
Extreme Craziness...

Chapter 1: Extreme Craziness...

It was a little past eleven in Lumiose City. People were chatting off, cabs going about, people and their pokémon running about, even small bird pokémon flying about. Relaxing outside a café having something to eat was one person who would change the fate of another world. This was Nic Pularis. An average sized trainer who is 18-years-old. He had blue eyes and short black hair that was slightly spiked up and slanted to his right. He sported sunglasses that we wore on sunny days, otherwise they would he hanging from the V on his gray V-neck T-shirt. He had on a sleeveless long coat that went down to his shins that he kept unbuttoned. The coat was black with blue flames flickering on the back, reaching from the bottom to the top of his thighs. He had on roomy blue jeans and had earbuds and a phone for his music. He had black roller-skate shoes that had a red pattern all about. He also sported a Mega Wristband.

Nic was having a bottle of water and a little bagel. He was busy listening to his alternative music while his buddy, his Greninja, was sitting idly and relaxing in the seat next to him. Greninja was Nic's first pokémon. They've been traveling all around Kalos and have been everywhere. Greninja has even taken up Nic's personality, making them a duo that you can't beat so easily. After two years of having to travel around Kalos, and catching a few more Pokémon, Nic just thought of site seeing until something peeks his interests. You would think by now he would have a plethora of pokémon, when he actually only had six. He had those six and never caught a single pokemon afterwards. Nic thought his team was interesting, so he just kept them as they were and didn't switch anything up.

When Nic had finished, he got up and began walking. His Greninja followed in pursuit. He then sensed a strange feeling from his right. He looked and saw a dark cloud right around the corner of a side alley. Nic couldn't help but feel a shiver escalating and plummeting down his spine. It wasn't anything ominous of that sorts, but it was strange. He looked around and no one was looking. People were too busy getting stones from the Stone Emporium, new clothes, and getting their Furfrous trimmed.

Nic turned to Greninja, who had the same feeling. Regardless, they decided to tackle this strange feeling head on. They turned towards the side alley and went in blind, literally. They both had a hand on their eyes so they wouldn't have to see if it was a potential scary monster. They pressed onward until they hit the wall and fell on their backs. They then had their hands drop from their eyes and sighed.

"Note to self: Don't go in blind." Nic said out loud. Greninja just croaked his name and both were up again and turned the corner to see that the black spacial cloud of darkness was calling out to him. He could feel himself quiver. He had to shake this off. He took in a few deep breaths and plugged in his earbuds to relax himself. He then walked into the darkness rather slowly, with his Greninja right behind him. As they went further, they looked back and noticed that the alley was gone. They were literally in the dark. Nic still had his earbuds in so he was still at ease, though not as much.

When they've decided to stop after thirty seconds of entering, and began hearing things; well, just Greninja since it wasn't listening to anything to ease its worries.

"At last. Nic Pularis has arrived." One voice said.

"Eh, I don't think he's listening to us." Pointed out another voice.

"What?! Ugh, fine. GREETINGS HUMAN!" the first voice yelled. This caused Nic to jump as he heard 'greetings human' loud and clear. He looked about and put his earbuds back into his pocket.

"I believe we have his attention now." Said a third voice. Out of nowhere, three spheres of energy began emerging from the darkness. One pink, one yellow, and one blue. In that order, they took the shape of a triangle. Then three pokémon were shaped from those energy spheres. The three were Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf (in that order again).

Nic was mentally freaking out. He wasn't prepared for this. His mind was shuddering, shaking, causing a mental eruption of screams and questions, etc. After a few moments, he was slowly composing himself and he looked up at the three pokémon.

"Before I continue on with my mental breakdown, can I ask you three something?" Nic wondered in a calm status.

"Sure, what?" replied Azelf.


"Funny you should mention the universe", said Azelf, "We'll get to that shortly."

"Relax Nic", informed Mesprit, "We're just going to take this nice and easy. We will bring no harm to you nor your friends. We assure you." Nic started to feel at ease with how gentle Mesprit's voice was. If she meant they would bring no harm, then what's the harm in believing she meant no harm? It's all too confusing. Too much 'harm'! (Hah, irony.)

"Okay, so why are you guys here? Better yet, why am I here?" questioned the confused human. Greninja said his name and raised his hand, not wanting to be left out. "And him as well." Nic added.

"Good questions", said Uxie, "First, we are here because we are in need of your aid, which also answers your second question."

Nic understood what Uxie was saying, considering it was the 'Being of Knowledge'. "Okay…"

"But if you wish to speak any further", Uxie continued, "You'll have to take it up with the others."

Nic wasn't following. "Others? You mean the two that are right there?" he asked, as he pointed and referred to Azelf and Mesprit.

"No. He means these two." Azelf said, floating out of the way. Mesprit and Uxie also scattered. Nic and Greninja were getting the feeling that Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf weren't the only ones present.

Two large figures then began to take shape. They started as blue and pink dust and once they'd took shape they began to flash, forcing Nic and Greninja to look away for a brief moment. When they'd looked back, they were trembling and wide eyed at the two legendary pokémon. The blue one was a large four-legged being with a diamond on its chest. The pink one was a bipedal being with two pearls on its shoulders.

"Greeting human, I am Dialga." The large blue pokémon announced.

"And I am Palkia." The pink one finished.

It was one thing to mentally freak out, but Nic was taking all of that stuff that was stuffed in his head and multiplied it by 700 billion (a random number). He was on his knees, begging for mercy. "Have mercy, creatures of the beyond!" Nic prayed. Greninja was trembling and was sitting still like a petrified statue. "I admit everything! I never learned to make a fire, so I used the tail flames of Charizard every night! I forget to clean my pokémon's' food bowls and have them eat out of them again! And I accidentally stepped on Greninja's tongue last week with a muddy shoe when he was out like a light!" Nic pitifully admitted. Greninja almost immediately shot straight up and shuddered at the thought of eating out of a filthy bowl. It was especially mortified that his trainer stepped on his tongue with a muddy shoe, which almost made the Ninja Pokémon gag and gave his trainer an unmerciless death glare.

Nic looked up at his buddy and got up. "Hey, that was only one time." Nic stated in defense, holding up a finger that meant number one. At this point, the two almost forgot they were in the presence of legendary pokémon.

