
The Pain Train...

In The Last Chapter:

Nic came across an alley and began to talk with the Legendary Pokémon Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, and the Lake Trio. There, Nic found out he was to inherit the plates entrusted to him by Arceus, who was slowly progressing to death. Nic was infused with five plates to begin with and was send to the magical land of Fiore. He encounters Natsu Dragneel, Happy, and Lucy Heartfilia. The four then go up against Bora, who took Natsu's nickname 'Salamander', and beat him with no trouble. The group then ventures off to the town of Magnolia, where Lucy and Nic become Fairy Tail members. It wasn't later that the group then took down a Vulcan that was really Macao, Romeo's father. Nic learned that his pokémon could talk and fell asleep...

Chapter 2: The Pain Train...

After those insane events occurred, Nic and Greninja woke up early and decided to get some food. They got up from the two tables and scrounged for some ingredients. Fortunately, Nic knew how to make some tasty omelets. He and Greninja wolfed down about two omelets each, leaving the two satisfied with full stomachs. Nic was rather curious at this point about the town and the terrain, but then Master Makarov stepped inside the Guild Hall.

"Ah, morning Nic!" implied Makorov. He looked to see that Nic felt refreshed and ready to start his day. "I see that you're up and ready to tackle the day."

Nic just felt like scoping out the scenery; more importantly, he wanted to get out of town to the nearby woods to do some training.

"Uh, yeah", responded Nic, "Hey, I'm gonna go scope out the town for awhile. Tell Natsu and Happy and Lucy that I won't be here all day." Makarov nodded and walked away, leaving Nic to have Greninja return to its poke ball and walk out of the place.

The town wasn't too bad. The town had a population of 60,000, with a lot of merchants. He got a quick glimpse of the Kardia Cathedral, the food, and a bunch of other stuff. He only scoped the area for about a couple hours before he decided to go to the outskirts of the town. Nobody even knew who he was, so they didn't take notice of his absence.

Nic traveled about and came across nothing but open land, and rocks, and a lot of spread out trees, and more rocks. After finding a good place to stop and take a breather, he decided to test out his other plates.

"Okay", he said to himself out loud, "I think the Splash Plate should be given a go." He then began to glow, showing that he was about to change. His eyes were now an ocean blue, with his sunglasses on regardless. Those sunglasses were the same, but the casing of the lens was dark aquamarine. His coat was dark blue with light blue waves going from the bottom to his thighs. He had no shirt on, exposing his toned upper body. His shoes were now water shoes that were waterproof.

He cracked his knuckles and looked for an easy target to practice on. He found three medium sized rocks and took a stance. "Okay." He said, conjuring up the power of the Splash Plate. He made a glow from underneath arise, conjuring water that was surging all around him. "I summon the power of the Splash Plate to harness my potential! Let it drown and wash away all negativity that will come!" The surge then increased, making an enormous ring of water circulating at an alarming rate. "Come! I use this power for the sake of the universe!" He then focused on the three medium sized rocks. "Hydro Pump!" The water then made an aquatic mirror in front of Nic. The mirror then unleashed a huge spiraling torrent that shattered not only the three rocks, but made a tree timber. He wasn't close to being done. He turned and saw another rock the size of him. "Aqua Jet!" He was enveloped in water and lunged at the large rock with massive force. He went straight through and shattered it into a multitude of tiny fragments. He didn't take into account the impact it left on him as he was recovering from that sudden burst of speed into a hard object. "Ow. That's gonna hurt my shoulder!" Nic wined, but he knew wining wasn't gonna get him anywhere. He turned away and saw another rock a hundred meters away. He then conjured up some more energy and fired a boiling jet of water from his mouth. "Scald!" he impact caused the rock to crack as the attack made impact. It didn't take long after that for the rock to break apart on its own. Nic felt a little tired, but made no haste in trying to break some more things with water.

A good half hour rolled by, leaving everything around Nic either drenched or destroyed. You couldn't find anything dry within a three hundred meter radius. Nic was pretty wiped. "Okay…I think…I'm…good…for my Splash Plate." He gasped. His hands were on his knees, he could barely look up. He took a couple minutes to recover and stretched out. "Oooookayyy", He sighed while stretching his back, "Now onto-." He stopped and felt some sort of presence nearby, but it was a multitude of them.

Nic couldn't help but look around. He didn't find it in the forest, he didn't find it in the air, he even thought it was just his stomach telling him it was time to eat. He chose to ignore that feeling and walked about. He eventually found the exit to the woods and found the plain landscape with a road going horizontal to him. He thought it would be best to lay low in the shrubs and see if anything would happen. He waited for if that strange feeling would go away or not, of which it didn't. Then he saw some thugs coming up from the left. They were walking down the road. To his right, he saw a young person with a mountain of luggage taking the road up.

The thugs then saw this person and her stuff, and they'd just smirked. Nic could see their intensions were to rob this girl. He didn't step in just yet, but watched as the group of rowdy guys walk up to this young woman. He could hear them threaten her and taunt her. He looked to see if the girl was threatened, of which she wasn't budging.

Nic couldn't help it, but his heart stopped as he had just gazed upon the most beautiful woman he has probably ever saw in his entire life. She had long scarlet red hair and brown eyes. She had a voluptuous figure (though Nic knew better at a time like this). Her attire was a Heart Kreuz armor, a blue skirt, and black boots.

Nic had to ignore this ticklish feeling inside of him and focus on the situation at hand. Luckily, the Splash Plate was still active. The thugs were closing in on her, and that's when Nic stepped in. From within the shrubs, he unleashed a Bubblebeam that bombarded the thugs with continuous force. Some were out on the spot and some were still standing.

"Who did that?!" one of the more muscular thugs demanded. Nic then burst out of the shrubs and lunged at the thug.

"Aqua Jet!" Nic roared as he ploughed into the man, sending him flying and crashing into several of his own men. "Hydro Pump!" Nic then created a mirror of water and unleashed a monstrous and pressurized torrent of water, which send every one of them sky rocketing off to who knows where.

After all of that was finished, Nic sighed and put his hands on his knees. He was still tired from his training, so he hasn't had a lot of time to fully recover. Doing three consecutive attacks was a bit much, but he was still standing at least. Nic was drained and he glowed, signifying he was reverting back to his own self. He was too busy kicking those guys' behinds that he'd forgotten about the scarlet woman behind him. He was breathing heavily and regaining his breath.

The scarlet woman walked up to him. "Are you alright?" she asked. Nic got all the way back up and looked at the woman. Nic couldn't help but be more attracted to her up close. He still had to be on guard though. He didn't know who she was, so he had to keep his awareness levels at a high level.

"Yeah, I'm fine", said Nic, "Are you alright as well?"

"Yes I'm fine." She replied. She then up her hands on her hips and raised a brow. "You didn't have to do that you know? I could've taken them on with ease." She said in a polite manner.

