
Tower of God: The Immortal Beast

Synopsis: What do you desire? Money and Wealth? Honor and Pride? Authority and Power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all these? Whatever you desire... is here. ..... World No. 177013, Arcandia One of the most beautiful world in the universe. A colorful skies with garden of flowers covering the lands. Prosperous civilization and many strong fighters roamed around. But now, It is nothing but a barren land with a smell of blood lingering everywhere. Standing alone on top of countless corpse, is the only survivor of this war, Drake von Alkhazar. And when he was about to die. A majestic gates appear... "Welcome to the tower, young man." ============================== Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Tower of God or any other fiction I might insert in this story. Cover also not mine. ----- Notes: It's author here... English is not my languange so I'm gonna say sorry first. I'm also a new writer with zero experience but I will try to make it better and better. Please support and give reviews. Thank youu

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16 Chs

Ch 12: Fisherman Class


[Evankhell's Hell | Fisherman Class]

"Hello Regulars! I am Hax, a Fisherman Ranker, and I will be your teacher."

When Drake and the others entered the class, There was already a person inside. She introduced herself as their teacher.

Hax's face is covered by a smooth silver-like mask and she has long flowing dark hair that she has in two pigtails. She dresses in a light blue blouse-like top with her dress being pink but striped white.

"Firstly you should know what is shinsu."

Hax explained what is shinsu, and things around it. Drake who basically has learned it all became uninterested and observed the two Jahad's Princess instead. But they also looked bored.

"It seems some people have made contract. But most have not. So for the first lesson, I will teach you how to make a contract with the administrator."

When Hax said this, Drake finally paid some attention. He wanted to see the second floor guardian. Will it looks like Headon?

"To make a contract, close your eyes. Change your pocket to visible mode. And now, say to the pocket, "Contract with the Administrator"."


Drake simply followed it and suddenly, he moved to a blank space.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a gigantic fish. Bigger than any creatures he ever seen. His body must be several kilometers long. He has similar appearance with an eel, but a huge one with many eyes.

Seeing this giant eel, Drake was speechless. What was scary wasn't actually his size, but his aura that felt like a god in the human realm. And guess who had the same aura as him?

His monster.

"Wow! I've seen Leviathan before. But not even he is as big as you, Mr. Administrator. You looked very different from Headon." Drake's first impression is just big, very big. So he decided to told him that.

"Hmmm, Irregular? It's been a long time since I've seen one. Are you here for a contract? Or you wanna fight?" The Administrator knew that Drake was an irregular.

"No, no. I'm here not for any of it. I'm here because I'm curious and want to meet you. By the way, my name is Drake von Alkhazar." Drake introduced himself.

"To see me? You are pretty bold. And looks tasty. *slurp*" The Administrator looked at Drake like a predator staring at his prey.

Upon hearing this, Drake didn't back off. "Hahaha, thank you for the compliment. You look tasty too, Mr. Administrator."

"You really are bold. I say this to every person I meet. Most are scared, very few are brave enough to talk without showing fear. But this is the first time someone has told me that I'm tasty, hahahaha..."

"I've made you laugh hahaha. Again, thanks for the compliment!"

"You made the right choice to not make a contract with me, irregular. For people like you, this contract is just a shackle. It might help you control the shinsu, but the contract also binds it with rules."

"Whoa, I never know this. So I don't need to go to every Administrator."

"Hum, I only say this because I like you. You as an irregular can use and explore shinsu by yourself. And for your reminder. Not every Administrator like me, many of them hate irregulars. Especially after Enryu killed an Administrator. So you better be careful." The Administrator warned Drake about his condition.

"Thank you very much bro, I like you too!" Drake said with his nicest smile.

The Administrator then asked, "So now you've seen me, what will you do?"

"I'll leave now, you're a nice guy unlike that cunning Headon. Bye bye ~" Drake excused himself to leave.

"Un, send my regards to that monster inside you. Goodbye young man~"


"What?!" When Drake heard the words from Administrator, he already back to real world.

"What's wrong Mr. Drake?" Hax asked.

"Nope, nothing wrong. I'm just surprised the administrator is so big."

