
Transmigrated With A Time Chamber In DxD

"Okay guys. Time to settle an argument. If you were to reincarnate in DxD, what race would you choose and why?" Some choose dragons. Some choose yokai. Others choose devils and another few, angels. In an era where gods exist and a myriad of races populate the planet, Igor made the most uncanny of choices. As for what it was, read on and find out. Available on Fanfiction.net and RoyalRoad with the same title name.

HolyGambler · Komik
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215 Chs

Chapter 138

"What I want to know now is, with all this information I've told you, what will you do?"


Alicia did not know that all of this had happened because of her selfishness. All she knew was that barely an hour later, Baraquiel returned to her with his heart filled with despair. For days upon days, he was barely functioning. Just getting him to eat was hard.

And finally knowing why this man who was like a pillar in her life, appear so broken…there was only one response she could give.





It is said that even a small stream can cut through a boulder if given enough time Whether it be years, decades, or centuries, it will eventually succeed. So far, there was nothing remarkable about this woman that Azazel could pick up. But, maybe she was like the gentle running stream that managed to cut into his stoic brother.

Whether it was using his magic or observation, Alicia was truly no different from other women. Admittedly, she was pretty and fleshed out in all the right places. But there were quite literally, millions of others like her and thousands more that were equally, if not more beautiful than her.

Baraquiel was not a sheltered monk. In all the millenniums he's lived, he had met countless woman who were at the very least, ten-times more beautiful than Alicia. So since her background and appearance were all average, there must be something about her personality.

And that was what Azazel would aim to verify.

"Miss Garcia. I will repeat myself. What I want to know is, what will you do?"

Drive her into a corner, overwhelm her with guilt, and assess her true character.


This whole time, not once had Alicia raised her head. The shame she felt made her disgusted with herself.


"I love him."

…no matter how she tried, she couldn't imagine a life without him…not anymore. She had long since went past the realm of gratitude. What she felt for him, was sincere.

"I love Baraquiel."

After spending the first two weeks having to comfort him, she was even more sure of this fact. She was willing to endure the bad times and stick with him through thick and thin. Even when she finally knew the reason for his grief, and knew that part of the blame fell on her, her determination still existed.

"I-I know what it looks like. I know that I seem inconsiderate. I know that he's suffered, but I will not leave him!"

Raising her head, she glared at Azazel with a determined expression.

"I will carry this sin of adultery and spend my whole life atoning for it. I will personally apologise however many times I have to to both his wife and child. I will accept any penance that I will have to undertake, but not at the price of losing the man I have come to love!"


Azazel…was touched.


Whether it be her words or determination, they were beautiful. If not for his self-control, he might've given a round of applause as he cried manly tears in that very moment. If the context wasn't so fragile, he might've even actively supported her in becoming his brother's second wife.

"I have loved Baraquiel for years now, and I have come to understand what sort of person he is. I…I know that I am an unremarkable woman who cannot compare to his wife. But, I can bear with that. Even if…even if I can only see him once a year, I-I can bear it. But I cannot bear never seeing him again."

Standing up, her fists were clenched as she revealed her declaration.

"I sincerely apologize for my words, but I will not change them. You may call me inconsiderate, selfish, or even a whore if you wish. But, unless he tells me himself that he no longer wants me, I will not leave him!"


There was no need for more evaluations. In front of her unwavering determination, Azazel couldn't help but smile.

"You pass."

He wasn't angry. Rather, he was delighted.

"Your feelings are sincere without any ulterior motives."


Alicia was left with a startling realisation.

"Th-then you…"

Silencing her with a finger, he took a sip of his coffee before continuing with his statement.

"Should the time arise in the future, I will be glad to accept you as a sister-in-law."

Falling to her chair, fresh tears flowed down Alicia's cheeks as she hid her face behind her hands.

"T-Thank you. *Hik*…thank you, sir."

Alicia didn't know why, but having his confirmation really stirred up her emotions.

"However, do not get too excited yet. You still have to work even harder."

Gently slapping her cheeks to calm herself down, a look of determination formed on Alicia's face.

"Yes. For Baraquiel, I will not give up!"


Smiling lightly, Azazel stood up.

"I hope you will remember what you said in your heart."


Failing to respond, Alicia fell into a brief daze before her eyes finally cleared up.

