
Transcending the Heavens

The mere mention of the name Xu Feng causes fear in every being in the god realm. God's weep when the see him, devils run and demons submit in front of his supreme strength. This man died of heavenly tribulation when trying to advance to the true god realm... Xu Feng is later reincarnated after 10,000 years, his soul is summoned from the void and enters a body of a youth. Starting the tale of a the cultivation world's greatest devil...

Dark_Monarch2020 · Eastern
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24 Chs

Chapter 10 - Preparing

The next few days, all the major families were in chaos. Their stores have been wiped out like a clean plate. Rumours that a hidden thieving organisation with at least 5000 elite experts have stolen for all the great families in a single night. Such speculations were the most favourite. Some people even said that the name of this mysterious organisation is the Devil's robbery guild. People became superstitious spouting all kinds of crap like, if you go outside in the dark, you'll be robbed naked.

The perpetrator of these rumours, Xu Feng was completely calm. Whenever he heard about the "Devil's robbery guild" pride will swell up within him. He even thought about creation an elite robbery squad, but later quickly dismissed this idea as he wouldn't be able to keep all the profit.

The city gates were now under strict supervision, and the goods transported by merchants were all under watchful eyes... Xu Feng wasn't bothered by this, he knew that the only evidence for the robbery he left behind was the empty shelves, if an investigation for a shitty mortal country could catch him, he should just commit suicide by shame. In his past life, there has never been a single case in which Xu Feng was caught stealing. People couldn't figure out who did that to them so they came up with a name for Xu Feng the " Divine Thief". Now Xu Feng want's to create a similar reputation... After all he liked it very much. Being praised as the divine thief is in his eyes a kind of honour.

Anyway, Xu Feng found out that the tournament is in the next 3 months. In these months with the resources he had and his experience he could easily raise his cultivation to the peak of Daitan opening realm, he even has a 20% chance to enter the Core formation realm and a 70% chance to enter half step core formation realm. But he chose to not do this for 2 reasons: 1: his foundation would become unstable, as strong as it was he has recently been advancing far to rapidly 2: It would be too suspicious for a 19 year old to have the cultivation base of half step core formation, especially if he had no backing and wasn't a part of a sect.

Xu Feng knew that his biggest trump cards at the moment were his soul force, large daitan, auxiliary soul skills and the strength of his physical body. As he wanted to conceal as much as possible with he decided to pose as a sword cultivator. In the past he trained in sword skills until he reached the god realm. Due to the lack of powerful sword techniques and his cautious heart, he reached a bottle neck in his sword cultivation. It was at this moment he started to walk down the path of body refinement. So now to conceal his bodies strength in front of these mortal realm experts is as easy as hiding candy from a newborn child.

Grinning like he's going to see the prettiest women alive, Xu Feng took out the azure sword that he bought for 20,000 gold. Then he spread his Qi within the sword and sensed the soul sealing metal within it. Taking a deep breath, he took out the soul of the idiot Cheng Fao. Smiling, Xu Feng took out the lid that sealed this idiot's soul, immediately a annoying voice could be heard, saying "let me go, I'm the young master of the Cheng family... my grandfather's the grand elder... let me go... it hurts....please..."

Laughing lightly, Xu Feng transferred the memories of him killing all the elders and the patriarch of the Cheng family into the soul of Cheng Fao. After he had witnessed what had occurred this idiot started screaming begging for mercy, he said he wanted to be free. But how could Xu Feng let go of such a precious treasure? Chuckling with malice, Xu Feng used his soul force to envelop Cheng Fao's consciousness, then he erased it and placed the pure soul force acquired within the soul sealing metal... He then repeated this with the souls of all the guards he killed and fed the sword with the extracted soul force. To many people soul sealing metal is a rare metal capable of making weapons that attack the opponent's soul. But in his previous life Xu Feng was a researcher at heart. After he ascended to the god realm, he had a long lifespan of over 1 million years, but too bad for him when the tried to break through to the true god realm, he died at the relatively young age of 259,482 years (according to the standards of the god realm). During his time as a researcher, Xu Feng developed many alloys and tested many of the so called "normal" metals and figured out how he could use them in imaginative ways. After all in the past, Xu Feng had no backers, when the advanced to the god realm, every increase in rank from 1-9 required tremendous resources. It was only through his skill, knowledge and research did he manage to ascend to the grand circle (rank 9) of the god realm.

During his days as a researcher, Xu Feng invented numerous new weapons to help him fight against heavenly tribulation. One of them being the failed product- lightning attractor. This type of weaponry would attract heavenly tribulation by tricking the heavens, however this method was barely effective and required a huge amount of souls and quantity to even play a meagre role. But now he wasn't trying to break to the true god realm, and he still had to face tribulations after the domain creation realm. To face those small tribulations, the lighting attractor is more than sufficient and the main ingredient needed to make this type of weaponry is the soul sealing metal! What you do is feed the sword with pure soul force from various sources, and then brand the soul force within the weapon with you own soul force, creating a mental brand, which allows you to trick the heavens into thinking that you are at two places instead of one. And as long as the weapon doesn't break, the amount of tribulation the cultivator needs to face decreases by at least 40%. Also when fed enough souls and remoulded, this weapon could develop spiritual intelligence. Making a weapon develop intelligence maybe hard for others, but for Xu Feng and his god soul, it's relatively easy.

This is a future investment. A long term investment. However Xu Feng didn't want to give this sword intelligence right now due to 2 reasons: 1: A disciple having a spiritual weapon is really suspicious, when such weapons are as rare as dragon scales even in the big sects in the immortal realm. 2: This would require a huge amount of soul force, and if Xu Feng did give this weapon intelligence, not only would his soul force decrease to less than 0.01% of the force he currently possessed, and it would also deprive him of a life saving trump card.

Sheathing the sword, he decided to name it Blue Soul.

Then Xu Feng proceeded to meet all the so called geniuses and check them out with his soul eye, after all it never hurts to be careful. When he was checking all the geniuses with his soul skill and enchanted vision, he could see these geniuses from 10 miles away. Quickly he made a mental note of all the geniuses, their weaknesses, strengths, talent and fortune. While he was doing this he noticed something that completely surprised him.... He spotted a genius. A true genius. Withing this backwater country he found a gem among trash, a rose among bushes. It was a beautiful women call Liqui Jie... He thought " This girl is so talented, even the past me was only slightly better than her, I have to either make her an ally that'll help me into breaking through the realm of ancients or kill her to avoid future troubles..."

You know someone is talented when the strongest god recognises their potential. Countless of years later, when Xu Feng once again stood on the apex, he laughed at this though and was glad he didn't kill this women. Xu Feng didn't realise it now, but for the first time in over 210,000 years, he finally took a second glance at a lady, not because she was beautiful, but because he admired her talent... Him comprehending the laws of reincarnation and understanding that betrayal shouldn't be the end of trust, subconsciously made him do this. It took Xu Feng many years to realise this, to realise that his once cold and indifferent heart of a lone warrior finally began changing this day.