Nic just shrugged it off. "I'm sorry. It was an instinct." Nic said. The scarlet woman then smiled at his sincerity. He was a raging fighter at one moment, and then a nice guy afterwards.

"It's alright. Thank you anyway." She smiled.

"You're welcome."

Something then made the scarlet woman wonder. "By the way, why were you in the shrubs?" she wondered. Nic couldn't dodge this one, so he had to tell her.

"I was training in the woods when I felt a weird presence coming. I followed my instincts and went and saw a young woman coming and a bunch of rowdy thugs coming the other way. If things got out of hand, I would've stepped in." explained Nic. She then nodded in understanding and went back to attend to her luggage. Nic thought she could use the hand in hauling all of that stuff. "Hey, do you want me to help you carry your supplies?" asked Nic, trying to be a gentleman.

She was in thought. 'He seems like a good guy. I'll let him tag along a little bit…but that magic, what was it? It didn't look like a Take Over, and it's not like my Requip. I'll have to keep an eye on him.' She then had him come over and haul the cart of luggage. He chose not to ask why she had all of this stuff, but did wonder as to where she was going.

"Where're you heading?" he asked.

She turned to him as he pulled with ease. "I'm off to Fairy Tail." She explained, which made Nic stop dead in his tracks.

"Fairy Tail? I go there!" Nic replied in shock. This made her turn around in surprise.

"You're in Fairy Tail?" she asked. Nic then turned around and pulled up his coat and shirt, revealing his Fairy Tail mark.

"Yeah!" Nic smiled, "I just joined yesterday. Me and this other blonde did so as well. I think her name's Lucy. Hold up, you go to Fairy Tail as well?" She then showed her blue Fairy Tail mark on her left shoulder.

"That's correct. I'm Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail's S-Class Wizard." She exclaimed. Now Nic wasn't only smitten, but was in awe of such a heavily skilled warrior, though he then came to a realization.

'Wait. If she's S-Class, then does that mean she's stronger than Natsu?' thought Nic, 'Natsu's already a flaming monster. Guess I should keep myself aware of her.' He then returned to pulling on the cart of luggage. "Guess my introductions are in order as well. I'm Nic Pularis, and I guess you can say I'm new to all of this."

Erza then turned to him confused. "New to what?"

"Magic. Guilds. Blowing stuff up. Do I really need a list for all of the stuff that I've been through the past three days?" he said. Now Erza was curious about him.

"You mean you never did magic? Then how come you did those attacks just now?" she questioned.

"Well, since you probably weren't there yesterday I should tell you…" Nic then explained all over again as to how he met the legendaries and came to this world with the powers of pokémon and how he had met Natsu, Happy, and Lucy.

When he mentioned Natsu and him teaming up to conquer Bora and destroying a harbor, she just sighed. 'Of course Natsu would destroy a harbor, but I never thought this guy could do as much damage. Still, his mission is like nothing I've ever heard of and that transformation he did confirms he's telling the truth.' She thought. And then he explains the events leading up to now. "I must say, that's an interesting story Nic", commented Erza, "I never would've guessed that another person from another world could do similar magic that I can do.

This made Nic jump. "Hold up! You mean you can use attacks to?!" Nic exclaimed. Erza looked away and thought of how her powers were correlated with his.

"Well, the only real similarity is that our outfits change. My powers can still differentiate depending on them though." Erza explained. Nic nodded in understanding.

"Ok." He then threw in a smile. Not a smirk, but a sincere smile. "I'd like to see that sometime."

Erza let on a light blush. Nic then mentally punched himself, saying he overdid it. He then shook his head and got back to reality. "Shall we press on?" he asked.

"Yes, I believe that's a good idea." Erza inquired. The two then decided to ruin the moment by pressing onwards. It was dark by the time they were a couple of miles off from Magnolia, so the two decided to make a fire, or Erza did. All Nic ever did was use Charizard's flame for a fire. While Erza made the fire, Nic stared off into space.

'Man, I wonder how Natsu and the others are doing?' Nic thought. He then heard someone call for him.

"Hey Nic", Erza called out, "I got the fire started." He looked over to see Erza sitting on a log eating Strawberry Cheesecake, which intrigued Nic.

"Thanks. Erza, is that a cheesecake?" Nic questioned. Erza then raised a brow.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Erza said is a threatening tone. For some odd reason, Nic wasn't scared. He got that she was tough, but her demeanor didn't make him shiver; then again, they were by a warm fire.

"Well, it's just that aren't sweets like those bad for your health?" He said. Erza just looked back down at her cake and thought about it. She then took a bite out of it again.

"Don't worry. I eat this stuff all the time, but I do appreciate your concerns though." She said with a small smile.

Nic smiled back. "Anything for a fellow guild mate." He then trailed off and saw the fire reflect off of her brown eyes. The light shining from her smooth skin, and the flames refleting off her scarlet hair, making her look like an inferno. "…wow…" he muttered. It wasn't until Erza looked up at him that he said it out loud. His brain finally caught up to what he said and he fell back in embarrassment. Erza knew he was gazing at her. She couldn't help but lightly blush at his combination of sudden sincerity and funny ways to avoid a moment. She smiled and resumed to eating her cake. Nic got back up, not wanting to say another word after his sudden embarrassment. He just gazed at the wood that was burning and drew a blank. His mind was as empty as his stomach. He forgot to eat something for lunch, but he just let that feeling slide, that is until his stomach unleashed a growl. He looked up in shock as Erza heard his stomach thunder about.

"Did you forget to eat?" She asked. Nic just looked down and sighed.

"Wel…yes." He admitted pitifully. Erza then finished the last of her cake and walked over to her luggage. She got out a whole entire steak she was planning to eat sometime.

"Here. We can cook this and eat." She implied. He didn't know what to drool at; the sight of that tender steak, or Erza. All he did was nod and they got cooking.

As they were preparing the steak, Nic tried to have another shot at a conversation. "So, Erza. What kind of magic do you use?" Nic asked. "You said your magic is a little like mine, but I'm curious as to what it really does.

Erza smiled. "Glad you asked that question Nic. You see, I use Requip Magic. Allow me to explain." Then she pulled out a board of diagrams from her luggage compartment. Nic was thinking this was school time. Erza then pointed a stick straight at his face and pointed it to the board. "Requip is when I use weapons that I keep in storage. Think of it as a bank account: you take some in, you take some out. My weapons go into what is called a pocket dimension, where it is 'stored'. When I switch out a weapon, it's 'requip'; however, I can not only can my weapons, but my armor changes as well. Each armor gives me a variety of abilities, and each one can use a variety of weapons to it." She explained this as she also used the diagrams to help aid in her explanation.

