
Origins : Rarified Energon, Spark and Skill Sets

As the Airbus Corporate Jet soared towards the United States, I delved into the data Skye had gathered.

See, in the world of Cybertronians, their spark is like the blueprint that determines everything about them—their form, their abilities, their life. But if something messes up that spark, it's trouble. Damage to it can mean losing essential functions or even life itself for a Transformer.

So, what's this spark made of? Well, it's a bunch of these tiny particles called positrons, crafted from something called rarified energon.

Positrons are like the opposite of electrons. You see, they're positively charged and have the same mass as electrons, but they're their antimatter twins.

It's all tied to this big concept called baryogenesis, which was the era when matter and antimatter were being made in the universe. 

This spark, though, it's different. It's packed with this rarified energon, boosted even more by my system. That makes it unique.

Now, as a human, my genetic code is my spark, it's like my DNA. And here's where things get interesting—my DNA is still mutating.

There's more of it in my body, and it's making things a bit shaky. Energy is flipping into mass, and vice versa, which is a sign that my spark is kinda on shaky ground. To steady it, I need to zone out and find some balance.

Positrons, they're like the mirror image of electrons, but with a positive charge. When they meet electrons, they annihilate each other, poof, gone.

But back in the early universe, there was a weird imbalance between them. Somehow, we have way more matter than antimatter, and that's what built everything we know.

In the early moments of the Universe, right after the Big Bang, it is said that matter and antimatter existed in equal masses. Yet, in the hot and dense state of creation, the balance started to shift.

Matter and Antimatter collided producing different particles like neutrinos and the various quarks. This shift is termed Baryogenic asymmetry and is quite an interesting topic in Quantum physics. Well, it seems I went into Geek mode.

Antimatter? It's like the opposite of regular matter, and when they meet, they explode—big time. But why is there so much more matter around?

Scientists still aren't entirely sure. Maybe there was something funky happening when the universe was still young, and that's how we ended up with more matter. It's a big cosmic puzzle.

This rarified energon, it's like fuel for Cybertronians. Think of it like supercharged gas that powers them up. But this spark I've got?

It's been amped up even more by this energon, and my system's making it all the more complex. That's what's making my spark act all wonky.

So, here I am, cruising in this jet, but inside, there's this whole intergalactic energy dance happening. My DNA—my human spark—is acting up, shifting around, and making things wobbly. I've got to center myself, and find that inner balance, to keep my spark steady and the energy flowing smoothly.

The System usually gave out rewards for everyday stuff, like even snoozing, but this time, it went totally quiet. No response at all. So, back to this spark thing. Rarified energon? For Cybertronians, that was like how gold was for humans. Not easy to come by.

Only Nexus Prime, one of the big shots among the thirteen primes, got to handle the flow of that stuff. This meant, the Nexus Prime was among the Six Primes. There was no other plausible inference that I could make.

Now, refined energon was another story. It was connected to something massive—the Earth's core, Gaea. This was heavy cosmic stuff, tied to the very life forces of Primus and Unicron. And somehow, I found myself tangled up in this cosmic energy web.

The All Spark (Primus' life force), the Dark Spark (Unicron's life force), and the Refined energon (Gaea's life force)—all of that swirled inside me. Just thinking about the power in that mix, was mind-boggling. I mean, I could unleash enough energy to kick off some seriously major events.

To sum it up, I'm in the middle of this cosmic power mix, carrying energy that could make some pretty intense stuff happen. It's like holding three big cosmic batteries all at once. Yeah, that's the kind of situation I'm in. Once the Decepticons learn of me, they will be like hounds in search of food. Well, I did plan on putting a leash on them.

[Designation: Samuel James Witwicky

Aliases: Sam; Mr. Witwicky; The Richest; Little Einstein; Prime blessed by Primes; The Fourteenth Prime; The Youngest Prime; The Prime of Humanity; The Prime blessed by Primus, Unicron, and Gaea; The one favored by Primus; The Reincarnated Prime

Spark Quality: Non-applicable - Due to the interference patterns of Primus, Unicron, and Gaea, the spark's structure has transcended computational parameters.

Energon Level: Non-applicable - The energonic physiology and energon tempering methods integrated into the Host's framework render computational analysis redundant.]

"The System's spot-on, Sam. Your genetic blueprint and energon have gone beyond what even I can compute. Analyzing it will take a while. But, your memory? It's top-notch, rivaling even the most advanced Cybertronians," Skye informed me. I nodded in agreement, absorbing the complexity of the situation.

[Artificial Intelligence Directive: Facilitating comprehensive skill sets for optimal functionality and adaptability. Acknowledgment: Processing acquired skill data.

Skills: Multiply Lvl MAX, Walking Lvl MAX, Running Lvl MAX, Meditation Lvl MAX, Absolute Focus Lvl MAX, Energon circulation Lvl MAX, Perfect Energon Manipulation Lvl MAX, Computation Lvl MAX, Perfect Memory Lvl MAX, Pain Tolerance Lvl MAX, Deciphering Lvl MAX, Shadow Learning Lvl MAX, Optimization Lvl MAX, Skeletal Enhancement Lvl MAX, Martial Arts Lvl MAX. 

Energon based: Blue Energon Lvl MAX - Enhanced Vitality Lvl MAX, Organic repair Lvl MAX, Energon Burst Lvl MAX, Energon Bullet Lvl MAX, Perfect Heal Lvl MAX, Positron Release Lvl MAX, Justice Lvl MAX, Patience Lvl MAX, Charity Lvl MAX, Kindness Lvl MAX, Temperance Lvl MAX, Diligence Lvl MAX, Wisdom Lvl MAX

Red Energon Lvl MAX - Charm Lvl MAX, Mastermind Lvl MAX, Greed Lvl MAX, Lust Lvl MAX, Pride Lvl MAX, Wrath Lvl MAX, Gluttony Lvl MAX, Sloth Lvl MAX, Envy Lvl MAX, Rule Lvl MAX, Judgement Lvl MAX, Control Lvl MAX, Curse Lvl MAX, Spirit Domination Lvl MAX, Fear Lvl MAX, Atrocity Lvl MAX, Necrosis Lvl MAX

Purple Energon Lvl MAX - Stability Lvl MAX, Calmness Lvl MAX, Stasis Lvl MAX, Absolute Lvl MAX, Enlightenment Lvl MAX, Perfect Mind Lvl MAX, Control Negation Lvl MAX, Energon Resistance Lvl MAX, Obscurement Lvl MAX, Illusionment Lvl MAX, Breath of Life Lvl MAX, Touch of Death Lvl MAX, Pain Nullification Lvl MAX, Damage transferance Lvl MAX.

I looked at the Iphone beside me and closed my eyes. As if responding to my will, the spark trembled as a small wisp of Energon flowed through my veins to my hand, shooting out to the mobile.

Nothing happened for a few moments but slowly the mobile began to transform into a bite sized alien and bowed down to me.

It had a red and white design and looked so cute! It seemed to lack the ability of speech but it was quite intelligent.

"Use Skye as an interface to upgrade yourself. Improve your software." I said and the small robot gave a determined salute as it transformed into a phone again.

The aircraft headed towards the States and it was high time that I focused on my life. 

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