

For the people here, the Survey Corps' defeat was nothing more than a topic for casual conversation.

Suddenly, a sound similar to an explosion rang out, like thunder.

The once-peaceful street was disturbed again, and people instinctively gathered in the direction of the sound.

"What happened?"

"Did something explode over there?"

"It sounds like it came from the wall."


People discussed fervently, but Lin Yi, who looked somewhat out of place, rested his hand against his head and leaned against the railing, looking boredly at the distant towering wall.

His fingers tapped rhythmically on the railing.


In the sight of countless onlookers, a massive hand climbed up the fifty-meter-high wall. With just a slight exertion, the colossal palm crushed numerous wall stones.

Then, a gigantic head emerged from beyond the wall, overlooking the people below like ants.

Before the crowd could recover from their shock, the colossal gate over ten meters tall was kicked through by the Titan.

The powerful shockwave destroyed everything in its path. Many people standing behind the gate were sent flying.

Once the short-lived turmoil subsided, cries for help and screams of terror filled the air as people frantically ran for their lives.

Because the Titans had invaded after the gate was broken.

Amidst the chaos, only Lin Yi, carrying the suitcase, walked against the flow of people, moving forward.


Next Week 2 Chapters Per Day! I'm gonna try to speed up! I want to read more! Since I translate while I read. 

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