
Transcended as God Usopp

A man gets transported into the world of one piece as Usopp. what will he do with his knowledge of future events will he follow the same route as original Usopp or will he create his own new legend in the world of pirates?

_shinigami_san_ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Bounty hunter duo

"Captain where were you, we had been so worried about you, yeah you shouldn't leave us behind and go like that" the triplets said as they started clinging to me'.

''Well I am sorry guys for being a bit reckless but I had to do it alone" I said as the background sunset was perfectly at my back giving me a Devine look'.

'Carrot Paper and Onion all three looked at me with star in their eyes'. After this small session they turned right, and looked at Veyron and asked who he was.

"Oh I am sorry I forgot to introduce him, he is Veyron my new friend and he is going to help me from now onwards".

"Hello Veyron, please take care of our captain he might get quite reckless sometimes" all the three said with a bow'.

"Uhh Sure...."

'There was a tick mark on my head as I turned in there direction'. "Oi you three, aren't you getting quite gutsy" I said as I ran after them'.

'Well I guess this is my new life huh'. "hey wait for me I am coming as well".

'After reaching the village I realised It had started to get dark, so I told Veyron that he could stay in my home'. 'So after having dinner we went to sleep'.




'It has been five months since Veyron came to syrup village with me for the first time'.

'I had decided that it was better for us to train a bit before we went to hunt any Pirates as I didn't like to take unwanted risks'.

'As a matter of fact I held my life quite dear to me and one more thing was that I wanted Veyron to also get a bit of training as I was not sure about his strength'.

'I wanted him to build his basic strength by eating and doing minimal required exercise to get ready for the training regimen that I was gonna put him through'.

'After he got physically ready I made him do all the exercises which I did'. After all our session he gave me a look and if look's could kill I would have burnt to ashes by now'.

'I didn't forget to do my sniping traning either and the thing is, It was the main thing In which I had Improved the most'.

'I was able to shoot long distance object's quite easily no matter it's size I was even able to shoot at things with my eyes closed'.

'I had practiced it by putting a blindfold on my eyes and asked my test subjects ehem.. I meant my friends Onion Papper and Carrot to help me with that'.

'I gave each one of them a bell and told them to try and evade my attacks as I attacked them using my sling shot ofcourse the bullets which I was using on them didn't harm them but I can't give any guarantee about the pain that they might have felt'.

'And by doing this It might have even helped me with my observation Haki as I felt like I was able to use it a little bit, but I am not quite sure if it was observation Haki or its just my instinct'.

'And about conqueror haki traning, I trained it by trying to Intimidate the Animals of the Island, in this training I took Veyron also with me because I can't let him miss this'.

'It was the main reason I took him with me in the first place'.

'At first neither of us were able to do anything and sometimes the animals got angry and even kicked Veyron They tried to hit me as well but due to my flexibility they couldn't even touch me'.

'After many tries I was finally able to intimidate an animal but it didn't actually listen to me and fainted in the spot, but after few more days of trying it started to get better'.

'I still can't say that I am able to totally control my haki but I am able to release it at short bursts, Veyron was also able to intimidate animal's with his haki and it looked like he had a better control of it then I did'.

'About my rokushiki traning, I was finally able to master my three techniques which were soru, shigan, and moonwalk I was even able to learn a bit of Iron body as I learnt it by letting myself get hit by Veyron which he did without asking any questions'.

'Veyron didn't do any rokushiki traning yet as I wanted his basic strength to be strong, which by now was quite strong and i guess it was time for us to begin our bounty hunting as a duo'.

'Just traning all the time can get boring and we had more than enough strength to defeat any east blue Pirates I was pretty sure that we could even defeat many of Grandline Pirates as well, so we both had decided that we will start our bounty hunting from today'.

'I looked at Veyron who was laying on the ground after he asked me to spar with him'. After that he got up and got ready'.

"Hey can you wait here I want to say goodbye to kaya before we leave for bounty hunting" I asked him and ran away in the direction of Kaya's mansion without even waiting for his reply'.

"sure....." but there was no one to listen to him'.

'Upon reaching Kaya's mansion I climbed on the tree and threw a small pebble at her window and after a few seconds kaya opened her window'. "Hey Usopp what brings you here today are you going to tell about a new story of your adventure!?".

"Well I am sorry to inform you about this kaya but I am not here to say you any stories but rather I have come to inform you that I am going to be leaving the Island for a while" I said as I stood at the tree branch'.

"What!! you are going away from the Island" she exclaimed as a look of sadness came on her face'.

"Well don't worry about me I will be fine, I just wanted to say you that you should take care of yourself and not to worry about me, I want you to be strong when I come back".

"Don't worry, I will be fine, and have a safe journey" she said with a beautiful smile'. "yeah take care kaya, see you soon" I said to her as I got down from the tree'.

'After I bid farewell to kaya I was returning back to Veyron but on my way I met the triplets "Hey captain It looks like you are going somewhere" carrot asked me as he got near me'.

"Well yeah I am going to go on a bit of bounty hunting with Veyron". I replied to them with a smile'. "What!! you are again going somewhere, please take us with you". they asked looking forward to going with me'.

"Well I can't take you with me as it will endanger your life and you will be a bit of a hindrance in the work''.

'It looked like the trio were feeling down because I had rejected them'.

"Don't worry you can go on your own adventure when you become big and get stronger". I said to them as I ruffled there head and bid them good bye as I met back with Veyron'.

"Hey what took you so long" he asked me while looking at me with a smirk. "Oh it's nothing, I was just saying my farewell to them" I said as I looked at the sea'.

"Are you ready for this" I asked him'.

"yeah, and just as we had decided our first Target Is going to be Iron mace Alvida".