
Transmigrated With A Movie Tech System

Zeke travels through the parallel worlds and activates the Marvel Technology System! He builds an Iron Man at the start! Develop Super Soldier Serum in one month! He invented the Pym Particle in half a year! With the Marvel Technology System, Zekes' Technology has been directly ahead of the world for hundreds of years! Follow Zeke and his creations dominate the parallel world! --------- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. ---------- Author: DREAMCATHER Translator: NanashiHonda ----------- Raw souce on Auxiliary. ............ ....... .... . [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

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410 Chs

Chapter 176: He Appears!

"Your Majesty, do you have any advice?"

Zeke chose to connect the phone.

On the other side, Grace heard Zeke's voice on the phone and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

This weird guy finally answered the phone.

For so many days, she has been calling Zeke constantly. Whenever she is free, she will dial Zeke's number, hoping to hear Zeke's call in the interval of the "The number you dialed is unavailable right now" sound.

Whoever thought that Zeke would not answer the phone, no matter who called, the feedback showed that "The number you dialed is unavailable right now " 24 hours a day, which made Grace extremely speechless.

"Remember Princess Elena, who I mentioned to you last time?"

Grace didn't go around in circles. Instead, she started straight to the point as soon as she came up for fear that Zeke would not be able to get in touch again.

"She came to our kingdom this time to visit, and she spent many days in the capital and saw the Phoenix Tree. After that, she especially wants to meet you, the great inventor and great hero of the kingdom. How is it? Do you have time?"

"Oh? Princess Elena wants to see me?"

Of course, he knows Princess Elena, the most beautiful woman in Europe, the daughter of William North, the prime minister of Country U. He has seen her several times while surfing the web by chance. He was suspicious of how North could give birth to such a beautiful daughter.

He also knew about Princess Elena's visit this time, but suddenly Grace came to tell him that she wanted to see him, which surprised him.

"Zeke, I know you are very busy, but Princess Elena's visit to our kingdom signifies the friendship between the two countries. As the second Elder, you should be there."

Grace turned a pencil for marking documents in her hand and said casually.

"But if it's inconvenient for you, then forget it."

From a personal point of view, Grace did not want Zeke to see Princess Elena.

But this is also Princess Elena's wish, and of course, Grace has to convey it.

"Convenient! Of course, it's convenient."

Zeke agreed immediately, "Princess Elena is a beautiful woman. I heard it is difficult for the second generation of European princes to ask her to have a meal. Now she takes the initiative to see me. I must give her some respect."

"Besides, I am the second elder of the kingdom, and I represent it."

Zeke has never resisted meeting with beauties.

He is a top noble in the Phoenix Kingdom, and having more wives and concubines is normal. What's more, a beautiful woman like Princess Elena took the initiative. So how could Zeke turn her away?

Grace felt unhappy when she heard Zeke's simple agreement.

But she didn't say much.

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, Princess Elena and I will be waiting for you in the sky garden of the palace. So remember to be there on time."

Grace said with an expressionless face.

"Your Majesty, I will meet with Princess Elena, just the two of us. Is it inconvenient?"

Zeke rolled his eyes and said casually, "How can I say that you and I are also ex-husband and ex-wife, always appearing in the same picture frame? Which will affect the reputation of Your Majesty. And the kingdom is now facing a lot of pressure from other countries. As a king, you should have many important matters to deal with. So you can leave Princess Elena to me at ease. I promise to make her very satisfied with our kingdom."

Hearing this, Grace couldn't help biting her lips.

Indeed, Zeke is not only the second elder of the kingdom, the savior, the hero, but also an essential identity for her - her divorced ex-husband.

If the proud Grace from before replaced her, she would definitely not have had any interaction with Zeke again.

But now, Zeke's status in her mind is very different from before.

"You don't have to worry about this. Just remember to arrive on time tomorrow!"

Grace didn't explain further and hung up the phone as soon as she finished speaking.

Grace was silent in the king's office for a long time without saying a word.

She slowly got up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked up at the magnificent Phoenix Tree that was exceptionally bright in the night, her eyes misty.

She knew that her heart had fallen unknowingly.

Because of her king's persona, her identity as his ex-wife, and various factors that could not be determined, Grace could never tell what she felt for him.


Grace let out a sigh.

Sighs echoed in the huge office, full of sorrow and helplessness.


The next day, starting at 8:30 in the morning, Princess Elena and Grace were already enjoying breakfast on the rooftop of the Hanging Garden while waiting for Zeke's arrival.

"Your Majesty, is my dress okay today?"

Elena waved her skirt and asked nervously.

Today is the day she officially meets Zeke for the first time. Elena got up at four in the morning, dressed in various ways in front of the mirror, and changed clothes one after another. It took her a long time to finally feel satisfied.

But even so, she still felt uneasy. The last time she had this kind of nervousness was the first time she spoke publicly on behalf of Country U's Royal Family.

"Elena, don't be nervous, be confident. You are already gorgeous."

In contrast, Grace was much more relaxed and casual, "You have to remember that who you meet today is not the second elder of the Phoenix Kingdom, nor is he the great hero of the savior, but a lot of shortcomings and a boring guy with no outstanding features other than a smart brain."

Grace slandered Zeke.

"Your Majesty, I don't remember when I offended you. It's too unfair to judge me like this."

At this moment, a whistling sound came from above.

As soon as the two looked up, they saw a red and gold steel body falling from the sky along with Zeke's voice.

Just as he was about to reach the ground, white flames shot out from the palms and soles of his feet, landing firmly on the ground.

The parts of the steel battle suit left, dressed in a perfectly fitted suit, with shiny leather shoes on his feet, his hair swept back meticulously, and Zeke, with a handsome smile at the corner of his mouth, stepped forward.

The warm sunlight cast down, setting off Zeke's profile like a male god, making the eyes of both Princess Elena and Grace light up.

To be continued—


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