

Tove Anderson, a talented young woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she falls deeply in love with Dylan. Blinded by love, Tove gives her all to the relationship, only to discover that Dylan has been cheating on her for years. Heartbroken and betrayed, Tove finds herself at rock bottom, questioning her worth and the meaning of true love. However, rather than succumbing to despair, she decides to use this betrayal as fuel for her transformation. With a steely determination and a burning desire for success, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Cyriacus_Nathalia · perkotaan
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18 Chs

Chapter 13


We did it Xavier, i screamed as i hug him backstage.

You did it Vee, you were unbelievable out there. From your walk, to your posture to your mannerism. Everything was perfection.

Now change your clothes let's go, I will message Ian to meet us at the club to celebrate this success.

Is it not too early to leave, what if people want to talk or something?

That's the whole point baby girl, we want them to crave for your attention.

We are not giving them for free.

We arrived the club before Xavier and Tove.

Going to sit at my regular spot; Josh and i waited for them.

Ian i heard a soft voice call my name as i was bent over pressing my phone. I look up to see xavier and Tove in front of me.

Ian shouted Xavier as he hugged me.

Tove hugged me too before joining Xavier on one of the couch.

So Ian how did you find it, queried Xavier.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i told you he will love it said Xavier.

Vee here was worried, she knew she did well but she also thinks she could have done better.

Heeeeyyy, you were perfection out there.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

Josh what's the problem, normally as soon as i entered you would have excused yourself; questioned Xavier

Tove, yes meet my friend.

Josh you already know Tove; i said trying to divert the attention.

Hello Josh nice to meet you.

You too Tove, and congratulations on tonight's succes. You did great.

Let's drink and be merry tonight shouted Xavier.

We started drinking with Zee and Tove doing most of it.

Look at them, they are both lightweight but decided to have a blast.

Come on Josh, let's get them out of here.

Take Xavier home while i deal with Tove.

You know his address, make sure you get him home and in his apartment.

Jeez man take it easy, i will do as you say.

I'm serious Josh, get him home.

I've heard you already, i will get him home, i know you are protective of him. Don't worry nothing will happen to him.

Picking Tove up i left the club.

We arrived at Tove's condo and she was still asleep. I picked her up and took the elevator to her apartment.

Thankfully she is still using my old passcode.

Placing her on the bed, she looks so beautiful.

Bringing her here has been nothing but torture for me. The urge to just bend down and claim her lips is really strong. Taking a deep breath i calmed myself a little.

I went into the bathroom and took a makeup remover and wipes. After removing the makeup, i use the wipes to remove any leftover.

I removed her shoes and accessories and covered her with blanket.

Turning off the light, i left the room

After Ian left, i decided to take Xavier home.

I managed to drag him to the car, and i noticed that i myself have drank a lot.

I'm not that drunk actually but i don't think i will be able to drive to Xavier's home and back to my apartment in my current state.

Since my apartment is closer, it is better i take him there.

I will be with him, what could possibly go wrong?

I arrived at my apartment and managed to take Xavier upstairs.

I placed Xavier in the guest room and went to my room to freshen up.

I came out of the bathroom only to find Xavier on my bed.

Xavier, wake up this is not where you will sleep.

Tired, i'm tired.

Not wanting to disturb him, i took a wipe and removed his makeup.

After removing his makeup, i couldn't help but stare.

This man is beautiful, like he is so beautiful.

As i was admiring his face, he opened his eyes.

Why don't you like me; i heard him say.

Do you hate me because i'm gay, just like Al.

I'm not Al Xavier and i don't hate you.

That's the first time you've called me by my name, he said with a smile.

The smile was so beautiful that i could feel my loins acting up.

If you don't hate me, why don't you like me?

You are too beautiful, i answered after what felt like eternity.

You find me beautiful? he asked incredulously.

Yes i do.

And the next thing i knew, Xavier's lips was on mine.

Thank you, he whispered on my lips as he pulled away.

His lips on mine was addictive, that after he pulled away i held his head and kiseed him passionately.

I let my tongue dance with his as i deepened the kiss.

He went along with me as we explored each others mouth.

I could hear Xavier's moan as i let my tongue dance with his.

I touched his nipple as i remove his top and i was met with a very responsive Xavier. In no time we were both naked.

My cock was hard and dripping with precum.

As if he knew, Xavier touched my crotch making me feel a lot of things at once. Suddenly his mouth was on my dick, sucking me hard.

It was euphoric, i tried directing his head the way i like it. I can't believe i'm the one doing this, but this feels so good.

Raising his head up his face looked so beautiful. I gently touched his lips with a finger.

You are breathtaking i said gently, his eyes looked at mine holding me spellbound.

I could see different emotions in those eyes.

Bending his head down he took my cock in his mouth again this time sucking me deep and hard while massaging my balls.

I tried fighting the feeling but it was just too strong,

The next thing I knew i exploded, emptying my seed in his mouth.

He raised his head and i could see some of my sperm dripping from the side of his lips and he brought his tongue out as he licked it while his throat moved as he swallowed my sperm.

It was the most erotic thing i've ever experienced.

I looked down, to see his cock hard with precum.

Wanting to return the favor i pushed him down as i took him in my mouth.

I haven't done this before, so i tried doing what he did to me, it was not as perfect as his but i just want to make him cum.

I could here his grunt of pleasure as his beautiful fingers dug into my sheets.

I could feel him about to come and i was prepared to feel his seed in my mouth when he suddenly pulled out of my mouth and released on the sheet.

I slept beside him as we both tried catching our breath.

He curled himself beside me and i pulled him in an embrace as we both gave in to the exhaustion.