
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasi
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142 Chs

Power Surge

Death Coil (Improved Version) - Spell Level 2.

Consumption: Spiritual Power 6, Mana 10.

Effect 1: Form withered vines to entangle the target, bound or strangled as decided by the caster.

Effect 2: Form invisible withered vine armor on the caster's body that can resist spells up to level 2. The strength of the protective force field is determined by the caster's spiritual power.

Range: 20 meters.

Casting time: Within 5 seconds (failure if exceeded).

Advantages: Will not cause backlash to the caster due to interruption or failure of casting.

Disadvantages: Reduces one level of protection when attacked by fire spells.

Facing two spells of different attributes, Raymon finally chose this one as the compensation promised by Deputy Dean Elton.

Although the value of this spell was slightly lower than "Elemental Affinity," an innate spell, fortunately, this spell was an improved version of both offense and defense. Raymon only needed to spend some time to build the model of this spell and master it proficiently to successfully cast it.

Extremely satisfied with this spell, Raymon did not disappoint the old man who had led him to the fourth floor of the Trading Tower. Raymon directly purchased the memory orb about the spell improvement with his magic stones in the old man's store.

The unexpectedly delighted old man even gave Raymon a 10% discount, which balanced Raymon's distress over the loss of four hundred magic stones.

Of course, this result, which pleased everyone, also brought Elijah, the dealer, considerable gains far beyond his salary in the Trading Tower.

Raymon recorded all the contents of the two memory orbs in full with the chip, but the operators of the third floor of the Trading Tower also carefully told Raymon that any purchased spells were strictly prohibited from being taught or exchanged privately without the seller's authorization. Violators would be severely punished.

Raymon did not comment on such restrictive terms, but in his view, such terms were meaningless, like locking the stable after the horse had bolted.

Private exchanges of spells would not be a problem as long as they were not caught by the academy.

But Elijah, the delighted dealer, also gave Raymon an unexpected surprise when sending him away from the Trading Tower.

"There is a black market for students in the southeast corner of the Wizard Academy. There are good things for sale. You can go take a look if you're interested." Elijah, who joined Raymon, told him the news after making sure no one was around.

Elijah, the dealer in the Trading Tower, was very frank. He explained the situation of the black market in detail. Although the black market was only private trading between students, the advantages were that many wizard supplies that could only be purchased with strength in the Trading Tower could be bought in advance in the black market, although the prices were not low.

The surprised Raymon was quite interested in such a black market. Through his questioning, he learned that because the Trading Tower of the Wizard Academy was open to all non-evil races, the black market was established specifically for the students of the Wizard Academy of Crimson Marsh to obtain some resources.

This semi-official black market had existed in the academy for many years. Elijah would get the corresponding remuneration after taking someone in. "Only students who have successfully advanced to formal wizards can use the academy's task system. The existence of the black market is precisely to circumvent this rule!"

After understanding this clearly, Raymon thanked Elijah for the information and then left the Trading Tower and returned to his residence.

Edgar the Wizard had long returned and also gave Raymon reassurance. "The spirit will not appear again in a short time. Even if it appears later, it is unlikely that you will see it. So this matter can end here."

Edgar the Wizard, who reassured Raymon, rushed back to his room, probably continuing his plant improvement experiments.

Although still somewhat apprehensive, the little girl in the red dress did not appear again over the next ten days.

As a result, Raymon returned to his hard work and strength improvement.

After a long month, most of Raymon's time was spent in hard meditation. He finally mastered the "Death Coil" spell and thoroughly digested the knowledge of improving spells.

However, Raymon could not fully comprehend much of the content about improving spells obtained from the Trading Tower. But some criteria for judging spell improvement were still essential for Raymon's chip.

Before determining the final improvement effect of a spell, there were some criteria that could be judged in advance. Especially explaining the complete collapse of the spell model was of the highest reference value to Raymon.

Therefore, although Raymon's chip could not improve standard spells yet, these criteria for improving spells, especially the omens of spell model improvement collapse, now allowed Raymon's chip to simulate experimental spell improvement data.

Another extremely important gain was Raymon's significant increase in strength after mastering the improved "Death Coil" spell.

Due to the high spiritual power required for this compound spell, Raymon could only release it once according to his current spiritual power and mana.

But when Raymon cast this spell as a protective force field, the invisible vine armor was tightly attached to his skin like a layer of tough, highly elastic underwear, providing considerable protection.

Therefore, after Raymon proficiently mastered this spell, he temporarily used it as a protective spell, consuming 4 points of mana per day to make this spell into close protection.

With this protective force field, Raymon had the artifact as his killer in offense. In defense, he only needed to consume little mana to get rid of Raymon's long-term nakedness.

According to Raymon's guess, such an improved spell should be comparable to the lowest-level spells that formal wizards could cast, and its high price also represented the inherent value of this spell.

You get what you pay for!

By now, Raymon had profoundly understood that everything in the wizarding world had its inherent value...