The two pokémon looked at each other and sighed. Dialga then looked down at the two and let out a deep breath. "Though that is highly comical, and pitiful to admit, we are here to debrief you on a situation that involves you." Nic and Greninja then refocused their attention back to the legendary Dialga and Palkia. Seeing as they needed him, he wasn't willing to decline, though he still wondered what they needed from him.

"Eh…sure, but what exactly is this predicament?" Nic wondered.

"Here's what's happening", Palkia continued, "Arceus is slowly losing his powers, meaning that the universe will soon collapse upon itself. He has reason to believe that entrusting the plates he kept all this time to a human will restore that balance." Upon hearing that lives are at stake, Nic switched to a rather determined look and got serious.

"Alright, and he believes that I can be entrusted with these powers?" wondered Nic.

"That is correct", Dialga said, "He has explained to us that he has sensed great potential in you. He has been keeping an eye on you, and has concluded that you and your pokémon act as one." Nic then turned to Greninja, who had a blank expression much like Nic. Arceus wasn't wrong there. Nic was looking into a mirror image of himself. "Also", Dialga continued, "He has told us that because of this power between you and your pokémon is strong enough to handle and control the power of the plates he plans on bestowing you." Nic didn't argue, though he was still curious on how this will work.

"Uh, sure thing." Nic replied. He then had a thought ring a bell in his head. "Hold up. Exactly how are these powers going to work in a human like me?"

"You'll be alright", explained Mesprit, "The plates will bring no harm nor damage to your life; however, your body can only suppress and manipulate five plates at this point. You will pick a type of plate and it will be inherited to you. The rest of the plates after that will be unlocked or will be searched for throughout your mission. As an added bonus, you can use pokémon moves based on the plate that you have chosen, and your appearance with those plate changes will also change, though not to a great degree."

Nic was so pumped now. He was almost jumping up and down at the thought of being able to use actual pokémon moves. He pictured himself using Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb, Hammer Arm, Strength, even the accursed Tickle attack. He thought he could conquer anyone who threatens him or his pokémon or family.

Snapped back to reality, Nic nodded. "Let's do it." Nic responded. A golden light then slowly descended from above. It slowly then stopped right above Dialga and Palkia. The light then began to shape and Arceus was revealed. Though, when the two stated Arceus was losing power, they'd forgot to mention that his life was losing strength as well. Arceus looked pale and exhausted.

"So, at last human", the almighty pokémon said, "We meet. I want you to be aware of the circumstances of taking up this mission. Once you've accepted, there's no turning back. The fate of the universe rests in your hands. You can turn back now, but this is your only chance." Nic shrugged off any doubt clogging up his decision. There was no way Nic was gonna stand by and watch as the universe falls apart.

"If I turn back now, then your efforts would have been for nothing. I'll do it." Nic proclaimed. Arceus then nodded.

"Very well then." Arceus then summoned forth eighteen plates, all revolving around him in a clockwise manner. "You may choose five. The rest will be unlocked or searched for later."

Nic then gave deep, deep thought. He had to figure out a way so that he could have a strong start. He decisively thought of the natural elements he might face. He also considered the possibility of no electricity, meaning his phone holding all of his songs would die out. He considered the possibility of being at sea, and being stuck in a desert. His imagination went wild, but he soon came to a decision.

"Ok…I choose Water, Electric…Fire…Flying…" Nic really didn't think all that way through, so he thought of a random type, "…and Poison." Nic finished. Five plates of blue, yellow, red, sky blue, and purple all converged and were infused into Nic's body. Already, he could feel his body changing. He felt those five types surge and lay dormant within him. 'This feels absolutely incredible. It's like I can feel the power and moves rush into my head.' He thought.

"Palkia, explain to Nic here where he will be heading to for his powers to evolve." Dialga politely asked.

"Wait, you mean that I'm going to another world?!" exclaimed Nic. Greninja was awed at this astonishing turn of events.

"That's correct, young heir of the plates", explained Palkia, "I will tell you as to what is ahead of you. In a land far, far away lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small, peaceful nation of seventeen million, and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in everyday marketplace, for most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. For some, however, magic is an art, and have devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore, but there is a certain guild in a certain town that soars high above the rest, one from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name…is Fairy Tail." Palkia stated much like a narrator.

Nic was just dumbfounded. 'Geez, did it really take him this long just to say that it's Fairy Tail?' Nic thought. Nevertheless, he recalled there being magic, which peeked his curiosity. "Wait, when you say magic, you mean like sorcery and spells?" Nic wondered.

"That is correct. This is where you will grow and live to harness your powers." Stated Arceus, barely able to say such things in a horrible condition.

"So will my power be affected by their magic?" wondered Nic.

"Fortunately, their magic will not suppress yours because it's not magic you're using. Remember, this is the power of plates that govern the pokémon and history. You would be wise not to blab this out to all of Fiore, for there would be great hysteria upon us all."

Nic responded with a nod. "I'll do my best." Nic swore. With that said and done, Palkia and Dialga emitted auras and the plates began to orbit around Nic. Nic returned Greninja back to his poke ball and saw that the plates formed a large ring at his feet.

"Before you depart, let us tell you something", Arceus said, "The time is parallel in both worlds, so it's not like one day in Fiore is equal to six months on your world if you were worried about that; also, keep in mind that we cannot be of any help to you from this point forward. As of now, the rest is up to you." The ring then glowed and made Nic fall, making him fall from the sky.

"WAAAHHHH!" screamed Nic as he plummeted downwards. The portal then closed, having the plates go to Fiore and/or deep inside Nic to unlock.

Azelf just floated there thinking. "Do you think we could have transported him to the ground rather than the sky?" he questioned. Everyone was just silent thinking, 'Uh…'

Nic was screaming for his dear life. He didn't expect to start out like so. "They could've just transported on the ground, BUT NO!" Nic was shouting in midair. He then saw that he was coming in pretty darn fast and was falling into what looked like woods. He was several miles up, and he was screaming and swearing that if he lives he'll get back at them for transporting him through the sky.

Nic thought fast. He got out a poke ball and threw it straight down. "Charizard!" Nic yelled. The flaming dragon then popped out of the ball through a light and caught Nic to prevent him from falling. Nic huffed and puffed. He finally caught his breath and sighed in relief. "Thanks Charizrd, please take me down." Nic commanded the Fire and Flying type Pokémon. Charizard then slowly came at an angle and finally made a soft landing in a forest clearing. Nic rolled off the Flame pokémon's back and fell on the ground with his face watching the clouds go by. After composing himself, he returned Charizard and looked about.