Nic got it. He understood. After that explanation, Erza stuffed it all away in a flash and sat back down. "Now, I do believe I get an answer from you. What's your power like?" she asked.

Nic knew it was only fair to answer back. "Well, you see this is how it works: Plates are infused inside of me, and each plate is different, all in all, there's eighteen of them. I can only unlock five at this point. Those five are Water, as you saw, Electric, Fire, Flying, and Poison. I can use attacks that are then related to the type of plate that's active. As you saw, I could only use Water Type attacks since the Splash Plate was active. The more plates I find, the more variety I have in typing." Erza understood thoroughly. In a way, their powers were identical.

The wind chill was low this evening. It was rather cold, and the fire wasn't doing much help. The strangest thing was that it was summer. Nic made a pouty face in a way that made him look like he was trying to concentrate. He then came up with an idea.

"I guess now's as good as time as any I guess." Nic proclaimed. He then stood up and got out a poke ball. Erza was curious as to what Nic was doing. "Say hello, Charizard!" Nic yelled. He threw the ball into the sky and the ball opened, bringing forth a light that went down and touched the ground behind Nic. The light took form and Charizard emerged.

Erza was wide eyed at this spectacle. "That's a pokémon?" she asked in shock. Charizard then approached her, curious as to who she was.

"Oh, don't worry Charizard. She's a friend." Nic explained. Charizard then turned towards Nic.

"Okay, but we all knew that because we can still here from inside our balls." Charizard explained. Nic nodded in understanding.

"I'm glad we can communicate thoroughly now." Nic admitted. Charizard nodded in agreement. Charizard just had its tail by the fire, making everyone that much warmer. Erza was so cozy she could just sleep right on the spot. Nic just wanted to eat, and Charizard wanted a piece of the steak. When the steak was done, it was divided up. Erza got a third, Charizard got a third, and Nic ate his share before anyone realized it. It wasn't long before everyone was fast asleep, with Charizard keeping them warm.

Morning came rather quickly and everyone woke up to see some light creeping up from the horizon. Nic didn't feel lie waking up, neither did Erza. Charizard was already up and found some berries to have for breakfast. Charizard was eating while the other two were rolling about, trying to avoid the sun. Charizard couldn't help but see how peaceful Nic and Erza were.

"Heh, love at first dawn." Charizard joked very quietly before resuming his breakfast. A few minutes went by and Erza decided it was time to get up.

"Alright Nic, get up." She said, getting to her feet.

"Someone hit the sun snooze button." Nic muttered, using his arm as a gesture for hitting an alarm. Erza sighed and went over towards his side and nudged his shoulder.

"It's time to get up. We have to get back to the guild." She insisted. Seeing that he couldn't fight it any longer, he slowly got up.

"Morning." He said.


The two then looked as the sun was beginning to climb up the sky. Nic then flipped open and put on his sunglasses, which made him feel good. Seeing the luggage, Nic had to think of something. Charizard gave a small belch, signifying the satisfaction of his meal. "Now I'm ready for a workout!" Charizard sighed in delight.

Nic then hatched an idea. He snapped his fingers and thought as to how this could work. "I got an idea!" Nic announced. Erza crossed her arms in wonder of what he was thinking. He then looked at Erza and smiled happily, which made her smile back. Nic then looked at his Charizard. "Charizard, fly Erza to Fairy Tail if you can." Nic commanded. Charizard then got up and stretched, ready to take action. Erza was shocked to see how or why Nic would do something like this.

Erza looked at Nic. "Are you sure?" she asked. Nic grinned at her.

"Consider this a thank you for the steak last night." He responded. Charizard then came over and hunched over, letting Erza climb onto it's back.

"It's okay, I won't drop ya." Implied Charizard. Erza then decided to take up Nic's offer and she climbed onto Charizard's back.

"I'll catch up later! Charizard, take it nice and easy for her!" Nic went over and hauled Erza's stuff back on the road. Charizrd then slowly went up in the air. Charizard went over towards the luggage and even picked up the large monster horn, showing his strength.

"You always go that extra mile, don't ya?" asked Nic. Charizrd just smirked and turned to fly with Erza and the horn in its claws. Erza held on pretty tight, but Charizard's done this before. He then began flying over towards Magnolia. Erza looked behind to see Nic pulling the cart. She couldn't help but think of how generous he's been.

'Nic…he's got me smiling all over the place.' Thought Erza, who grinned.

Charizard flew at a low altitude so Magnolia wouldn't freak out. When they've reached Magnolia, Charizard came to a stop and descended. Charizard was aware that he had to keep a low profile, otherwise things would get out of hand. He put down the monster horn and had Erza climb off of his back.

"This is as far as I can take ya? Are you sure you can take it from here?" Charizard asked, hinting the monster horn.

"Don't worry, I'll be just fine." Insisted Erza. Charizard nodded and flew off to meet up with Nic. Erza then let out a huff of air and carried the horn all the way to the guild.

At the Guild Hall…

The guild was just as rowdy as always. Lucy was trying to find a job while Natsu and Gray were about to pick a fight with one another. Mirajane even transformed herself into Wakaba's wife just to make him stop flirting with her, which worked.

"Now let's see. What job to pick?" wondered Lucy, "Rent's due next week, so I have to find some money and quick." She then felt a mixture of warm and cold air behind her. She turned around and freaked out because Natsu and Gray were about to fight.

"You're going down flame brain!" proclaimed Gray.

"Says you popsicle!" retorted Natsu. They both were glowing auras and glared ferociously at one another. Before Natsu and Gray could throw any real punches Loke dashed right into the guild, all sweaty and troubled. Everyone looked at him to see what was going on.

"You guys! Terrible news! Erza's back!" This made everyone in the guild either shudder or scream.

"NO! Not Erza!" Someone cried out.

"Gah! Erza?!" Natsu and Gray exclaimed in unison, which then resorted to them glaring at one another for saying the same thing.

They all then heard footsteps coming. Natsu and Gray and everyone else just sweated in fear. Erza then entered the guild with the giant horn with a fierce and highly regarded demeanor in her eyes.

"Yo Erza-san, what is that thing?" Max asked. Max was a guild member that could use Sand Magic. Erza's one glare at him made him almost pee his pants.

"It's the horn of a monster I vanquished. The villagers were so grateful to me that they decorated it and gave it to me as a trophy. Why, is there a problem with it?" he said intimidatingly.

"N-n-no! No!" Max shuddered. Everyone else was quiet and quivered under her authority, all except Mira.

"Hello Erza, I trust things went well." Said Mira calmly said and smiles.

"Where is Master Makarov?" Erza asked.

"Oh, he went to a meeting to consult the other Guildmasters in Clover." Mira explained.

