
Tragedy- Zhao Lee

Plot: Zhao Lee, also known as the main character, found his mother dead in his mother's room. He was terrified, but laughed. He laughed like crazy. For some reason, he kind of felt happy and relieved. Over time, for 3 years, ever since that murder, he wasn’t himself. Every time the news came on, and people died or went to jail, he would laugh like a maniac. He didn’t care. He became influenced by the crimes and wanted to try it out. He goes by “ Nightmare”. There will be a girl, who he will find later on. Her name is Amy. Zhao didn’t like Amy at first, but began taking a liking to her. The thing is, Zhao eventually found out that Amy had a boyfriend named Nick. Zhao was furious and decided to do something about it. But he is going to try and befriend him first.

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4 Chs


It's been a year since Zhao's mother died. He was living his best life. He went to school, made friends, joined the drama club, left the drama club, bought food every week, and watched tv after his homework. He was doing very good living on his own without an adult at a young age. He even thought about getting a job so that he can buy more food. The only thing he can afford is two sandwiches.

He is now 16. At the age of 16, a lot of weird things start to happen. But maybe he needed an adult for one thing : watching the news. Chaotic things start to happen in the news like murder. He didn't even think back to when his mother died. He erased her from his memories. It's not like he had any important memories anyway. Except for the fact that his mother died. That was his first favorite. He wanted to try a little something after he saw what knife the murderer had and stabs. He practiced by watching tv about it.

He had a friend named Eric in school. He wanted to see what would happen if he acted a bit weird. " Hey Eric." Zhao called out. " What is it?" Eric asked. " What if I killed you one day?" Zhao asked. " Dude. Just because your mother was murdered doesn't mean you have to murder someone. I understand that it may have been too tragic for you, but you should visit her grave instead." Eric told him. Zhao didn't expect this. Eric was known as " The Dummy" in school. He was a total idiot, and all of a sudden he's smart? Well, it is his life they are talking about.

They continued walking in the halls. Everyone's eyes were on them for some reason. Could it be that they all heard The Dummy? Or is it just that everyone knew Zhao's backstory instead of his friend. He had a chance to know, but since he's a total idiot, he didn't understand what it was for or what it even was.

Zhao waved Eric goodbye once the bell rang that school was over. " Why are you leaving so early? We could hang out a bit with the boys." Eric said to him. " No, not today. I'm very busy. I live by myself after all." Zhao didn't even know how he was friends with Eric. He just asked him if he would want to be his partner for a project since he felt bad that nobody wanted to be partners with an idiot. Because he wouldn't do anything but sit there. Some people were even jealous of Eric because he was an idiot. His mother was the President of the school so that's how he was able to get in. But of course, Zhao did all the work and Eric just sat there, doing his usual job, looking stupid. He played some video games. The teacher knew about Eric, so they gave him 25% (since he tried to help him with the board, but ended up messing it up so he made more work for Zhao), and gave Zhao 103%. He even gets high grades and studies.

If Zhao never met Eric, he wouldn't have gotten such good grades. He used Eric as a tool and Eric never noticed. Which is why Zhao would never kill him. But he really does like Eric as a friend. He loves his personality.

Zhao got home and put his backpack on the floor in front of his door. He started continuing making his mask. It was a black mask. Similar to what burglars wear. It was a silk mask that covered his face and only left his eyes to be seen. After he was finished, he put it on in the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

" Nice." He said. He was smiling from how nice it looked. It looked nice on him. Until it was dark, he finished up his homework and watched some tv. He looked outside the window in the living room and said that it was time. He dumped all his things outside his backpack on the floor and put a kitchen knife inside. A sharp one.

He went into his room and put on black sweatpants with a black hoodie. " Let the fun begin." He says as he gets out of the house.