"Well, guess I should start walking." He said. He flipped open his sunglasses that were on his V-neck and put them on. He recalled as he was descending a town that was not too far off from where he was. This then got him some worry. "I hope nobody saw any of that." He hoped, thinking people would get suspicious; fortunately, no one was around, so he was in the clear. With that thought brushed aside, he made his way to town.

[Later that day…]

Nic finally made it to town called Hargeon, where he decided to think as to where he was meant to go. He then did a mental recap, and Palkia did mention something about this place called 'Fairy Tail', so he decided that he would start off by heading there.

Just before he was going to head there, he then remembered also that since this a new world people won't realize that he doesn't use magic. He then thought that his "magic" would be called Multitype. If anyone calls it something else, he won't care. He also had to keep his pokémon low key since people aren't associated with them here. He then gathered some intel and went to find a map of sorts.

Upon walking about, he then noticed a rather large group of girls surrounding this one guy. They keep saying "Salamander! He's here!" He had to admit that he was getting a bit curious of this commotion. He then proceeded to get closer. I was at the back of the crowd of girls when a blonde was slowly walking towards him. All of the women had heart filled eyes, including the blonde. 'Perhaps he's just a famous wizard.' Thought Nic. Out of the blue, a pink haired boy with a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat that was open and untucked, a thick black wristband on his left wrist. He also sported white knee-length trousers, a scarf around his neck, and had a lot of stuff carried on his back.

"It's me-!" he shouted, but stood shocked that it was the wrong person. Just then, the blonde flinched, though Nic didn't wonder why. "Who the heck are you?" the pink haired boy asked dumbly, shocking this "Salamander". Just then a group of girls were beginning to attack him, saying how rude he was. Nic's first instinct was to aid in this boy's need, but then recalled he had to keep his profile down. Salamander then eased them by saying he didn't mean it, to which they returned with heart filled eyes.

Nic then noticed that the blonde from before had a look of animosity. What was admiration turned into bitterness. Nic didn't want to get involve anymore and wanted to just bail. Before so, he saw Salamander giving the pink haired boy an autograph.

"No thanks." He said, which gave him another horrific all-female thrashing. As he was twitching by some garbage bags, the small blue cat with big eyes, a white belly, and a green sac looked back at this "Salamander".

"Guess it wasn't him after all." Said the cat. Nic raised a brow, for a cat was talking! Then again, Chatots could do partial human speech as well, so he wasn't too shocked by this event. Salamander then snapped his finger and was standing on a tower of pink fire.

"I'm having a little sware at my yacht tonight and you're all invited!" He openly announced before departing, riding the flames to who knows where. The ladies then went away, leaving the cat, the boy, the blonde, and Nic.

"Who the heck was that guy?" the boy wondered. I then decided to walk up to him, and the blonde was doing the same.

"If I knew, I would tell ya." Nic said.

"Uh, thank you for your help." The blonde said, which made the boy wonder what he did.

Awhile after that, the girl took the two guys and cat to a restaurant, where they all dined on the stuff she ordered; although, it was mainly Natsu and Happy who chowed down. Nic eventually learned that the blonde's name was Lucy. She was shocked to see the food get wolf down so fast and sighed.

"Uh, I guess it's my turn for intros then. I'm Nic." Nic said. Lucy then explained that this "Salamander was using Charm Magic, a magic that was banned for a long time now, which made the ladies fall in love with him. The only thing that came to Nic's mind at that moment was that something similar like that occurred in his world. It was the move Attract, though this had no affiliations with Salamander.

"I really can't thank you guys enough." Lucy said.

Natsu was stuffing food into his mouth and mumbling out "No problem" with food in his mouth.

"I may not look like it, but I'm a wizard to, though I'm not a member of a guild yet." She then just began to ramble on about Sorcerer's Weekly and hopes that she'll join a very special guild someday. "Oh yeah, you guys came here to find somebody, right?"

"We're looking for Igneel." Happy said while Natsu devoured a pizza.

"Is he a person?" Nic wondered.

"Nah you got it all wrong. He's not a person he's an actual dragon." Natsu explained. Lucy was heavily baffled by this, while Nic just flinched. Nic was stunned that dragons were around, but then recalled he's seen a bunch of Dragon Type okémon. He'll believe anything at this point. After Lucy paid for the food, she made her way out. Natsu and Happy were bowing their heads in respect.

"Thanks for the food!" Natsu said.

"You're embarrassing me!" Lucy exclaimed. "Let's just call it even since you've helped me out." Lucy then departed. Nic had a strange feeling, so he went by instinct and departed as well.

"See you guys later." Nic said, waving bye to Happy and Natsu. He then walked about town for a little bit and saw that Lucy was sitting on a bench reading Sorcerer's Weekly and saying how she'll one day join Fairy Tail.

Just then Salamander showed up and Nic got out of sight. "What's that, you want to join Fairy Tail?" Salamander asked Lucy. "I just came by and wanted to personally invite you onto my yacht tonight." He said with a charismatic smile, to which Lucy rejected.

"Your Charm Spell won't work on me! I'm aware of its use, so I'm unaffected!" Lucy pointed out. She then turned her back and rejected the invitation.

"You want to join Fairy Tail, don't ya?" he asked. This got Lucy's attention again. He then had on his charismatic smile. "Tell me, have you ever heard of Salamander?"

"Wait, you're telling me you're Fairy Tail's famous Fire wizard. Salamander?!" Lucy demanded.

"That's right, and if you come I'll put in a good word for ya." He said, to which Nic thought as a lie. Lucy then fell for his trick and she accepted the invitation.

After all of that was settled Lucy was prancing about, satisfied she'll get into Fairy Tail. Once those two were out of sight, Nic came back into view. 'I'll have to keep an eye on this 'Salamander'.' Thought Nic.

That night, Natsu and Happy were watching the yachy leave, which reminded Natsu of his motion sickness.

"Ah, c'mon. It's not like we're going to board it or anything." Said Happy. They then looked over and saw a few girls talking about this 'Salamander'.

"I wish I'd gone to his party." "Me to. To think, a wizard that uses Fire Magic in Fairy Tail." The girls chatted. Natsu heard of Fairy Tail, and he instantly looked back at the yacht, of which made him think of his motion sickness again.