"H-huh? Did I fall asleep?"

Quickly looking around, she was relieved to see that no one was looking at her oddly.

[Phew. Praise the lord. I guess I dozed off for only a moment.]

As she fixed her appearance and resumed her work, Azazel watched her carry on with her daily life. Standing on the other side of the road, he heaved a sigh.

[I'm sorry, brother. But I've already erased all traces of you in her life.]

From memories, to logistics, everything had been erased or replaced. As far as she knew, someone named Baraquiel would've never existed in her life.

[Until you resolve everything, it is best that she never knows of you.]

Instead of erasing her memories, he had locked them away. Initially, he was simply going to erase them like he did everyone else's. But upon hearing her declare her heartfelt love for his brother, he changed his mind and locked them away.

Watching her diligently attend to her customers, Azazel developed a whole new respect for her.

[Brother. You truly are lucky to find such women twice in one lifetime.]

After two days, he had calmed down and forgiven him. If things could go back to normal, he would be glad. But, he was realistic.

[Unfortunately, fate decided to toy with you.]

The chances of his and Shuri's relationship recovering were abysmally low. It was a sad fact, but it was a fact nonetheless.

[If only you didn't run away, brother. If only…]

With a regretful sigh, he walked away, his presence disappearing into the crowd until finally…


…he vanished.




Shuri did not know how to feel. It had barely been thirty minutes since her talk with Baraquiel. Since then, she had been battling with her emotions.

Having sat directly on the floor with her back against the door, she was in the privacy of her own guest room in Cleria's mansion. Half an hour later and she still couldn't believe how her former self came to love such a man who wouldn't hesitate to leverage his own daughter.

'I was a broken man that day.'


Remembering the moment he said those words with such a defeated expression, she sighed while looking up at the ceiling.

"I also died that day."

It was a horrible memory considering that it came with the most intense emotions…'his' emotions. But avoiding it would not help anyone. It is said that love conquers all, and her love for Baraquiel not only conquered death, but amnesia itself.

Moments after Baraquiel had been brought in with internal injuries, she realised it that just like Akeno, she also harboured feelings for him. Without any delays, she had bandaged and took care of him for the past two days.

Sometimes, she would even enter his room of rest, stand there, and just watch him. Just seeing him made her heart feel at ease for some inexplicable reason.

[I loved you, Baraquiel.]

It wasn't mind-control or some delayed magic spell that would compel her. Her death would've made any magic a mute point. It was why she believed that the latent love she had for Baraquiel was real and honest.

And…despite all odds…

"I…I was willing to love you, Baraquiel."

Such a notion was illogical considering what he had done. But this love, this love that had been nurtured for over a decade was not something so easy to bury. The feelings and desires that were carried even unto her death could not be erased so easily. Despite his actions having effected her greatly, she was fully willing to try again. If not for her, then for Akeno.

It would've been difficult, but she was willing. The last thing she wanted was their daughter growing up without a father for her own selfish reasons. But, when he touched her…hugged her, she felt very uncomfortable.

His muscular arms enveloping her, an action that would make her swoon, downright revolted her to the point of subtle disgust. Her mind was briefly clouded, but all she wanted at that moment was to get him off and leave the room.

But, the next set of words he said as she was about to leave…

'Then what about our daughter?! She needs a father!'

…served to shatter all the remaining hope she had left. If there was one reverse-scale that Shuri had, it was Akeno. It was one thing if Baraquiel hurt her. His affair with that woman would only serve to hurt her. She could endure that, even if it meant enduring his touch.

But, accepting a man who would willingly use his own daughter as a bargaining tool was not something she would accept under any circumstances. No matter how much it hurt her, she would tear him out of her heart.

[I was willing to love you, but you are no longer the man I once knew.]

She was a grown woman now. She was no longer the same naive nineteen-year-old girl. She was an adult woman who could think about what was best for herself and for her daughter. Even if it hurt her down to the core, she had to accept it.

'I was a broken man, that day.'

She had to accept that things would never be the same and that perhaps…

'Then what about our daughter?! She needs a father!'

…it was best if they went their separate ways and lead their own lives.

[I am sorry, Baraquiel. But we cannot continue.]




If you're interested in reading ahead, here's the link: patreon.com/HolyGambler