Erza then looked around the guild. "I've heard that this guild has been getting rowdy lately. Master Makarov may not care, but I do. This guild needs to get its priorities straight." She then began reprimanding some guild members for their habits. She scolded Cana for drinking, Wakaba for his smoking, and a bunch of other stuff that people do. "Macao, I'll let you off easy this time, but just because I got a good word from a certain someone." She said. "Also, there's a serious matter at hand. Normally, I would consult with the Master, but seeing that he's not here, I have no other option but to take action and act upon myself. Where's Natsu and Gray?"

Natsu and Gray then were hugging each other like they were brothers. They were both just terrified of her, so they had to be nice to each other to evade discipline.

"Right here Erza! Being the greatest friend that I can be!" Gray smiled wide.

"Aye!" Natsu said in agreement.

"What's with those two?! They're acting way different than what they were a minute ago!" Lucy exclaimed. Very quietly, Mira explained that Erza beat up Natsu a few years ago along with Gray for his stripping habit. Ever since then, the two have been afraid of her.

"It's nice to see you two getting along, although even the greatest of friends lock horns every now and again." Erza said.

'Try always.' Lucy thought.

"Listen you two. This is very important. I could really use your help." Erza's need for help shocked everyone. Some even exclaimed that was inconceivable.

"The famous Titania asking for help!" "This must be big!" "Is this for real?!"

"Meet me tomorrow at the station tomorrow morning. Don't be late." Erza.

The two "friends" then looked at each other.

'Natsu and I on the same team?!' Gray misbelieved.

'Grrr, Gray. Why do I have to work with him?!' Natsu thought.

Mira then stepped in. "Erza, why not take Lucy with you, she's strong as well." Mira insisted.

"Wha-what?!" exclaimed Lucy. Erza then turned towards Lucy.

"I see, so you're Lucy. I've heard about you, how you aid in saving Macao. I look forward in working with you tomorrow." Erza said, which made Lucy quiver.

"I-I what?! Wait!" Lucy didn't have a single say in this matter. Erza then began to walk out and talked, but didn't turn around.

"Also…there's someone else joining us tomorrow." She then exited with her trophy. Mira thought deep with wide eyes.

'Erza, Natsu, and Gray on the same team?! This could be the most powerful team that Fairy Tail has ever seen!' Mira thought.

Just as Nic arrived in Magnolia, with Charizard in his poke ball, he saw Erza walking up to him. He seemed rather pleased to have done something like this for her, even her ferocity didn't affect him. Erza stopped in front of him and grinned.

"I'm thankful for your deeds Nic." She stated. Nic just smiled as a reply. 'He sure does love to smile.' She thought.

"No problem, anything else?" Nic asked. Erza then got a serious look on her face, which made Nic feel serious to. Obviously this was important.

"I need your help. While I was away, I heard of something that troubled me. I'm having Natsu, Gray, and Lucy accompany me on this mission, and you'll be joining me as well. Meet me tomorrow at the train station in the morning. Be prepared." It was either the fact that Nic was going to spend some time with Erza, or the fact that more lives are act risk here, but Nic got a serious smirk on his face.

"I'm ready. I'll be there to aid in any way I can. You can count on me and my pokémon." Proclaimed Nic. Erza then nodded.

"Good." She then took her stuff and went away. Nic was standing there speechless. He thought that this was critical. If she was an S-Class Wizard asking for help, then this was a matter of upmost importance, meaning Nic had to be ready, though it might be easier said than done.

Nic just made the guild his home. If his clothes needed to be washed or cleaned, it wouldn't be an issue because everytime he switches plates his outfits are always refreshed. That night, Nic was gazing up at the ceiling alone. He couldn't help but think as to how to think of his simple training session led to him meeting a beautiful wizard. He chose to ignore that feeling for the rest of the night and went to sleep.

The Next Morning at Magnolia Station…

Natsu and Gray were causing a big ruckus in the train station. People were coming in and out of the train station, and Fairy Tail usually uses trains for transportation. This was gonna be a bumpy ride.

"Why would Erza have me team up with a flaming torch?! There's no way I would team up with you!" proclaimed Gray, holding up a fist.

"I don't get why that Erza would want me to work with such a moron. I hate this!" Natsu fumed. Their blue and red auras collided, making people around them walk away.

Lucy was sitting and sighed because of this predicament. "Let's just way we don't know them." Lucy sighed to Happy, who was eating a fish.

"Why'd you tag along in the first place?" Happy asked with a mouthful of fish.

"Because Mira told me to and to keep an eye on Natsu and Gray if they start fighting when Erza's not around." Lucy explained. Natsu and Gray were glaring the other down. Just the slightest twitch could set them off.

Elsewhere, Nic was walking along and passing by people, some were leaving saying they saw a flaming boy and another man arguing. He guessed them to be Natsu and Gray.

Yesterday, Lucy met up with Nic near the guild. She explained that she was tagging along on the mission and she needed help in keeping the flaming lizard and ice stripper sane, to which Nic complied. Lucy was so relieved to have someone help her in taming two wild beasts.

He soon made it to the spot where they were suppose to meet. He arrived at the same time as Erza, with her huge cart of luggage. The guys immediately went to their friendship façade, both trying to be friendly.

"Let's do this buddy!"


Lucy was just shocked to see that huge load of luggage. "Holy cow! That's a lot of stuff!" Lucy exclaimed. Erza then turned to talk to Lucy.

"So, Lucy, you're new I take it? Glad to have you here." Erza said. Though Natsu and Gray wanted to fight each other, they couldn't because Erza was there. Whenever she turned to look at them, they turned to their friend mode. When she was talking to Lucy, they would glare aggressively at one another. "Mira said you were strong, so I don't doubt her. I'm happy to have you on board." Erza stated, which made Lucy feel uncomfortable.

Natsu then took one short glimpse off of Gray and noticed that Nic was there as well. "Nic!" Natsu exclaimed in joy. Nic went over and gave Natsu a fist bump.

"What did I miss?" Nic asked in a cool manner.

Natsu smirked. "Heh, you missed a lot buddy. We went on this mission and tried to get this book called Daybreak…" Natsu went on about how he formed a team comprised of him, Happy, and Lucy. He then explained how this guy named Duke Everlue tried to stop them with some bodyguards, but ultimately failed. He then told of how the writer of Daybreak put a spell on the book that would rewrite itself. The son of the author, Kaby Melon was also borrowing the house to look rich. Natsu didn't accept the money because they didn't actually destroy it.

"Man, that's a lot of info buddy." Exaggerated Nic.

"It sure is. Oh yeah! There's one more thing!" Natsu looked excited when he said it. He then stomped down and got in a fighting stance. "Nic, I challenge you to a battle!" His flames were on fire. There was no question. He was serious. Nic took this by surprise, even Erza was shocked.

Nic contemplated for a few quick moments and his mind formulated a win-win situation. Nic then stepped forward. "You know, we work well together. Perhaps even more so than you and Gray, but try and prove me wrong." Natsu was confused. This even got Gray provoked.