Nic was able to hide away on the side just before it set sailed to who knows where. He was able to evade detection and he tried to find his way to where Lucy and Salamander were. Once he'd found them, he stayed hidden. He saw how Lucy was able to see through his Sleep Magic that he was trying to use on her.

Just then, his men had all of the women on board had women on their shoulders.

"Wha-What is this?!" Lucy demanded.

Salamander was chuckling, and his charismatic smile had just turned sour. "Welcome aboard." He said. Lucy was then rid of her keys and they were thrown out into the sea. "I had no use for those since Celestial Spirits were contracted to you." Lucy then began to sob.

Just then, Nic sprang into action. He busted down the door he was hiding behind and began cracking his knuckles. "Alright. Who wants the first punch to the face?" Nic asked. Natsu then crashed through the roof right by Nic. Natsu wasn't too thrilled with Salamander sullying Fairy Tail's name. "You're just in time for the fun part." Explained Nic. Just then, Natsu was overwhelmed with motion sickness and a sweat drop was on Nic's face. "Uhh…very well then." Nic mumbled. He then turned and saw Happry carry Lucy with his tail and flew off. "Lucy! Happy! Get the keys! I'll take care of them here!" shouted out Nic.

Lucy was then taken away by Happy who could fly. "Wait, since when did you have wings?!" shouted Lucy.

"Now's not the time!" explained Happy as he flew off with Lucy. Now it was Nic, along with a motion sick Natsu, against a really large number of bad guys.

"Okay. It's time we get this party started." Nic said. He then began to change. He summoned forth the power of the Toxic Plate. He was glowing a light purple and the glow faded. Nic's black sleeveless coat with blue flames was now dark purple with light purple bubbles coming up from the bottom. His gray V-neck was now violet and collarless. His sunglasses had a light purple casing around the lenses instead of black and yellow. His eyes also changed to purple. His roomy jeans grew a dark shade and his shoes were now patterned with black and light purple with tiny spikes on the bottom.

The men recoiled as they have never came across this sort of magic. "Wh-what kind of Take Over Magic is that?!" one of them stuttered.

'I see. So people call it Take Over Magic here. Very well, but this Multitype sure feels strange, yet so cool.' Thought the poisonous utilizer. He then took a step forward in front of Natsu so that he doesn't get caught up in the attack. 'Let's give it a shot!' He then stepped forward and took in a big breath. "Acid Spray!" A large volume of acid then came gushing out of Nic's mouth. The attack nearly got the members. They scooted back as they saw the acid burn up the floor. Nic then wiped his mouth. "Not bad, but let's see what happens when you're out of room."

His constant use of Acid Spray caused the men to go to the deck. Nic had Natsu on his shoulder and still felt nauseous.

"Please stop! Don't vomit another drop or I'll lose it for sure!" Natsu muttered. Nic then sighed and just let Natsu down. Nic then turned back at Salamander and his men and smirked, thinking this was pretty cool.

Out at sea, Happy and Lucy finally got away, only for Happy to run out of Aero Magic. "Uh oh!" Happy cried as he and Lucy took a dip into the sea. Lucy opened her eyes and saw her keys on a rock. She swam over and retrieved her keys. She and Happy finally resurfaced and gasped for air.

"Open: Gate of the Water Bearer – Aquarius!" Lucy then inserts the key into the water and turned it, making a gate open. Aquarius then appeared before their eyes. She was a mermaid with blue hair, eyes, and tail. Happy almost began drooling, thinking that she was a fish.

"Tsk." Aquarius also had a bit of an attitude with Lucy. Lucy wasn't that fond of her attitude.

"What's the big deal?! I summon you to help me, not give me an attitude! Now just get that ship to shore!" Lucy exclaimed, only to be given a death glare that shook her and Happy to the core.

"If you were to as so much lose my keys again, you're dead! Understand?" Aquarius threatened.

"Y-yes. It won't happen again." Lucy shivered in fear. Aquarius then summoned forth an enormous wave from her water vase (or jug, can't really tell) and had the huge wave rush at the ship.

The men on the ship were screaming, and Nic saw the wave come at him. "…something tells me that I'm about to get wet." He sighed as the wave swallowed the ship, and Lucy, to shore. The ship was in no condition as it was on its side and destroyed from the wave and the inside was fried from Nic's Acid Spray as a bonus. The girls that fell for his Charm Magic earlier were able to escape and flee, getting away from the hysteria.

Lucy was on shore and right next to Happy, whose head was buried in the sand and he pulled it out.

"Talk about overkill! You didn't need to wash me up ya know!" Lucy snapped.

"Hmph! Just consider yourself lucky that I wasn't aiming for you. Don't bother calling me because I'm on a weekend date with my boyfriend, and he's hot." Aquarius responded before going back to the Celestial World.

Nic was on the side of the ship, looking up at the starry sky. "Geez, talk about a washout." He murmured, also lightening the mood with a pun. He and Natsu finally pulled themselves together. Since they were on shore, Natsu didn't feel sick.

Lucy and Happy looked over at the two that were glaring heavily down on Salamander. Both were pretty irritated. "So", Natsu said, "You say that you're a member of Fairy Tail, huh? Then how come I've never seen your face before?!" Natsu then showed his Fairy Tail mark on his right shoulder. It was no question the symbol of Fairy Tail.

The acid was still coming from Nic's fangs, greatly annoyed that this fiend had the nerve to trick the innocent. "You lowdown scum", said Nic, "You tricked the people of this place, and you wanted to make slaves out of them?! How about we put you out of your misery!"

The men were trembling and couldn't move. "B-Bora! That's him! That's the real deal!"

"Don't call me that!" Bora retorted.

Happy then crossed his arms and glared at Bora. "That name, he's Bora the Prominence. He was once a member of the Titan Nose Guild, but was excommunicated for misbehavior and using his magic for malevolence." Happy explained.

"I don't care what you call yourself, but you've masquerade yourself as a Fairy Tail member. DON'T EVER MESS WITH FAIRY TAIL!" Natsu roared in anger. Bora ordered his henchmen to assault, but they were held up by Nic, who sprang into action.

"Sludge Wave!" Nic roared. His body was cloaked in some poison and unleashed a huge wave of that poison that swamped the men,knocking them all out. He then turned back to Natsu. "Your turn Natsu!" the poisonous wizard yelled.

"Be happy to oblige." Natsu said, jumping down and he began running towards Bora.

