
Transporter : Fishman Island

I some how ended up on Fishman Island, in the One Piece world after getting lost in the mountains. I plan to leave the Strawhats alone and live a normal life while enjoying the wonders of the new world I find myself in, but everyone has to make a living in any world so I'll... ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound Twitter.com/@DGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Cha 7 : Admiral arrives on Sabaody!

Once Solomon had completely decimated the marines, killing most of them with only a couple punches and the rest either seriously injured and unconscious or just seriously injured, but then they just wished for to be knocked out so they wouldn't have to feel the pain from their injuries.

He didn't kill all of them because he needed to send a message to the higher ups in the Navy and World Government, a message that says he was here and it was him who killed the celestial dragons, he wasn't going to stop there either.

Solomon knew that this world make him unable to go back home for a little bit longer but he already had a plan of how he could get there eventually and said plan was actually wearing a straw-hat and standing right next to him.

"Hey! Big guy! Join my crew!" Luffy shouted up to Solomon. Kid and Law looked at Luffy like he was a idiot, to try and recruit someone that had just killed around 100 people, 3 of which were celestial dragons.

Solomon looked at Luffy silently, as if contemplating what he should say next, but Solomon had long ago known what he should say to the future king of the pirates, "I won't follow a weak captain and I plan to destroy every last one of the celestial dragons, will you still want a man like that on your crew?" Solomon asked Luffy, who just frowned at being called weak.

"Hey! I'm not weak! I've beat up plenty of strong guys that everyone said was unbeatable, how about that?!!" Luffy shouted, breaking out in a smile at the end, "And I don't care if you kill all those bubble heads! Not if they are all like that guy that shot Hachi, I was going to punch that guy before you killed him anyway." Luffy smiled wider.

"Alright I'll follow you, Captain. I'm Creed D. Solomon, just feel free to call me Solomon, that goes the same for the rest of you." Solomon said as his eyes moved from Luffy to the rest of the Straw-hats that had just came out of the auction house.

When they heard Luffy recruit Solomon they seemed conflicted, especially the weak trio, Nami, Usopp and Chopper were all acting scared because of what Solomon did to all the marines around them and the rest were either interested in their new crew mate like Franky, Brook and Sanji were, or they were indifferent like Zoro and Robin, not caring one bit about what Solomon was like or motives.

"We better leave now Captain, an Admiral is going to be on his way now that I killed those celestial dragons and even I would have a hard time fighting them, especially with how weak my Haki is right now." Solomon told the crew who started panicking, mainly the weak trio though, who were running around like headless chicken.

"Alright everyone lets run." Luffy smiled at the rest of the crew.


Solomon was currently running behind the rest of the crew, most of them were still weary of him and he noticed Zoro and Robin watching him when ever he would make a move.

"So, Mr. Creed, if you were always this strong, why didn't you escape from the celestial dragons long ago?" Robin asked him, slowing down so she was just running ahead of Solomon, but Solomon was just walking and that made him feel bad for Robin, with her trying to talk to him when she is basically all out sprinting.

Solomon leaded down slightly, just enough that he could pick her up to then put her on his shoulder, she was visibly surprised and he even noticed Zoro draw one of his blades from it's sheaths slightly but he didn't do anything when he saw Solomon put Robin on his shoulder and continue running like nothing happened.

"Don't worry so much Lad, I'm not going to hurt a fellow crew member." Solomon said to Zoro who after a second nodded his head and focused on running in the right direction.

While that was happening Nami was shouting complaints that Solomon should carry her as well, not wanting to make a scene Solomon relented and also picked up Nami as well and put her on his other shoulder, "Happy?" Solomon asked her with an internal sigh, Nami just nodded her head happily, it reminded him of the cat that caught the canary.

"And to answer your question as to why I didn't escape sooner, it was because they held the lives of everyone on Fishman island over my head, it was only because of Camie that I acted when I did." Solomon explained to Robin who frowned when he mentioned Fishman island.

"Why would anyone on Fishman island matter?" She asked, Nami also gained an interested look when she heard Robins line of questions.

"Fishman island is my home, back then I coated ships that left the island with my brother in all but blood, Den." Solomon explained.

"Den-chan! That's my Masters brother! I would have never thought that you were related to my Master! SUPER!!!" Franky shouted out in surprise breaking out into tears when he thought of his late Master.

"You're one of Tom's sons? Hahaha! What a small world!" Solomon laughed heartily, making Robin and Nami hold on to Solomon's ear for their dear lives with how much his laughter made his shoulders shake.

"Just call me Uncle Solo from now on then, hahahaha!" Solomon laughed again making Franky start laughing as well and put his forearms together, calling out super!

Watching that the rest of the crew got smiles on their faces as well, but the happy moment didn't last as Robin continued her questioning, "I see ... sorry to ask so many questions but I can't stop my curiosity."

"Don't worry your little head Las, I know you are just looking out for your friends and I'm an unknown that could bring them harm." Solomon said to her.

Hearing that Luffy got a frown, "Hey, Robin! Don't be mean to our new crew mate, he seems like a nice guy!" Luffy shouted back at them, but started smiling again when he said Solomon was a nice guy.

"Don't worry about her Captain, I would have told you all eventually, but it's a boring story so I hope you understand." Solomon explained before he started telling them all why he knew Camie, what he was doing on Sabaody all those years ago and what he had gone though when he was a slave, making most of the crew cry out in anger or sympathy for what Solomon had been through, he was about to explain more when a beam of light was fired at them from afar, Solomon reacted faster then the others and jumped in front of everyone else to shield them from the beam.

Something with the same red glow that Solomon released when he was fighting the marines appeared in front of him and absorbed the beam, but no one got a good look at what it was as Solomon made it disappear just as quickly, "They are really going all out if they sent a pacifista." Solomon muttered to himself, but it gained Robins attention and she gain an even more curios expression but even she knew that her questions would have to wait till later.


"Oh~ Well what do we have here~" A tall man, around half the size of Solomon, wearing a yellow pinstriped suit, said with a lazy drawl as he looked at the pirates trying to escape from Sabaody.

"Damn! It's Admiral Kizaru! Everyone run!" All the pirates were already running, even before the warning was shouted.

"Well~ That's not a nice way to greet someone~" Kizaru spoke slowly, letting the pirates run away but it didn't matter with his speed, no one would be escaping.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


https://www.pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

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