"What are you saying?" Gray demanded.

"Here's the deal: Natsu I'll fight you when we get back to the guild, on the condition that you and Gray work together throughout this mission. If you can manage that, then I'll battle you when we return to the guild. Sound fair?" Ntsu wasn't moving an inch, as to where Gray was all over the place.

"What kind of a deal is that?! I can't work well if this flame brain is frying up anything he touches!" exclaimed an angered Gray. Gray may not have cared, but Natsu really wanted to take on Nic. The two were powerful, but they'd never knew what would happen if their powers collided.

Natsu was pumped. "Alright, you got yourself a deal!" Natsu said with enthusiasm. Now he was blowing flames up into the air. "I'm al fired up!" The train was then going to depart, and the team was set to go Natsu grabbed Lucy and Happy and dashed for the train.

It wasn't even a minute into the ride and Natsu was developing motion sickness. He wasn't doing so well. Erza and Lucy sat in one seat while the guys sat on the opposite. Natsu had his head on the window as he was trying not to barf. Gray was in the middle, Happy was in Lucy's lap, and Nic was on the end, so he could burst out of the train the second it stops, besides the fact that he would be ready to spring into action at any given time.

"Natsu, how stupid can you get?" asked Gray, showing no sympathy to his comrade.

"He does this whenever he has any transportation other than Happy." Explained Lucy to Erza.

"Very well, Natsu come over here please." Erza implored. The dragon slayer then threw himself in between her and Lucy, where Erza asked him to settle in and that's when she punched his lights out, making him fall onto her lap, much to everyone's shock.

"Uh, was that necessary?" asked Nic.

"This is so that our train ride won't be annoying." Explained the scarlet wizard. Nic then had a sweat drop.

'I guess this is what Cana meant.' Nic thought. Even so, he didn't find Erza that intimidating. He just thought she was a good person with a different approach to certain matters. Erza also had a good aspect of Nic. Even thought she was shown to be violent at some points, he was still kind enough to do things of his own accord. A little while rolled by and Nic came to realize that he could figure out everyone's magic abilities. Lucy can summon Celestial Spirits, Natsu can use Dragon Fire Slayer Magic, and Erza can Requip, but he wondered what Gray could do.

"Hey Gray, you mind if I ask what your magic consists of?" Nic asked. Gray looked over at the curious member and then he held out a hand and act as though he was clutching something. When he released his grip, a three inch replica of Fairy Tail's insignia took its place in the form of ice.

"I use Ice Maker Magic." Gray stated. Nic nodded in understanding. Gray then turned his attention over to Erza. "So Erza, what's all of this about.?"

"Of course. I have reason to believe that a Dark Guild known as Eisenwald is planning something." She explained. I'm not sure, but I do believe that it involves the magic item known as Lullaby…"

Eisenwald Guild

Some members were chatting on when they'd gathered at the guild's entrance leading out. A gut with white hair, marks all over his body, and a scythe lead them.

"I heard Kageyama finally got that seal off of that Lullaby." Said a guild member.

"Took him long enough." Said an impatient member. Their leader slowly walked towards the entrance and smirked.

"I believe that the time has come. We'll soon be able to reach our goals. The Guild Masters will be too busy talking on and on at their conference to even realize what's in store for them." Said their leader.

"So Erigor, when do we depart?" asked another member. Their leader turned around and pointed his scythe at him.

"We leave now." Erigor said with a sinister grin.

Back on the train…

"I'm only guessing, but the guys that took Happy were probably involved with Eisenwald that dropped out when they'd wanted no part in this plan of theirs." Erza stated.

"Makes sense to me." Said Gray. Gray explained that he met up with Natsu and his team when they were coming back from a request. He then told that some guys were from Eisenwald and they were defeated by the team. The ex-Eisenwald members were then eliminated when the Eisemwald members found them. They didn't want this plan of theirs to get out to any others' ear.

"What do you think's gonna happen?" asked Lucy.

"Let me start from the beginning." Erza said. "I was heading home the other day after I completed a job. I stopped by a local pub where it would be a lcal gathering stop for wizards. These guys were talking on about their frustrations about the location of Lullaby and how difficult it is to break such a member then said he would be back within three day's time." Lucy was beginning to process this. She thought she heard that name somewhere before.

"Lullaby? That sounds like something you'd sing to a kid to make them fall asleep." Lucy said.

"Yes, and the fact that it was sealed away meant that it consists of powerful magic. I was such a fool. I'd recognized their leader's name just afterwards. Erigor, the Ace of Eisenwald. He's only satisfied with assassination jobs, which gave him the name 'Erigor the Reaper'." Erza explained thoroughly.

The thought of death by slaughter made Nic's skin crawl. "So you're saying he makes a living by killing. That's ironic, and not in a good way", Nic thought, "Is that why they were classified as a Dark Guild?"

Erza then looked at Nic. "Somewhat. When the Magic Council banned assassination jobs, Eisenwald chose money over authority. They were kicked out of their wizard league six years ago and continued being active to this day." She then pounded Natsu's head, not realizing it because she was too caught up in cursing at herself. "I'm such a fool. If I'd known Erigor's name that day, I could've pulverized the answers out of them." She scolded herself.

"Whoah. Okay, I wanna go home now." Lucy shuddered.

"Hey Lucy, why are you looking slimy?" Happy asked.

"It's sweat!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Don't beat yourself up over this", said Nic, "At an rate, if Lullaby was what Eisenwald is after, and they took assassination requests, if you try to put two and two together, then Lullaby must be used to cause a certain death." Indicated Nic. This shocked everyone. They never knew Nic could be so decisive when he's serious to the bone.

"You might be right; however, we can't confirm if Lullaby is even capable of doing such a thing, but that's a thought to keep in mind." Praised Erza.

"I see. Eisenwald is plotting something and you want to stop them, all because of what you overheard?" Gray said.

"That's right, and I'm not foolish enough to take on an entire guild all on my own. That's why I asked you guys for your help." Erza admitted. She then got a fierce look in her eyes. "We're storming the Eisenwald guild." This made Lucy almost drown in sweat, causing Happy to fly over onto Nic's lap. Gray was pumped for this mission.

"Now that sounds like fun to me." He smirked.

"Aye!" Happy said in agreement.

Onibus Station

It didn't take long for the team to reach Onibus Station after said explanantion. Happy sat idly on the luggage that Nic had decided to pull on his own accord, which pleased the scarlet maiden. The team then began to set off.

"Maybe I should've gone home." Lucy mumbled.

"Hold on." Nic realized. Everyone then came to a halt.

"Why? What is it?" Erza asked in wonder. She then noticed that Nic was doing a head count. When he realized something, he went wide eyed and ran back to the train.