"Prominence Typhoon!" Bora then summoned forth a huge amount of energy and firing it at Natsu. Natsu didn't even flinch when he was hit, in fact he was eating the fire. Bora screamed like a sissy when his flames were eaten. "Red Shower!" He summons forth his Magic Seal that fired a multitude of elongated circles of purple flame. Natsu began running towards him, brushing off the attack as though it was nothing but flies.

"For the record, your fire tastes terrible!" Natsu commented and a flaming red seal appeared and Natsu began to take in a deep breath. "Fire Dragon Roar!" he then unleashed a huge amount of fire coming in fast. Bora barely dodge it, but still felt the intensity of the attack.

Natsu then saw Bora come in for an attack. Nic walked right up beside Natsu. He looked at him and smirked.

"What do you say? Shall we finish this?" He asked Natsu.

"Heh, sure." Natsu then made another quick seal and Nic straightened out his fingers in his right hand and seeping poison into them.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled.

"Poison Jab!" Nic roared.

Nic aimed for the abdomen while Natsu got him in the face. The force of the two attacks send Bora soaring and crash into his ship with a thunderous thud. With all of that said and done, Natsu and Kale met up with Lucy and Happy.

"You did it!" Happy cheered, but was short-lived as the Royal Army was coming.

"It's the Royal Army!" exclaimed Lucy. Natsu then grabbed Lucy's wrist and began running and Happy flew in pursuit. Nic then turned golden and reverted back to himself. His wardrobe went to being his black coat with blue flames, his T-shirt a V-neck again, and jeans back to normal, etc.

"Hey, mind if I tag along?" Nic asked while running.

"Sure. Oh and, Lucy. You said you wanted to be a member of Fairy Tail, right?" he answered and asked while running. Lucy couldn't help but smile happily.

The four then proceeded and ran off from the scene and back to Magnolia.

[Sometime later, at Magnolia, Fairy Tail Entrance…]

The four finally arrived at the entrance of Fairy Tail Guild Hall. It was wood and a huge banner showing off the Fairy Tail insignia with "Fairy Tail" above its gate entrance.

Lucy was amazed at this. She's always dreamed of becoming a Fairy Tail member and she's only just a few steps away from doing so. "Amazing! I can't believe that I'm about to join Fairy Tail!" Lucy shrieked in pure joy.

Nic was pretty amazed himself, thought he distinctly remembered that he was send here to become a Fairy Tail member, and he's going to do that. He was still impressed with the way he and Naysu teamed up in that last fight. He actual felt like he was a pokémon. He felt great laying down the pain, though it was for a cause and not for the sake of fighting.

They all entered and saw that the inside was comprised of a lot of people in wooden tables and chairs. And there was even a bar that had Mirajane Strauss tending it. She was a model for the Sorcerer's Weekly magazine.

"I can't believe it! Mirajane in Fairy Tail!" Lucy was as shocked as a crazed fangirl.

"We're back!" Natsu yelled. He then went over and just slugged a guy in the face, making him fall to the ground. "That rumor was a fake!" Natsu roared.

"Hey, it was just a rumor! You just had to go and blame it all on me, did ya?!" The other member retorted. The argument quickly escalated into a fight, of which everyone took part of.

"So, it looks like flame brain is back." Said a voice. He was Gray Fullbuster. He had dark blue, spiky hair and had a necklace with a sword. He had on black jeans, but strangely nothing on the top.

"Gray, your clothes." Another person said. It was Cana Alberona. She had dark brown hair, a blue bra, some short pants and some sandals. She was busy attending to her barrel that she drank out of.

"Whoa. Talk about thirsty." Nic stated with a sweat drop.

Gray then began searching for his clothes and Elfman Strauss, Mirajane's brother, stepped in and joined the brawl. "A real man never backs down from a fight!" Elfman proclaimed. He was tall, had white spiky hair, had a slight tan, and had a long black jacket on. He also had a scar running on the right side of his face over his eye and had on sandals.

Out of the blue, Gray and Natsu send Elfman flying into Mirajane into a table into a wall.

"This is too annoying for me." Said Loke. Loke had orange hair, blue sunglasses, and had on a lime green jacket. He was sitting next to a few women and politely asked them to wait for him as he began to join the fight after being hit with a mug.

It was just too much hysteria, and this was not even two minutes in.

Gray then lost his underwear and Lucy was mortified to see him in the nude.

'How indecent can this guy get?!' Nic thought and looked away. He just went over to the bar and just sat down.

Right next to Cana and plugged in his earbuds. Cana was just as annoyed. She then noticed Nic was sitting right next to her. She turned to him curious.

"How come you're not in on the fight?" Cana wondered. Nic turned to talk to Cana and turned the volume down so that he can hear her and his music.

"Well, I'm new here as well as Lucy. I prefer to not get in these sort of fights unless it's for a good reason." Pointed out Nic.

Cana looked back at the insanity and sighed. "This is guy I don't find the men here appealing, they have no class." Cana said. She looked as though she was about to throw a fit. She then brought out some cards and was about to make them stop. Nic saw this coming and held out an arm.

"Wait!" Nic yelped to Cana just before she was going to use them. He then got up from his seat and looked back at her. "If you don't mind, I think I'll stop them all at once."

Cana blinked once and she put her cards back. He told her to wait just a second. Since there was no one behind the bar, that meant people didn't have to see him transform, though Cana may be curious.

"What are you doing?" Cana wondered, seeing him crouched behind the counter. He then quickly glowed and had the Toxic Plate active once more. His appearance changed back to the light purple bubbles on the dark purple coat. Sunglasses had purple outline, collarless shirt, and somewhat spiky shoes.

Cana was shocked to see Nic transform this way. This left her flinching until finally speaking. "Is that a Take Over?" Nic then approached the massive fighting.

"In a way, yeah." Nic said. He looked back and smirked. "You might wanna find some cover, and take your booze with ya. You wouldn't want it tainted now, would ya?" Cana didn't question him and did as told. She took two barrels and hid behind the counter. Nic then turned back towards the crowd of fighters that were hitting away. "Okay, that's enough! Sludge Wave!" Nic unleashed a huge amount of purple sludge that got everyone; well, exclude Cana. They all were laying down on the floor, all drenched in purple and smelled rather askew. With the swiftest of movements, Nic ducted behind the counter and transformed back before anyone saw who did that attack. He glowed and changed back. He then looked at Cana, who raised a brow.

"Funny, you remind me of Erza." Cana explained.