Hax thought that he must have been scared by the Administrator "Ah... I was also surprised when I first saw him. So, have everyone made their contract?"

Seeing that nothing went wrong, Hax continued the lesson with practical training.


[Evankhell's Hell | Cafetaria]

Days went by. The wave controller class had started. Bam already saw Rachel who disguised as Michelle Light. He wanted to chase her but she always avoided him.

In the meantime, Drake and the others just attending class, eating, sleeping, and repeat.

Because of the scout's task to make friends. Their circle was getting bigger. Now not only Drake and Bam's team, but also Shibisu, Hatz, Laure, and Serena joined the fun.

Only Rak and Usopp didn't come. Rak said he would go back to the wild, and Usopp wad training his physique and shinsu. Usopp could actually shoot the target easily if he used his slingshot. But he need to use the equipment provided by the class, which was a spear.


"Two special fried rice, one bibimbap, and one ham omelette please."

Now in the cafeteria, Drake, Bam, and the two Khuns ordered dinner beside Endorsi.

"Yo!" Drake greeted her.

"Um, hi." Endorsi answered simply. She couldn't forget what happened in the first test and always tense when talking with him.

"Don't be so tense. We're classmate, aren't we? Let's eat together, my treat. Mr. Chef, you can change her meal to extra meat bibimbap, and put it on my tab too." Drake smiled kindly, he wanted to friends with her.

"You're too thin. What do you mean with no meat? Eat more!" He really know how to make a girl happy.

"Really? Thank you!" When she heard him, she finally smiled.

'Maybe he's the type who is ruthless to his enemies but very kind to his friends. He has a lot of friends after all.' She thought.

"Wow Drake, I never knew you were such a man. You never treat your bros to a meal. But you treat a girl easily!" Killua joked.

"Yeah, yeah. How could you treat her but not us." And Khun saw this as a chance for a free meal.

"You guys! Okay, okay. Put their meal on my tab too." Drake finally paid for five people.

"Yeah!" The Khun brothers were happy.

Bam wanted to say that Drake didn't need to treat him too, but Drake refused.


Endorsi sat between Bam and Drake, eating her meal. She, who joined them for the first time, found that it was quite fun to eat together. They were just joking around and talking about their day.

* Laughter *

"What are you doing? Having fun with a guy. Shame on the Princess of Jahad."

The dinner went well until Anaak passed the table. Then most of the guys surprised.

"Ja- Jahad?! Are you a Princess?!"

People started asking about her identity. Bam included too, he asked about her relation with Anaak and she explained it briefly.

"As I expected. You're also a Princess. That's why I found you similar." Drake told her.

"Huh. How could I be similar to that green lizard?"

And just like that, the dinner ended.


[Evankhell's Hell | Special Test Spot No. 1]

"Welcome to the stage. Today, we will take a simple test rather than have a boring lecture." Hax said while flying on top of a green clam.

Below, you could see an area full of huge white pillars. The pillars were very tall; if any normal regular fell, let alone survived, their bodies would be crushed to pulp.

Right now, each Fisherman Regular equipped with the same red needle, could be seen standing on different pillars.

"The aim of the test is to be the last one standing. Starting now, jump from pillar to pillar until only eight of you remain. So, any questions?" Hax explained the test.

Then, Endorsi raised her hand. "I've got a question. Is there any protection if we fall?"

"There is, but it's not perfect." Fortunately there is at least a protection barrier. But failing this test is almost the same as failing the class.

Drake who looked down the cliff, raised his hand too. "If by any chance I can push them all down. Can I pass the positioning test directly like the Spear Bearer?"

"No, the next test is a team-based, and fisherman is necessary in a team. If you push them all down, they will be injured. In other words, they wouldn't be able to take the next test.

So, I will stop you guys after only eight left. Understand?" Hax answered Drake's question.

Drake lost his interest after hearing this. "Yes Miss."

"Then let's start the test. Ready, go!"

* crick, crick, crick *

No one made a move.

Until the green lizard ran towards Endorsi. Now Drake gained a little interest back.

'A fight between two princesses? This is gonna be fun.'


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