"Hey!" Gray shouted, now chasing after him. Nic stopped to see that the train had departed, along with a certain flaming numbskull.

Everyone then caught up to him. "Did we forget something?" asked Lucy.

Nic slowly turned around with a dreadful look. "I'll give ya a hint: He has motion sickness." Everyone paused and gasped.

"Gah! We forgot Natsu!" Lucy shrieked.

"I was so busy talking I forgot about him." Erza said. She then held a fist and clenched it, looking troubled. "I'm such a fool! Natsu hates all forms of transportation! This is all my fault! Please, someone hit me for my penance!"

Nic then had a sweat drop and turned. "Don't beat yourself up over this. We'll just go fetch him." Explained Nic. He then brought out a poke ball. Erza and the others had a pretty good idea as to what he was doing. "Come on out, Greninja!" Nic shouted. Greninja then came out and looked at Nic. "Alright, catch up to that train and get Natsu out of there, we'll catch up as soon as we can." Nic ordered. The Ninja Pokémon nodded in understanding.

Knowing that he was the fastest and the swiftest member on Nic's pokémon team, Greninja knew he would catch up in no time. Everyone was surprised by the speed of second it was in front of them, and the next second he was gone. 'I'm surprised that Charizard wasn't called for the job; then again, I do have the highest speed on the team. Add the fact that I can get in and out without causing my destruction.' thought Greninja as it dashed,

Nic then turned back to his friends. "Now…does anyone have any way of catching up to the train?" The group then hired a Magic Mobile. It was a car that was powered by Magic that goes through a SE plug. Erza took it upon herself to be the driver. Nic managed to find an emergency brake for the train, which would by them some time. Erza was speeding along with Lucy, Happy, and Gray riding inside with Nic clinging on the top. Normally, people would be freaking out, but the fact was that Nic loved to go fast. It made him that much energetic.

"WOOOOOOH!" he screeched as the Magic Mobile was accelerating at an alarming rate. It was reaching speeds close to 80 maybe even 90 mph. Erza didn't bother to slow down. She would drain her Magic power by doing so, but had to catch up to her forgotten friend.

Nic was enjoying the ride, but then notice that the SE plug in Erza's right wrist looked as though it was draining liquid. Even though it wasn't suppose to be harmful, Nic couldn't help but think if that could've been blood being drained. His enjoyment was short lived and his face paled. He then just plopped his face down on the roof and tried to close his eyes while begging for this ride to end soon so he didn't have to see that accursed SE plug again.

At that same time, on the train…

Natsu was sitting up on the train seat. He groaned to a great degree, and he was the only person in the train car. It wasn't long until the car door slid open and a young man with short black hair with a pontail came in.

The man noticed that Natsu's mark was signifying his affiliation with Fairy Tail. The man just sneered. "Heh, so you're a member of Fairy Tail. How miserable." The man then stomped Natsu in the face. What made things even harder was that Natsu couldn't move due to motion sickness. "You official guilds are too formal. We Dark guilds simply abide by our own rules, no need to feel put down."

Natsu was shaking to the bitter core. He was all fired up to give this guy a beat down; that is, if he could move. With whatever strength he could summon, he got his flaming fists at the ready, to which Kageyama stepped back. Natsu was on his feet and was prepared to attack.

"It looks like we've got ourselves a rowdy one." Said Kageyama.

"You…" that was the only word Natsu could say before his flames turned off and his face turned rather sour.

Kageyama just sneered at him even more. "Let me give you a demonstration as to what real Magic can do!" a purple seal then emerged from his feet and his shadow extended out and struck Natsu, sending him soaring to the ground.

It was in that instant that Kageyama was about to attack again that Greninja shot Dark Pulse straight through the window for interception. Kageyama stuttered back in shock as Greninja leaped through the window between Natsu and Kageyama.

"Who the heck are you?!" Kageyama demanded. Greninja just looked back at Natsu, seeing as how motion sickness was taking a toll on him. He then looked back at the Shadow Mage and frowned.

"You got some nerve, taking a man down when he can't fight!" Greninja growled. Before anything could be said and done, the train stopped (via the emergency brake back with Nic and the rest of the team). Greninja jerked a little while Kageyama fell forward, having a flute with a three-eyed skull on it drop.

With the motion sickness at a halt, Natsu began to get to his feet. Greninja and Natsu both then took note of the object.

"What is that?" Natsu wondered.

"Y-you saw it!" Kageyama worried. Before anything could be done about the flute, Natsu clashed his two fists with a fiery red dragon seal on it.

"It's time for some payback! Iron Dragon Iron Fist!" He then lunged at him.

With his guard got off, Kageyama stepped back. "Guard Shadow!" A wall of shadows then spiked up, protecting Kageyama. Natsu made contact and there was an explosion, wrecking everything in the train car. Kageyama was busy getting up while Natsu had a fist in the air.

"Lucky shot." Muttered the Shadow Wizard.

"You making fun of my guild?!" steamed Natsu. The announcements then came on.

"Attention passengers, our emergency stop was a false alarm. We will be moving again momentarily.' The announcements said. This wasn't good for Natsu. This meant he had so much time to either defeat him or get off the train.

'Oh crap!' thought Natsu. "I gotta go!" he then grabbed his stuff from above his seat.

"Hold it right there!" shouted Kageyama, "You're not getting away that easily. You're at the mercy of Eisenwald now!"

Natsu then looked back at the angered Kageyama. "Eisenwald huh. How about we take this outside!" The train then began to move, and Natsu was trying not to barf.

Outside, the Magic Mobile was just approaching. Nic was on the top and saw a somewhat beaten up cart. Upon that, Nic immediately got up and frowned. 'Natsu, you even have to make demolition inside a train.'Nic mentally sighed.

Inside the cart, Natsu was close to collapsing due to motion sickness. Greninja caught him just in time. Greninja then glared at Kageyama as he picked up the flute. "This isn't over ya know!" Greninja said. He then used Smokescreen as a cover, making Kageyama cough and block his vision. It was with that opportunity that Greninja leaped out of the train with Natsu and get away.

The guys in the Magic Mobile saw the two jump off the train. Fortunately, it was up ahead. Erza quickly pulled over, almost knocking everyone and the vehicle over. She and the others got out of the vehicle and ran up to Natsu and Greninja.

"Natsu, are you alright?" asked Erza.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Greninja came at just the right time." Natsu said, giving Greninja the credit he deserved.

"I apologize Natsu." Erza said. She then grabbed Natsu's head and thrust it into her breast plates, which did hurt.

"It's okay!" Natsu muttered. Nic couldn't help but feel mental pain. That thrust into the chest armor would definitely hurt. Maybe even a potential concussion.

In that note, Natsu spoke. "I was attack buy a weird guy, saying he was from Eisenwald." Erza then snapped and slapped Natsu to the ground.