"Who's Erza?" Nic asked.

"She's an S-Class Mage who always gets her way. If push comes to shove, she'll resort to violence and stomp all over us." This frightful image only intrigued Nic. He didn't feel threatened at all.

"Huh, I should see that in action." He wondered. Cana only had a sweat drop.

"You're kidding, right?" Cana said baffled. They heard mumbling and heard voices coming over. Quickly, Nic took action and created a façade. He had his music volume increase and laid back against the wall opposite of the counter. Cana caught on to his actions quickly, and drank out of her barrel.

Gray and Natsu came over and looked about and saw Nic listening to music and Cana drinking.

"Hey", Gray said, "You know who did that just now?" Nic noticed Gray and mute his music for the moment.

"Don't ask me. I came over here to get away from the fighting and go to my happy place." Nic faked, which Cana followed suit.

"Yeah. You guys are annoying, but he told me it would settle if I just ignored it, and it worked." Cana said. The guys sighed and departed from the bar. Cana and Nic then emerged from the bar and sat back down on the stools. Nic then gave Cana a grin that said "thanks for playing along". Her wink back meant "sure thing"

Just then, a large figure appeared. "What's going on here? You morons almost wrecked the Guild Hall." He boomed.

"Oh, hey Master!" Mirajane said, getting up. Nic's jaw dropped at the size of that thing, but soon dwindled down to an old man and Nic sighed in relief.

"Greetings." Master Makarov said in a caring manner. He made his way up to the second floor and looked down on everyone. Everyone was looking at him in anticipation. He then flashed out a pile of complaints on paper. "How annoying! Never ending complaints from the Magic Council! This is the most complaints that has ever been written! This recent one of how Natsu and some other delinquent have trashed a harbor!" Cana saw Nic gulp, and then she slightly giggled. Mkarov then continued. "All you guys do is drive me mad!" Lots of the guild members looked down in shame as to what they have done. Makarov then grinned. "…however…" he then had the pages torn up and shredded.

"I say screw the Magic Council. Now listen, Magic if found to be without reason, and we've come to gain reason because of that. Our magic is meant for greatness, and rules from the Magic Council just keep hammering us down, but these rules only suppress our potential and fail to have us grow as individuals. Don't be afraid of those knuckleheads on the council. Follow your beliefs and strive for the future, because that's what makes Fairy Tail Number One!" Makarov declared and everyone cheered in delight.

It was later that day when Lucy and Nic received their Fairy Tail insignias thanks to Mirajane. Lucy's was pink and on the back of her left hand. Nic's mark was on his back between the shoulder blades and was violet. The two admired their marks for a little bit.

"Hey, Natsu. Look, I have my mark." Lucy said full of pride.

"Oh Congrats Looney, welcome to the guild." He said nonchalantly. Happy was too indulged eating a fish that was bigger than him.

"IT'S LUCY!" She shouted out as she smacked him and showed off her shark like teeth.

Nic took the time and relaxed. It wasn't quiet, but it was unique. A fight could start anytime, so he had his guard up. Mirajane then gave him a light tap on the shoulders, which freaked him out. He jumped and got one foot in the air like a ninja. He saw that it was only Mirajane, and was at ease.

"Nic, I do wonder as to how you came to join Fairy Tail." Mira wondered.

He then came up with a simple lie, which wasn't a complete lie though. "Oh, I heard about this from an acquaintance. He told me Fairy Tail is an amazing guild that could help me gain potential." He said. Mira smiled.

"Well we sure are amazing!" Mira pointed out. Master Makarov then came up and talked to Nic.

"Young man, are you hiding something?" Makarov asked. He was seeing right through Nic's lie. The other members of the guild gathered around, obviously curious as to what the new member had to hide.

Seeing as he had no way out of his predicament, he then started to explain. "Well, this isn't like the Kalos region, that's for sure. And no, Kalos isn't anywhere near here. It's in another world."

Everyone gawked at this, Happy wasn't paying attention and kept eating his fish. Some members just laughed and some stood speechless.

"You don't seem paranoid, can you go into detail?" Makarov was intrigued by this turn of events, and still Happy didn't take notice. Nic took in a deep breath and explained from the beginning. He first had to explain what world he came from and what pokémon are and how people battle with them. He explained about trainers and gyms and the Elite Four and the Champion.

By this time the guild members that were laughing were just as curious as the other members. He explained as to how he confronted Legendary Pokémon and was told to master the eighteen plates, though he didn't go all that in depth so people couldn't freak out. He talked about how he made it to Hargeon and aid in Natsu and Lucy's fight, leading to the present. Lucy could understand, since Celestial Spirits are that way as well, but everyone else had some trouble following as to how the legendaries transported him.

"So, how many plates do have at this point?" Gray asked without a shirt on.

"As of now, I have 5. Natsu already took note of my Poison, and I still have Electric, Water, Flying, and Fire." Nic then told Gray to put on a shirt.

"But wait", questioned Levy, who was the leader of Team Shadow Gear, "Why did you decided to start with those? Wouldn't it have been wise to pick stronger plates to begin with?"

Nic then folded his arms and looked down. "You have a point, but I thought if where I was going, was going to be much like my world, then I would have to get the types to best help me in common environments. If I were to end up in the sea I could switch to a Splash Plate and breath underwater. If stuck in the air, I'd switch to my Sky Plate."

"Can you show us one of your Pokémon?" asked Lucy.

"Sure, but make some room first." Everyone then took a step back as Nic brought out a poke ball. Everyone was curious as to how his pokemon would look.

"Let's go, Greninja!" Nic shouted. He tossed the ball into the air and opened. A white light gushe out and touched the floor and took shape. The light disappeared and it revealed Greninja. People were in awe by this one. They've never seen anything like it.

"Doesn't look very appetizing." Happy commented.

"Is that really a pokémon? It looks like an overgrown frog." Said Natsu. Big mistake. Greninja took note of Natsu and Happy's comments and gave an unforgiving face.

"Look, you'd be wise to watch your mouth." Nic said. Greninja then unleashed a Water Pulse on the two by concentrating water to its palms. When the attack hit, Happy was dizzy and saw fish over his head. He then fell to the ground in a daze. Natsu was also dizzy and wet all over as he hunched on the floor looking very pale almost as if he was trying to keep his dinner in his stomach so that it wouldnt come out from his mouth. Greninja gave a swift smirk and then returned back to its poke ball.

