
Transporter : Fishman Island

I some how ended up on Fishman Island, in the One Piece world after getting lost in the mountains. I plan to leave the Strawhats alone and live a normal life while enjoying the wonders of the new world I find myself in, but everyone has to make a living in any world so I'll... ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound Twitter.com/@DGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · Komik
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10 Chs

Cha 8 : Shakky's Rip-off Bar.

"You guys just give me a second, this won't take long at all." Solomon said as he put down Robin and Nami.

And once there feet hit the ground Solomon had disappeared, reappearing above the Pacifista, his fist completely black and covered in a red glow, and with one punch from Solomon the Pacifista became a crumpled tin can that looked like it was stomped down into the ground.

"You just used those CP9 techniques! So cool!" Luffy shouted as he hopped around Solomon trying to keep eye level with him, everyone else was shocked.

"Hahaha, when you see it happen enough you just seem to learn it you know?" Solomon tried to laugh off Robin's new suspicious look, but Luffy just nodded with a look that made him seem deep in thought, but if you knew him you knew that he was probable thinking about meat.

"Alright let's go, we have to go meet up with Rayleigh, Hachi and the Little One." Solomon said as he picked Nami and Robin back up again, soon everyone was following after him to Shakky's Rip-off Bar.


Once they got to the bar Luffy started raiding the fridge and the others were listening to Rayleigh tell them about the pirate king, how his name was actually Gol D. Roger not Gold Roger, and how he actually gave himself up to the Marines due to an illness driving him straight to an early grave, he used his death to start the great pirate age.

Solomon could only listen from the door way as he would have to rip the top off the building to be able to get into it, but he didn't mind as it was all things he had heard before in the anime, "The celestial dragons tell their children stories of the clad of D. About how they are the natural enemies of God, those fat bastards all consider themselves God's." Solomon almost spat in anger when he talked of the celestial dragons ego, the others became more serious when he talked about his past slavers, they couldn't even imagine the horrors Solomon had to experience.

"Anyway I'll help Rayleigh coat the ship, while the rest of you lay low, with the Admiral here you don't want to get his attention and get in his crosshairs, even if he is a lazy bastard." Solomon explained.

"Oh, they sent Kizaru then?" Rayleigh exclaimed in surprise, "Sengoku must have threatened him to make him get off his ass, hahaha!" He laughed.


The straw-hat crew were walking along, with Solomon there as welk but out of sight, the rest thought he was on his way to coat the ship, at least that's what he told them what he was doing, when in actual fact he was following them from up above, waiting for the Pacifista to attack and as if on cue a Kuma look-a-like appeared, shooting lasers from his hands.

The crew managed to dodge the first couple beams with the monster trio knocking the Pacifista back with a joint attack but Solomon knew straight away that an attack of that level wouldn't be able to dent it, so Solomon decided to step in again, but he just hoped that Luffy had learned that same lesson that he learned in the anime, that there are much stronger enemies out there that could easily take his life and the lives of his crew with a snap of there fingers.

Jumping down from his perch Solomon landed with a bang as he locked hands with the Pacifista as it tried to reach the rest of the crew, knowing that he would just get hit by its beams if he stayed in a hand lock with the Pacifista he quickly broke both it's wrists and infused a bit of Haki in his fist and some of his red aura to finish off the nice knuckle sandwich he was making for the robot in front of him.

And with one punch from Solomon the Pacifista was dead, that is if you could even count it as alive in the first place, "Is everyone alright? I sensed that you guys were in trouble." Solomon explained as he let his red aura and Haki recede from his fist.

The others let out a sigh of relief but that didn't last long when Solomon was attacked again by a very fat man that had black hair shaped like a helmet and a giant battle-axe, "You managed to destroy PX-1, how am I going to explain that to that bastard Punk?" The fat guy complained, but even with his appearance Solomon took him seriously as he knew that the fat man had access to the first level of Armament Haki, not on the second level like Solomon was.

So without letting the fat guy waste anymore breath he disappeared from everyone else's sight and reappeared above the fat guy, grabbing his head with both of his hands and as he was moving back to the ground he made his body twist in the air, forcing the fat guys head to twist as well making it separate from the rest of his fat body with how fast Solomon twisted in the air.

He may have been a lot more difficult to handle if he wasn't so slow and he only really had his high defence to protect him but that could easily be combated with a splash of Haki, dropping the head next to the headless body Solomon walked back to his new crew who were getting whiplash from having to whip there head from side to side with the amount of times they had tried to follow Solomon's movements.

"It's just one after the other isn't it, haah~" Solomon sighed aloud and the crew looked at him like he was crazy, probably something to do with the level of strength Solomon was displaying, but he knew that they had to realise the type of the world they were in soon rather then later for their own good.

Robin seemed like she was going to ask another question when a beam of light came right at Solomon but it was just absorbed like the last one but the sneak attack still angered Solomon, "Kizaru! Get out here you lazy bastard!" Solomon raged, summoning his red aura to cover himself and having the glowing red item flying closely around him, ready to absorb any attacks that came at him.

Now that the item stayed around they could see that it was actually a white Oni demon mask with fang's in its open mouth and black horns at the top of its head, the mask was moving like a real face and it seemed alive, there was also red flames coming out from behind the mask that seemed to make it fly.

"Oh~ what do we have here~?" Kizaru drawled as he entered the scene with a flash of yellow light that came from his body as it reformed in front of them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


https://www.pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

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