"You idiot! That is exactly who we're after! How could you let him get away?! I explained everything on the train!" Nic then intervened before things got out of hand.

"Erza," Nic said, making an irritated scarlet woman turn to him. "You punched his lights out remember? This is the first time he's heard of this." Upon realizing this, Erza gasped.

"I'm so sorry. Please hit me for my penance at once." Erza said. Natsu just shrugged it off and everyone sighed.

Greninja then added something. "Hey, guys. While the train stopped, that man that attacked Natsu had some weird flute with three-eyed skull." He said. This made Lucy think.

"A three-eyed skull…" Lucy was searching through her memory, thinking about that flute.

"What is it Lucy?" Happy asked.

"I've heard about that flute before…Lullaby, the cursed song! It's Death Magic!" This made everyone nearly gasp. "There's deadly spells that can kill the person they're used on, to make things worse, Lullaby is far more dangerous. That flute was Lullaby!" The second they all heard that, everyone got back into the Magic Mobile. Nic returned Greninja to his poke ball and Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Lucy got in. Erza then went full speed and made the vehicle rock a little.

"Erza, you're using too much Magic!" Gray exclaimed. Erza just ignores him and continues to push herself.

"We don't know what Eisenwald is planning. We have to catch up to them and fast!" Erza said.

Kunugi Station

The station was being overrun by Eisenwald. A bunch of woman shrieked in horror as a fellow conductor was stabbed by Erigor's scythe. People were scurrying in a panic.

"Get everything off. The luggage, the people, and don't hesitate to kill any stragglers!" commanded Erigor. Kageyama then came off the train and met up with Erigor.

"Ah, Kageyama. I heard that you were coming by train. Took you long enough." Noted Erigor. Kageyama then handed the flute over to the deranged scythe wielder.

"Finally got that accursed seal off, sorry for the wait." Said Kageyama.

"At last. Lullaby is mine. Said to have been a weapon created by Zeref. It can kill hundreds, even thousands!" Erigor then noticed the cart that Kageyama stepped out of. It was a mess. "What happened here?" Erigor demanded.

"Don't worry about it. Some flies simply needed to be swatted, but they buzzed off." Kageyama explained. Erigor then had a nasty glare.

"Did they see Lullaby?" he asked.

"They didn't a long look; besides, they're too late. Fairy Tail has some screw offs that simpl- " This made Erigor hold the scythe to his neck.

"You idiot! You let a Fairy Tail wizard see the Lullaby and get away?!" Erigor was not pleased.

"B-bu-but it's not like he know our plans!" Kageyama pointed out. Erigor then retracted his scythe and held it over his shoulder.

"True, but we can't afford to take any risks. Once we reach Clover, you men must swat these pesky flies!" All men then abided by his order and got on the train for Clover.

Not long after, in the town of Oshibana Station…

The Magic Mobile was going through the streets like a wild animal. Erza was using too much Magic.

"Erza, you're exhausting too much Magic!" Nic proclaimed. Erza just smirked.

"If I lose Magic, then I'll rely on hand-to-hand combat!" she replied. Nic looked down in wonder.

'Geez. Talk about guts.' Nic thought. He then looked back at the SE plug and paled, thinking what if that was blood. He held on tight, but kept his head down. She then came to a screeching halt. The sudden stop was caused by the large group of citizens gathered around Oshibana Station. This stop send Nic flying forward straight through the crowd. The fact that Erza was going about 80 to 90 mph meant that (due to Newton's Laws) he flew overhead the crowd and crashed into the officer leaving them out of the scene, rendering the man unconscious. Nic slowly arise, and Erza and the others caught up to him.

"…well he ain't gonna talk." Gray said looking at the unconscious officer. Erza then looked at the other two and gave glares, of which the officers shuddered. Without warning, she went and head butted them asking them what's going on.

A sweat dropped from Lucy. "Seems as though Erza's questioning methods are counterproductive." She determined.

"That's Erza for ya." Gray said.

"Gray, your clothes." Said Nic, to which Gray was shocked.

The group then went inside the station with nothing stopping them. The trio was running about in the station. Lucy was given the greatest honor of carrying around poor Natsu, who was motion sick the entire time. The group saw what looked like the Royal Army. They were in no condition to move and some were badly damaged. All Nic could do was grit his teeth and press onwards.

Eventually, they heard a chuckle from above and afar. "Welcome. Step into the web of despair you flies." Erigor announced. They all saw an entire guild up ahead, including Kageyama. There were at least one hundred people.

Lucy was so frightened, she accidentally dropped Natsu, whom Happy attended to.

Erza looked up at the white haired scythe wielder. "I take it that you're the one they call 'Erigor the Reaper'?" Erza boldly stated. All he did was chuckle in delight that Erza spoke of his nickname.

"Hey, you. It's your fault that I got in trouble!" Kageyama growled at Natsu. Natsu heard this voice and remembered it well.

Natsu got up, recovered from a triple combo motion sickness (Train + Magic Mobile + Lucy) and saw Kageyama.

"You!" Natsu growled back.

Erza was still in need of answers. "I'm not intimidated by any of you. I demand to tell us of your plans!"

"Oh, so you're not aware then huh?" Erigor said amused. He then flew up in the air. "Tell me, what do train stations have?" Erigor asked above.

Nic wasn't sure, so he threw in some wild guesses. "People?" Nic asked.

Erigor then sat on a broadcast sound device thingamajig. "All places have people you idiot!" implied the reaper.



"Train tracks?"


"Part-time custodians?"

"NO! You dim-witted numbskull! It's a broadcaster! I'm sitting on one! Get it?!" yelled an agitated Erigor.

"Oooooooh!" Nic said in understanding. "…hey wait a minute, you're gonna broadcast Lullaby! Aren't ya!" Nic proclaimed.

"That's right! I'm cleansing this world of people who make their rights dear to their hearts. Those who paid no attention to those who had their rights stripped away. They committed a sin on not realizing insustice."

"That isn't going to make matters for you any better!" Lucy stated.

"Who cares! Soon we'll have power and then take control of the future!" Erigor clutched his fists in confidence.

Kageyama then made a seal at his feet and his shadows went to attack. "By the time this Dark Era emerges, you fools will be history!" The shadows then escalated and were coming down on Lucy. Natsu used his flaming fists and brushed the shadow attack away, shocking Kageyama.

"Well look at what we have here, a party!" Natsu cracked his knuckles. Lucy looked at him in concern.

"It's not a party, they're villains!" Lucy corrected.

"Like I said, a party!"

Nic then stepped forward, joining Natsu in the fight. "That's right. It's a party, and every single one of them is the piñata that we're about to smash open!" implied Nic.

Erigor then began to float off. "Don't let them enter our beloved Dark Era that will rise!" Erigor then vanished into thin air. Shocking Lucy and Happy.

