
Tragedy- Zhao Lee

Plot: Zhao Lee, also known as the main character, found his mother dead in his mother's room. He was terrified, but laughed. He laughed like crazy. For some reason, he kind of felt happy and relieved. Over time, for 3 years, ever since that murder, he wasn’t himself. Every time the news came on, and people died or went to jail, he would laugh like a maniac. He didn’t care. He became influenced by the crimes and wanted to try it out. He goes by “ Nightmare”. There will be a girl, who he will find later on. Her name is Amy. Zhao didn’t like Amy at first, but began taking a liking to her. The thing is, Zhao eventually found out that Amy had a boyfriend named Nick. Zhao was furious and decided to do something about it. But he is going to try and befriend him first.

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4 Chs

First Day

A year later. Azrael High School. The name of the school the guy that Zhao killed was from. Also the school Zhao went to. Azrael means " Angel of Death" in Hebrew. It was soon going to be the death of him later. Or so you think.

" Zhao! Look, look! I'm at your school! Look! We're both in 11th grade! It's been a while since we last saw each other!" Will yelled as he hugged Zhao on his side. " Get off weirdo." Zhao told him as he pushed him off. " Aw. You don't remember me?" Will asked him. " How could I not?" Zhao asked him. " Your family." " Aww. Thanks for remembering me! I love you too." Will told him as they walked to school together. " Gross." Zhao said to himself.

" How did you know what school I was going to? Are you a stalker or something?" Zhao asked as it came to cross his mind. " Oh that. I have my ways." Will told him with a straight face. " More like secrets." Zhao said. " I will never keep secrets from you!" Will yelled. " Pipe it down. People are staring. They might get the wrong idea." Zhao said as he sighed from his cousin's stupidity.

" It's not like I want to act like this." Will said to himself. " What was that?' Zhao asked, hearing what he said. Almost. " O-oh. I just said that I'm excited to go to school with you. By the way, today's the first day of school?" Will asked, trying to cover up what he said. " Yeah. Why?" Zhao asked as he didn't notice. " So I won't have to say who I am by myself. I don't like doing that. Makes me feel special." Will said in disgust. " Why are you sounding so disgusted? Last year on your birthday you-" " That was last year! I'm mature now. I was already mature anyway." Will said as he mumbled the last part under his breath.

" I'll see you later in class. I'm going to the vending machine to get something to drink.I've been thirsty lately. Do you want anything?" Zhao asked Will. ' Sure. I'll have Coffee. I haven't been getting much sleep. Every night, I stay awake till the mornings." Will answered. " Alright. Try and get some sleep tonight though. It's not good to start school with no sleep. Sleep is very important. Especially in highschool." Zhao told Will. " Thanks for caring." Will told him. " No problem cuz." Zhao said as he went to the vending machine. " I don't have time for this. If you have something to say to me, say it in my face." Zhao said as he sighed. 4 people came from behind him, and one tried to punch him while the other had some kind of sharp weapon but it wasn't a knife. The reason why he told Will to go was because he knew they came for him and didn't want his cousin getting involved in his mess. " That won't work." Zhao said as he landed a punch on the person's jaw. " My tooth just came out. You better say sorry, you brat!" the guy told Zhao. " Say sorry to my fist and maybe I'll say sorry for taking out your tooth. But I bet the tooth isn't even important. What's important…" Zhao turned around to the 4 people that were behind him. " ….are your lives." he said as he gave them a little death glare. " Your crazy bro. Let's go guys." one buff guy said as Zhao guessed he was the leader. " Wimps." Zhao said under his breath.

" Oh. And just so you know. We're going to be avenging Kaiser Rusty. He's the guy you killed. We were there when it happened. But don't worry. We won't tell anyone." the leader told him. " You talked too much. Shouldve kept your mouth shut. But you're right. You won't be able to tell it….because you'll be dead by then. You wanna meet your fellow friend? Be my guest." Zhao said as he smirked.

" Why you! Die!" one of the people from the group tried to make a swing at him but Zhao dodged it. " I can't die yet. I have things I need to do." Zhao said as he made a serious face. " You're creeping me out." the guy who tried to land a punch at Zhao said. " Mark. That's enough. Come back." the leader told the guy. " But he killed my brother." Mark told the leader. " I'll deal with him for you. Why don't you guys give us some space." the leader said as they all left.

" They respect you huh?" Zhao asked the leader. " They have no choice. I know who they are and their family members." the leader told Zhao with a smug smirk on his face. " That just makes you look more ugly. Don't do that face ever again." Zhao told him. The leader got mad and managed to punch Zhao in the face. A powerful one. " It seems like you know how to fight." Zhao told him as he felt his cheek throb and sting. " Of course I do. Everyone in this school knows not to mess with me. You'll seem to know it too." the leader told him.

" Hm. I wonder about that." Zhao told him. " I'm about to do a special move. Do you want to know how I killed that kid's brother? I have a special move called Fast Jab. Sounds tacky? I'm not the best at naming things. But I can promise you that it won't feel shabby or tacky." Zhao told him, giving him a warning. Before the leader could say anything, Zhao had already knocked him out. " I practiced my sprinting and now thanks to you, I completed my training for today. I hope you won't cause me any more trouble for the whole school year. Now because of you, I have to go to the infirmary." Zhao said as he walked away.

Zhao was now at the infirmary. " To think that I would be at the infirmary on the first day of school. Pathetic." he said to himself. " Zhao!" Will came in busting through the infirmary doors. " Are you okay? I heard you got hurt by a couple of guys." Will said to him as he examined his face. " I'm fine. If people want to make rumors, they should at least tell it the way it went." Zhao said.

" I didn't get your coffee. Sorry about that." Zhao told Will. " I don't care about that! You're hurt! Here! Take the ice pack and put it on your cheek." Will said as he gave Zhao the ice pack, as he put it on his cheek. " Thanks for taking care of me." Zhao said as he smiled. " You're my cousin. Who do you take me for?" Will asked him as Zhao chuckled.

" Hey Will…" Zhao said to him. " Hm?" Will asked curious. " I'm a murderer. I killed the person's brother which is why they all came at me." Zhao said. " I can trust you right?" Zhao asked him. " You're kidding. Right?" Will asked, shocked.