
Transcending the Heavens

The mere mention of the name Xu Feng causes fear in every being in the god realm. God's weep when the see him, devils run and demons submit in front of his supreme strength. This man died of heavenly tribulation when trying to advance to the true god realm... Xu Feng is later reincarnated after 10,000 years, his soul is summoned from the void and enters a body of a youth. Starting the tale of a the cultivation world's greatest devil...

Dark_Monarch2020 · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 11 - The Tournament (1)

Xu Feng then waited for the rest of the time, having fun and clearing the built up mental stress and anxiety. As a cultivator, one must focus on enjoying the little peace and comfort one gets, whenever possible. Tirelessly cultivating only builds up anxiety, this stress may cause Qi deviation or a heart demon. To avoid such hassles one much keep a clear state of mind, and a calm attitude. For other cultivators this may seem to be impossible, or extremely difficult, but it was natural for Xu Feng. How did he memorise thousands of pill formulas, millions of herbs, the meticulous process of creating an array, the blood sweat and tears being wasted on thousands of attempts at forging a new weapon before success? Through patience. But while others think of this as being lazy, Xu Feng knows that this is preparation.

There'll undoubtedly be an arrogant pricks who bully him, or even humiliate him when he enters the sect. Some of these idiots would be the lackeys of a grandson or granddaughter of an elder that spoilt their younger generation. These sort of pricks are like mosquitoes. Small, weak and above all annoying, if one comes to bite you, soon there'll be more and more until you exterminate it. However, if that were to happen, their stupid parents and grandparents would chase you like a bunch of rabid dogs till you kill them. The best way to avoid this, is by staying low key. Well why participate in sect tournaments when you know that being first not only gets you the envy of other idiots in the younger generation, but also the interest of the old. Then these idiots would beg you to join their side. If you refuse then your a "threat" which they will eliminate in the name of justice. So in Xu Feng's experience, staying low key until you posses enough strength to silently kill all the members of the younger generation of a sect without any clues is the best strategy.

Till then Xu Feng knew he would have to make do with the resources he could steal from other disciples. Through experience, Xu Feng has some moral codes that he follows whenever he joins a sect: 1 Stay low key and observe, make friends but don't get too close with anyone 2: Go into seclusion, and steal all the resources you need at the houses of weaker disciples 3: When getting an annoying sect mission, spot someone else with the same task as yourself, then kill them when the comeback to the sect, take their resources of whatever the task asks you to collect and present it to the sect. 4: Find the backing of an influential figure usually the sect master or grand elder, make this choice after care analysis of the elders and the past actions...

These rules is what kept Xu Feng alive in all the shit sects he's been a part of. These rules were developed later in his live after he experienced the betrayal of his lover... without that experience, without that pain, he would've never been able to stand on the apex, his strong desire to never be used again, to never bow his head, that's what gave him the strength to keep going in the darkest moments of his life...

Sighing, Xu Feng washed himself in the nearby river, putting on clean white robes which had a picture of a standing swan on the back. His wet hair was then swept back his ear, most of his long hair was at his back, giving Xu Feng a fragile and womanly aesthetic. This in combination with his pretty face, dark deep eyes, slim lips and a radiant smile, made Xu Feng look as pretty as a enchanting picture.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Feng then proceeded to walk towards the city square. Right now there was a massive crowd spectating the test various youngsters were participating in. Soon, Xu Feng joined the long queue and lined up to register for the talent test. Attracting attention, just like he had intended, Xu Feng waited calmly with an aura of nonchalance. Coming in front of a middle aged man with a black cloak wrapped around his body, Xu Feng placed his hand upon the crystal ball. This ball tests the bone age of the participant, and depending on whether it emits a green or re colour determines if Xu Feng is allowed to proceed or stop. Soon, a dazzling emerald light shone, and after asking for his name, the black robed man tossed a jade pendant towards him before shouting "Next!"

Slowly moving to the side, Xu Feng joined in the queue that tested a participants innate talent and strength. Making his way forward, without desire to hide his aura, released it causing numerous gasps of surprise in the crowds.

" Gosh! he's at the Peak early Daitan Opening!"

" Which prominent families genius is he? All the youth that have broken through to the Daitan Opening realm number at a grand total of 7, now another talented youth has joined..."

Then Xu Feng touched the black talent testing wall, It turned from black, to deep purple, purple, red, blue...orange and had slight hints of yellow at the edges. The examiner was stunned, as the youth before him had the best talent among all the current participants. He was a peak grade 6 talent. (Talent is graded in the mortal realm from 1-9).

Noting down this score, the examiner then told Xu Feng to punch the strength testing wall will as much force as he could muster. Xu Feng wasn't a idiot, he purposefully suppressed his bloodline, god soul, large daitan and body strength in the test for talent. Even then, his results were extremely shocking to the examiner. Judging that everything was going according to plan, Xu Feng hit that strength testing wall with 10% of his maximum power. As his body was now comparable to those at the grand circle of the core formation realm! This was what he had achieved after absorbing those resources for a few hours a day before sleeping. In his spatial ring, over 20% of the resources and pills were gone. In a matter of a few months, Xu Feng showed his greedy absorption rate. Compared to normal experts of the same realm, Xu Feng had an energy absorption speed that's 500 times faster! This means that if he had enough resources, he cultivation speed would be extremely fast. Obviously, the huge quantity he needed to absorb made up for the speed at which he refined energy, slowing down Xu Feng's cultivation, or else if he had 500 times the speed of others when cultivating, he would've fainted from shock.

This just goes to show how he could never disclose this information to anyone else... if he did that what waited him would be doom...


Xu Feng hit the strengthening wall and the force of the punch displayed on the top of the wall started a huge commotion. It said 875 pounds of force!

The whole square was now so silent that if a pin dropped 5 meters away, even mortals would be able to hear it....


When he used 10% of his strength, he could produce a force of around 870 pounds, so if released his full strength he would have a force of around 8700 pounds! This is completely shocking! Even peak core formation realm experts could only muster a full force of 5000 pounds, geniuses in the god realm could reach around 7000 on average but even then, no one has surpassed 8000 pounds

This is due to heavenly shackles, now when he is merely in the Daitan opening realm, he could muster such a heaven defying force.

Thinking about this logically however, it did seem normal. After all if the cultivation technique capable of destroying the heavens followed heavenly laws it would be a joke! This once again shows the might of the Transcending the heavens scripture.

As for why the crowd was shocked, well it's because even those geniuses in the early Daitan realm had a force of 500 pounds, so for Xu Feng to have the force of 800 was shocking. However, this could all be explained if one though that he was born with divine strength. This is what Xu Feng wanted those idiotic examiners to think. The would further increase his "value" in the sects eyes, allowing him to easily gain more favourable conditions and more resources.

He had started to play a very dangerous game. A game where he had to find the backing of a kind and unrighteous prick of an elder. Such idiots are relatively easy to understand, the outwardly act with care and affection while inwardly plot to take advantage of you. Finding such an idiot in a sect is as easy as finding grass in the park... You have too play the game of being above average, sometimes even outstanding, yet never too perfect or strong or eye catching or skilful. It's a tough balancing act between being above average and a genius, it's hard to learn, but once grasped easy to use...