
Transmigrated to Level Up in a New World

Fenrir was simply going to the school library to fetch his work book when he saw a dull glow coming from the fantasy section. His curiosity got the better of him and he decided to check it out and that was when his life changed. Sorry everyone the first few chapters aren’t that interesting so I will keep it short and get to the main plot.

MrJumble · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Status Page Review Part 2: Resistances, Masteries, Magic, Skills and Abilities

After checking through his stats Fenrir decided to check out the rest of his status page.

"IDEN…" *Crack*

"Huh. what was that?" He turned to his right to see "Ugghhh. Another pain lizard? Well I may as well use it to see how strong I've gotten." He picked up his cane which was resting against the tree next to him where he had placed it earlier and took up his stance, ready to fight.

The Lizard charged. "Huh. That's weird. Isn't it moving slower than the other one?" He asked confused "Still it is faster than me. I'd better take this seriously." He swung his cane using his full strength hitting it on the head. *Smack* *Ding* "5 damage dealt, 17/22 remaining." "What? That attack did nearly did as much as my critical hit earlier. And this lizard has more health as well. Must be because of my stat increase. Maybe that's why it seemed slower. My perception has gone up as well." Even while he was musing he was still launching his next attack hitting the lizards front left leg aiming to make it fall. *Ding* "4 damage dealt, 13/22 remaining." The lizard didn't fall, endured the hit and swung its tail with all its strength. *Smack* *Ding* "4 damage received, 5/14 HP remaining."

"Oops. I forgot. I have already lost some health but why do I have 5 HP remaining I thought I had 7 after the last fight and since it increased with my class change. I must have recovered. Does that mean I spent over twenty minutes checking just the stats on my status page. No, I spent most of it choosing my class. But that was more damage than I expected, the bite last time did less damage than this hit even though now I have higher damage. This one probably just has more strength."

He took a step back and jabbed his cane knowing that he will do less damage from stepping back but needing space as he was low on HP. *Ding* "2 damage dealt, 11/22 remaining." He quickly swung his cane twice more. *Ding* *Ding* "3 and 4 damage dealt, 4/22 remaining." "I've also gotten faster."

The lizard swiped its tail forcing Fenrir to jump back. He stepped back even further giving himself more space. He tripped on a stone and only just caught himself.

He picked up the stone and was about to through it away out of anger but then thought "Why not use this?" He threw it. *Squish* *Ding* "Critical hit dealt, 50% damage increase. Damage cannot exceed HP, 4 damage dealt, 0/22 remaining. You have defeated a rank-F monster, the pain lizard, 10 exp received." "Oh, so if you are low on HP and receive an attack, no matter how strong the attack after you run out you cannot receive more."

"That was a much easier than last time. I lost way less Hp as well but might have to do with my technique improving too. Anyway let's get back to my stats."


||| Status Page

Name: Fenrir Greywolf

Status Condition: Normal

Class: (Please choose class)

Level: 1 (10/100)

HP: 5/14

MP: 4/4

Health: 7

Magic: 2

Strength: 13

Defence: 5

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 4

Speed: 7

Stamina: 7

Status Effect Resistances: Status Effect Resistance: lvl 0 (409/10 000), Blinding Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Sleep Resistance: lvl 2 (93/300), Mental Pressure Resistance: lvl 0 (10/100), Pain Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100),

Physical Damage Resistances: Physical Damage Resistance: lvl 0 (13/10 000), Blunt Damage Resistance: lvl 0 (7/100), Falling Resistance: lvl 0 (1/100), Biting Resistance: lvl 0 (3/100), Slashing Resistance(claws or talons): lvl 0 (1/100), Reverberation Resistance: lvl 0 (1/100),

Magical Damage Resistances: None

Mundane Masteries: Exploration Mastery: lvl 0 (1/100),

Fighting Masteries: Martial Arts Mastery: lvl 0 (22/10 000), Cane Mastery: lvl 0 (20/100), Dodging Mastery: lvl 0 (1/100), Throwing Mastery: lvl 0 (1/100)

Magic Masteries: None

Magic: None

Skills: ?????: lvl MAX, Identify: lvl 1 (15/100),

In-Born Abilities: Map, ?????

Equipment: Other-World Bag, Enchanted Wooden Cane |||

"Good. My skills have improved some more. Anyway let's get this over with. IDENTIFY"

||| Status Effect Resistances - These resistances indicate how much of a status effect one can endure. The listing is in acquisition order. |||


||| Status Effect Resistance - This resistance shows your overall resistance to status effects. It is the sum of all Status Effect Resistances' exp. lvl 0 (404/10 000). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Blinding Resistance - This reduces the effect bright light has on your vision. Looking at blinding lights or being blinded gives exp. Natural light = 1 exp, a skill's light = 2 exp, magical light = 3 exp. WARNING: Does not heal blindness, so don't stare at the sun to level it up until a high enough level. lvl 0 (3/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||

"I must've gotten this when that book suddenly lit up. IDENTIFY"

||| Sleep Resistance - This resistance lowers the overall time your body needs to sleep per day. Every 10 minutes asleep awards exp. lvl 2 (93/300). Level effects: lvl 2 = -1 hour of sleep needed in a day. 10 hours -> 9 hours needed. |||