"Natsu! Gray! Work together to stop Erigor!" she then turned to see them glare furiously at each other. "What did I say?!" Erza scolded. The two then ran off with their nice-guy acts to find and stop Erigor. Now that left only Happy, Nic, Lucy, and Erza.

Kageyama and a mummy guy went off to stop Natsu and Gray, and the rest were facing off against the four that were left.

"Let's do this!" Erza shouted. She then used her Requip Magic to change her oufit. She began to glow and change. She now had plated armor covering her chest with a large metal flower over it. She has large skirt with metal plates on the upper half. Her neck and stomach were uncovered, and had large metal wings with individual blades. It was her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

Nic thought Erza was hot before, but the site of that almost made him blush. He had to focus and admiration could come later. Nic turned to Lucy. "Lucy, find some cover. This is gonna get rough." Nic stated.

Lucy then backed away, as well as Happy. Nic then began to glow as well. Nic transferred over to the Zap Plate, hoping to get a charge out of it (Hah! Pun.). The earbuds in his ear now were larger and yellow two one small red lightning bolt on both ends. They were connected by a metal wire that went down to his phone that was in his pockets. His pants looked worn out and his shoes were yellow with gold stripes going all about. The spikes in this form were running spikes. His T-Shirt was yellow with a golden collar. His sunglasses were hanging on his collar and remained unchanged, except for the little red lightning bolts on the sides. His sleeveless coat looked torn on the shoulders which made him look like a punk. His coat was black all over and the blue flames were replaced with yellow zig-zags that raced to his lower back.

Even Erza was enamored by his change, though she didn't want to show it. She then focused on trying to take down these guys. The two contenders then leaped and went in for their attack.

"Spark!"Nic's body then was cloaked in electricity and he rammed into multiple people like a football player. At least ten people were damaged. Erza easily slashed at multiple people, their weapons all shattering from her sword slashing. She got twenty in one attack. One guy was about to strike her down from behind, but Nic got him just in time.

"Charge Beam!" a little orb was then in Nic's two palms and the orb unleashed a concentrate blast that send the guy through the wall, it also increased Nic's Special Attack as a bonus. Erza looked in shock. She was almost attacked from behind and was saved. She turned to Nic surprised. "You okay?" Nic asked. Erza nodded, noting she should watch his back as well.

Erza knocked out another ten in one attack, and Nic used Electro Web and shocked five and used a Thunderbolt on another five. Multiple guys were being taken out like the trash. Erza then decided to finish this. "Dance, my blades!" she ordered. About twenty or so swords then surrounded her like a wheel. The swords then began spinning rapidly and then were pointed at the foes.

"I call upon the power of lightning! Zap Plate give me strength to vanquish these foul people and shock them of their own ambitions!" yelled Nic. A huge thundercloud then emerged over the remaining bad guys.

At this point, Lucy was freaking out. "Whoa! And here I thought Erza could be scary!" shuddered Lucy.

"Aye!" confirmed Happy,

"Circle Sword!"


The swords then separated and were send flying into the opponents, and at the same time a huge thunderbolt crashed down on the guys. The two attacks were more than enough to defeat the whole guild three times over. The Eisenwald guild members were defeated and both Nic and Erza reverted back to themselves. Erza then got down to one knee, exhausted.

"Erza! Are you okay?" Nic asked. Erza looked up at him and smiled.

"I just overdid it a little. Gray was right, I used too much Magic for that Magic Mobile." Erza was exhausted. Nic then got down and had her used him as support. When they finally got to Lucy, Erza was able to get on her two feet.

"You guys, that was amazing!" exclaimed Lucy.

"Thanks, but we're not out of the woods yet." Nic then handed Erza over to Lucy.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Lucy asked, having an uneasy Erza leaning on her. Nic then turned to leave. "Happy, stay with them until Natsu or Gray come back!"

"Aye!" Happy replied.

"Wait, Nic!" Erza yelled. Nic then turned to face Erza. "You two need to warn the public to evacuate now! I'll try and see if he's outside! Erza, don't do anything reckless got it?" Nic then turned away and ran out of the station without having to hear Erza's answer.

"Be safe, Nic." She slowly whispered softly.

Lucy and Hapy then supported Erza to the nearest mega phone. They soon reached the roof of the place and Erza was on two feet. The large crowd then watched as she speaked. "ATTENTION! THIS IS URGENT! IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIVES YOU WILL LEAVE AT ONCE! THE GROUP OF BAD WIZARDS HAVE A WEAPON THAT CAN KILL YOU ALL! RUN NOW!" she projected over the mega phone. Everyone, including the officers she head butted from earlier, ran away. She, Lucy, and Happy then looked as they fled. When they turned their backs, they gasped as they saw a giant barrier of wind encasing the station.

"Wh-what is that?!" Lucy shrieked. They all saw Erigor then float behind them.

"It's a shame. Dealing with you Fairy Tail flies would be fun; however, I have much bigger priorities." With a motion from his hands and all three were send through the Wind Barrier. All thre crashed inside, now they too were stuck. Erza tried breaking through, but the barrier made her bounce off.

"Erza!" Lucy shouted. Erza then growled.

"Erigor!" Erza screamed. Erigor then grinned and flew off, leaving the barrier to suppress them.

With Gray

Gray took the path on his right and went into the studio, where Erigor was nowhere to be found. Instead, he was busy dealing with an Eisenwald member that had mummy appendages. He was binding Gray and lashing at him over and over. Gray's constant use of Ice Make Magic was putting the guy on ice, quite literally.

"Ice Make: Knuckles!" he then send the guy soaring. Now Gray had him by the shirt and was threatening him.

"Tell me what the plan is!" Gray demanded.

The mummy guy was pretty cocky. "Heh, we lured you here so that Erigor could keep you sealed up and so no traffic could stop us from reaching our final destination." He explained. "We didn't want any trains going to Clover."

"Yeah, why?"

"Because that's where Lullaby is heading. The only way to Clover was by going through the canyon that was between here and there. Unless you can fly like Erigor, you won't make it there. And think of what else is in Clover." He then whipped Gray with his black mummy wraps and send him soaring.

Gray finally got it. 'Dammit. So they're going to use Lullaby on the Guild Masters.' He then was lashed again and binded by the mummy person..

"Soon we'll have our revenge for those who kept us down!" proclaimed the guy. Gray then froze the bandages and the Eisenwald member's limbs.

"That's not gonna happen!" proclaimed Gray. "You mess with the Guild Masters, then you're messing with all of us!" He then completely froze the guy and left him where he was. "Now I gotta go find Natsu." Gray then rushed to help Natsu.

With the team stuck in the Wind Barrier, Erigor progressed onward to Clover. Little did anyone know, he was being followed.

Next chapter