"That... was... a dirty trick!" Natsu weakly protested.

"He's my first pokémon, meaning he takes after me; besides, I wanted him to be the first to see this guild." Nic explained. A fight almost broke out, but Nic just walked away saying he doesn't want to get involve in a mess that they have. This was let go and everyone went off to do their own thing.

Later, Romeo Conbolt, who's the young son of a wizard, was upset because his dad wasn't back yet. Natsu and Nic took notice, even Lucy.

"My dad said it would be three days and it's been over a week!" Romeo cried. Master Makarov was a bit worried to, but chose to not show it.

"Now boy", said Makarov, "Your father is a very capable wizard. I doubt that he would be given trouble up on Mt. Hakobe. You should learn to have some patience Romeo, now go home and wait for him." This didn't go unanswered as Romeo punched Makarov and calling him a jerk and ran of crying. Natsu just punched the request board and turned to leave.

"That wasn't very nice of the Master." Commented Lucy talking to Mirajane.

"True, but even though Master is right. Natsu barged off like that because he sees Romeo as himself. He had it rough worrying about his father, and he doesn't want Romeo to feel the same. It was rough for Natsu to find Igneel."

"Igneel", Lucy thought back to when Natsu said he was looking for a dragon named Igneel back in Hargeon. It didn't take long for her to put two and two together, "Wait…you mean that Igneel is Natsu's father?!"

Mirajane nodded. "It's a sad story. Natsu was taken in by Igneel, who became his foster father. He taught Natsu to write, the culture, even Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. One day, Igneel disappeared and was never heard of since. This made Natsu want to find him wherever a dragon is heard of. No luck up to this point."

Lucy then got up and left to look for Natsu. Nic was only a couple seats away and heard everything. He sat there in a deep trance. He thought of how his parents kicked him out when he was fifteen. He became a pokémon trainer and never looked back. He doesn't want to have people go through what he went through. No support throughout his journey. He was all alone, except he had his pokémon, so he wasn't all that alone. He was in deep thought until Lucy was out of site.

"…" Nic got up and darted out.


Natsu was unable to move at all. He couldn't help but groan and cover his mouth. The carriage ride was to take Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Nic up to Mt. Hakobe.

"You're just never lucky when it comes to transportation, are ya?" Nic rhetorically asked. Natsu just groaned and lied down.

"Hey Nic, why did you tag along?" wondered Lucy.

"Ladies first." Said Nic being a gentleman.

"Simple, Natsu invited me. But he didn't invite you, why is it you came anyway?"

He thought about this and tried to put it all together. "I guess I wanna help Romeo. My parents rejected me after I turned fifteen, but even so I still don't want families to go through what I've been through to." Nic worded.

It wasn't long after that that the carriage stopped moving. Natsu then sprung up from his incapacitation.

"ALRIGHT, WE STOPPED MOVING!" Natsu roared, feeling all revived. As he and Happy were prancing about, the carriage driver told them to exit.

"Sorry, but this is as far as I can take you." He apologized. They got out to take in the scenery.

It was beautiful. Cold, frigid, snow falling down everywhere, violent blizzards. What more could you ask for? Lucy stepped out, shivering like a little dog.

"When did it start snowing?!" she exclaims. "It's a frozen wasteland."

Nic didn't feel much of a chill, though he didn't know why. 'Probably because of the Flame Plate that's keeping me warm.' He thought. Natsu didn't feel the cold either. Nic just assumed it was the dragon fire, but just left that subject alone and focused on the task at hand.

After a little bit of walking, Lucy had enough of the cold.

"Natsu, I'm freezing!" Lucy inquires.

"That's what happens when you where such light clothing." Natsu replies.

"You're one to talk!" she retorts. She then came up with an idea. "Open: Gate of the Clock Consolation – Horologium!" a giant grandfather clock then came from a golden glow. Lucy took the liberty and put herself inside his hollow inside.

"'Why on earth would Macao come to a place like this?' Miss Lucy questons." Horologium repeats, since no one can hear her from the outside.

"Why didn't you asked that earlier? He went down to take down a Vulcan, it's a big ugly monster." Explained Natsu, which made Lucy shudder in horror.

"'I'm going back to Fairy Tail!' she proclaims." Horologium interprets. Natsu, Happy, and Nic just continue on walking.

"'Be my guest' I reply." Natsu said, copying Horologium's way of talking.

"Aye." Says Happy. They then pressed on and try to find Macao, Romeo's father.

Just then, a huge ape like creature was jumping from the cliff above, catching Nic's attention.

"Guys above us!" Nic alarmed, having all three dodged the bog gorilla's assault.

"That's a big Vulcan!" Happy exclaimed. They then noticed the twenty-foot beast sniffing about and racing after Lucy, who was inside Horologium.

"Not so fast!" proclaimed Nic. He then had the Flame Plate activated, which made his features change. His eyes were fiery red, his jeans were charred black, his shoes were running shoes that were a pattern of red and yellow. His shirt was an orange V-neck, sunglasses still the same, and his coat was a pure red with yellow and orange flames flickering from the bottom.

Natsu was amazed that he could do such a thing. Other than the Poison transformation, this was the only other one he saw.

"Get back here, ya foul ape! Flame Wheel!" Nic then began summersaulting and being cloaked in fire at the same time, so he was a rolling flame. All the ape had to do was swat his arm at him and he went flying into Natsu. Both fell on the ground and into the snow. The Vulcan then grabbed Horologium and ran off.

"'Help me you two flaming buffoons!' she yells furiously." Horologium reiterates. The Vulcan got out of site, leaving only the guys to track them down. Natsu had Happy fly ahead and try to stay close enough to trace.

Eventually, the Vulcan had Lucy in a cave, though she was still in Horologium. The deranged monkey was prancing about in victory. And time ran out for Horologium and Lucy was all alone.

"I'm afraid time has ran out for me, Miss Lucy." Informed Horologium as he went back to the Celestial World.

"No! Please! Make an extension this one time!" Lucy cried hopelessly. The Vulcan then began to approach and then he was hit with a Flamethrower out of the blue. The Vulcan was sent back a few meters and gazed angrily at Natsu and Nic. Natsu then cracked his flaming knuckles.

"Where's Macao!" Natsu demanded. The Vulcan then swatted an off guard Natsu out of the cave and into an abyss. Happy then went back and flew down to get him. Nic then turned to Lucy.