"How is this one already level 2? He asked. "It must be because of when I was knocked. I was knocked out for 65 hours 30 minutes (3930 mins) assuming level 1 needs 200 exp. This also explains why my Status Effect Resistance is so high. IDENTIFY"

||| Mental Pressure Resistance - This resistance lowers the effect mental pressure has on you. Mental pressure can weaken your mind's capacity (does not show us in status). You gain exp every 10 minutes. Natural mental pressure = 1 exp, a skill's mental pressure = 2 exp, magical mental pressure = 3 exp. lvl 0 (10/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None.|||


||| Pain Resistance - This resistance weakens your sense of pain. Natural pain (attacks, injuries…) = 1 exp, a skill's induced pain = 2 exp, magical pain = 3 exp. lvl 0 (3/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Physical Damage Resistances - These resistances indicate how much a physical attack damages you. The listing is in acquisition order. ||| "IDENTIFY"

||| Physical Damage Resistance- This resistance lowers your overall damage from physical attacks. It is the sum of all Physical Damage Resistances' exp. lvl 0 (13/10 000). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Blunt Damage Resistance - This resistance lowers your damage from blunt force. Natural damage (attacks, injuries…) = 1 exp, a skill's damage = 2 exp, magical damage = 3 exp. lvl 0 (7/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Falling Resistance - This resistance lowers your damage from falls. lvl 0 (1/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||

"Oh. When I fell unconscious. IDENTIFY"

||| Biting Resistance - This resistance lowers the damage your damage from bites. Natural bite attacks= 1 exp, a skill's bite attacks = 2 exp, magical bite attacks = 3 exp. lvl 0 (3/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Slashing Resistance(claws or talons) - The resistance lowers your damage from beast type monsters' or animals' slash attacks. lvl 0 (1/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Reverberation Resistance - This resistance lowers your damage from shock after you block or a blocked an attack. lvl 0 (1/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Magical Damage Resistances - These are the resistances to magical attacks. The listing is in acquisition order. |||


||| Mundane Masteries - These masteries are for normal or practical talents. |||

"So like things we are good at. IDENTIFY"

||| Exploration Mastery - This mastery creates a map of all explored areas. Every 10 kilometres gives 1 exp. lvl 0 (1/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Fighting Masteries - These masteries basically improve your fighting and martial arts techniques.|||

"They improve your technique? That's perfect for me as I have never trained to fight before. IDENTIFY"

||| Cane Mastery - This mastery improves your techniques for cane fighting. Attack gives 1 exp, blocking gives 2 exp, deflecting gives 3 exp. lvl 0 (20/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Dodging Mastery - This mastery improves your technique for dodging. 1 dodge gives 1 exp. lvl 0 (1/100). Level effects: lvl 0 = None. |||

"I think I should grind this one later so I can fight for longer without having to worry about my HP. IDENTIFY"

||| Throwing Mastery - This mastery improves your technique for throwing. 1 throw gives 1 exp. lvl 0 (1/100). Level effect: lvl 0 = None. |||


||| Magic Masteries - These masteries improve your magical techniques. |||

"Until I get magic this section is useless. I can't wait for magic. IDENTIFY"

||| Magic - Magical abilities. Can be learnt from magic books. |||


||| Skills - Special powers. Can be learnt from skill books. |||

"I should think about getting some magic books and skills books. IDENTIFY"

||| ????? - Unable to identify. Identify is not at a high enough level. |||

"What!? I need to upgrade identify. Time to identify Identify. IDENTIFY"

||| Identify - This is a skill unique to other-worlders. The higher the level the more things can be identified. 1 identify gives 1 exp. lvl 1 (15/100). ????? |||

"Ha, identify needs a higher identify. It's also unique to other-worlders. IDENTIFY"

||| In-born abilities - These are abilities the gods have given randomly to every person at birth. It's said if you become better than a god at an ability you will become that god. Only it's never been done as human lives are too short. Only other-worlders have multiple.

"What there are gods in this world and you can become one though it does sound quite difficult. "IDENTIFY"

||| Map - This ability allows one to map the world he is in. To become the Mapping god of exploration you must map more worlds than the current god. Current World: Ardionn. Worlds Mapped: 2. |||

"Well there is no way I'm becoming this god. I don't know how to travel to other worlds. Oh and I now know where I am. Ardionn is one of the two world I have mapped. Earth must be the other one. Also doesn't this make the exploring mastery useless unless the level effect is good. Kay, let's skip this question marked ability as it won't tell us anything. IDENTIFY"

||| Other-World Bag - This bag from another world can hold an infinite amount of items as long as they can fit inside. Stick hand inside bag and say the item you want and it will appear in your other hand. Current inventory: 4 packets of dried meat, 2 packets of assorted nuts, 3.5 small packets of chips, 1 packet of dried fruit and 4.5 bottles of still water. |||

"I didn't know it was a storage item. Let's try it out. I'm quite thirsty anyway." Fenrir stuck his hand inside and said "STILL WATER" and half a bottle appeared even though he never specified the amount. He drank the rest of the water and identified his last thing. "IDENTIFY"

||| Enchanted Wooden Cane - ????? |||

"I didn't expect to not be able to appraise my cane."