"Don't just stand there! Summon a fighter or something!" barked Nic.

"Don't push your luck!" Lucy shouts and then brings out a golden key. "Open: Gate of the Golden Bull – Taurus!" A large bull, that was humanoid, then appeared with a big axe.

"Cow?" questioned the Vulcan.

"Get ready you banana perv, because Taurus is the strongest Celestial Spirit I'm contracted with!" exclaimed Lucy. Taurus then got hearts in his eyes.

"My Miss Lucy, you're looking as hot as ever, how about a smooooch." Taurus said.

"Oh yeah, he's also the biggest perv I know as well." Lucy sighed.

"My woman!" the Vulcan growled. This shocked Taurus out of his trans and made him all riled up.

"Your woman?!" protested Taurus, gripping his axe, "Them fighting words ya moooonkey!" Taurus then jumped and came down with the axe on the Vulcan. The ugly beast caught it just in the last moment, his two hands holding the sides of the blades.

Nic then thought it would be time for punch to step in. "Fire Punch!" yelled the flaming contender. The Vulcan then got out of the way and pushed Taurus into the Fire Punch, being dealt a serious blow to the face that knocked him out. He then plopped to the floor and was forced back home to the Celestial World.

"Oh man, that was stupid of me!" Nic cursed himself. He then looked back at the Vulcan who was smirking in glee of taking down the spirit. "…but still. That overgrown ape is fast. I'll just have to just match him then!" He was then cloaked in flames and began sprinting. "Flame Charge!" he then rammed into the beast and caused it to step back. When the beast looked away to see Lucy trying to find some cover, he has hit from behind by a surprise attack by Natsu and his Fire Dragon's Claw, which was a flaming kick. When the Vulcan fell forward, Natsu looked back up at Happy.

"Thanks again buddy!" Natsu said.

"Aye!" Happy replied. This struck confusion to Nic.

"I'm glad you came to join the smashing and all, but how come you weren't sick when Happy saved you?" questioned the fiery being.

"You've gotta be kidding me! Happy isn't a vehicle, he's my friend!" Natsu protest. Nic just nodded in understanding.

"Got it." Nic said. 'Boy, I walked right into that one.' He thought. They both then had just enough time before the ape tried to attack them. They dodged and did a double combo.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu roared.

"Flame Charge!"

The two attacks then hit the Vulcan, it flew back and grabbed hold of a stalagmite. It yurned and used the momentum to try and fly back into the two. Nic got out of the way due to his enhanced speed from two Flame Charge attacks. Natsu stood his ground and tried to push the Vulcan back. It was either Natsu or the Vulcan.

"Wait!" Nic muttered, having an epiphany. "Natsu can…" He then aimed at Natsu. "Natsu! Chow down!" Natsu then saw Nic unleash a Flamethrower at him. Natsu jumped out of the ape's way and stod his ground as he swallowed every bit of fire from Nic's Flamethrower.

Natsu wiped his mouth. "Thanks for the meal pal. Now I got a fire in my belly." Natsu said with a grin. He turned and saw the Vulcan coming at him. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu's one punch send the perverted ape soaring and crashing through seven stalagmites and ended up crashing into the wall, out like a light.

"Y-you guys won!" Lucy cheered in joy. They all gathered by the unconscious ape as it was transforming back into a man.

"Macao!" Natsu exclaimed in surprise.

Nic and Lucy stood there just as dumbfounded as Natsu. "HUH?!" Lucy and Nic shrieked in unison.

"It looked as though he was possessed by a Vulcan." Explained Happy.

"Possessed? Vulcan? What is happening?!" Nic was just confused all over the place.

"Let me explain. Vulcan's thrive by invading and using other bodies, much like a Take Over." Happy detailed.

They all then skipped the chatting and tended to Macao's wounds.

"Don't you dare die on me! Romeo's waiting for you! Macao!" shouted Natsu. Macao then slowly opened his eyes and groaned. He was bandaged in the abdomen and a little in both arms.

"Heh, how pitiful", muttered Macao, "There were twenty of them. I managed to take down nineteen, but the twentieth one got me. I'm too ashamed to go back."

"Don't put yourself down like this", encouraged Nic, "nineteen of those big brutes is an accomplishment. Why beat yourself up? If anything, you'd set a good example for your son on how to go through a job, so how about we quit talking and get you back to your son." Natsu then grabbed Macao by his hand and took him home by having him lean on Natsu for support.

It was sundown by the time the five got back. Romeo was thinking of how some bullies picked on him and how he made his dad go on a job. When he saw his dad come home, he tackle him out of joy.

"DAD!" Romeo shrieked. "I'm sorry! It's all my fault!"

"Nah don't be. I'm sorry I worried you." Macao said.

"It's alright, because I'm a son of a Fairy Tail wizard!" Romeo cheered.

"Next time bullies pick on you, tell them this: Can your dad take down nineteen monsters all by themselves? Because mine can!" Macao said happily. As the two embrace, Natsu and the others ventured off back to the guild.

It was a good day for the team. Natsu and Happy venture back home while Lucy stayed with Mirajane for the night until she gets her new home in a matter of days. Nic was given a one night's stay in the guild. Nic had his Greninja out for the night just because he wanted to enjoy looking after the guild when it's dark.

Nic was lying on a table while Greninja was on another table, gazing up at the ceiling high above them.

"Tell me Greninja", Nic asked, "These past two days have been the most hectic in a long time. Natsu and Happy are a great team to be around, though Natsu can be utterly impulsive. Lucy and her Celestial Spirits are pretty amazing as well. To think I blew up a ship with a fire breather, ran away from an army, joined a guild, and teamed up with that Salamander to conquer a possessed man. What do you think's gonna happen?"

Greninja then turned his head and looked over at his trainer. "If I knew, I would tell ya." The Ninja pokémon replied. Both were frozen at this sudden development. His Pokémon just talked! Even this surprised Greninja. After a short paused, Nic just sighed.

"You know, there's some crazy things going on here. A talking cat that can fly, wizards that use magic, Celestial Spirits, talks of dragons and this Igneel. Heck, I'll believe in anything at this point." Smirked Nic.

"Seems legit." Greninja replied. Both then just gazed back up at the ceiling and drifted off.

'I have a strange feeling that we're in for a wild ride.' Contemplated Nic, and the two then drifted off into a light sleep, awaiting for what tomorrow had in store for them.