
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasi
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142 Chs


The monotonous yet fulfilling days slowly passed...

In the attic study of the castle, Raymond had not gone downstairs for three whole months. After devoting all his mind to memorizing the symbols, he could finally memorize eighteen symbols completely after so long.

The Wizard's Book opened in front of him had been turned to the sixth page.

When he successfully memorized the first fifteen symbols, the chip could finally extract the symbols completely in his memory and help strengthen his memory.

According to the chip's analysis, these symbols required for meditation were not two-dimensional symbols. Although in Raymond's eyes, each symbol seemed to be printed on the page, according to the chip's records, such complicated and strange symbols were real three-dimensional structures.

Composed of countless lines, the parts obscured by each other were revealed under the analysis of the chip.

After long-term monitoring, the chip also roughly grasped the reason for meditation.

Whenever Raymond recited these symbols silently, his body became like a magnet, attracting the active substances around him and absorbing them into his body, slowly improving his body and even affecting Raymond's genes.

According to the chip's precise analysis and calculation, Raymond could meet the standard of a second-level apprentice in half a year by memorizing the first twenty-one symbols based on the complexity of the lines that made up the symbols.

Through the chip's monitoring of Raymond's meditation state during this time, whenever he was silently reciting these strange symbols, his body would vibrate at a fixed frequency, driving the energy particles around him. While achieving resonance between the two, the approaching energy particles were absorbed into the body.

The resonance generated during meditation had an extremely low frequency, not formed by the body itself but gradually matched to this frequency as meditation time increased, naturally achieving it.

By audio resonance, the body achieves a strange coordination with the environment. The attracted active substances are then absorbed by the body, filtered to remove useless impurities, and finally stored in the body, allowing it to gradually adapt to this level of radiation to improve the body.

These substances called "energy particles" in Heilem's memory have a weak radiation intensity and slight damage to the human body.

Therefore, according to the chip's conclusion, the absorption of energy particles after Raymond's silent recitation of and entering meditation symbols is that wizards should strengthen their physique and improve their personal genes through long-term meditation and stimulation from this trace radiation.

Therefore, in Heilem's memory, the term "wizard" was called a "biological" by her instead of "human". This should mean that wizards in this world also know that after absorbing these energy particles, their inner nature is also changing.

Radiation, resonance, energy particles...

Raymond closed the Wizard's Book in front of him and squinted his eyes.

Now he only needed four hours of sleep to fully recover.

Although this magical wizard meditation method could even replace normal sleep, long-term sleep deprivation would make people feel fatigued. So every few days, Raymond still used ordinary sleep to relieve bodily discomfort.

Proper work and rest are the guarantee for long-term persistence.

Under his nearly sleepless and forgetful efforts over the past three months, his physique was also changing.

Silently calling out the data from the chip, Raymond watched a waterfall of data flash across his vision. Soon the data on his three-dimensional body model appeared.

"Raymond: Strength 0.9, Agility 0.6, Stamina 0.8. Genes: Improving. Physical condition: Healthy."

The three most basic physical data had increased by 0.2. Raymond's bone age was fourteen. Compared with Heilem's achievements before her death, Raymond's progress could be said to be very fast.

"What conditions are needed for the body to reach the resonance frequency during meditation?" Raymond asked the chip, casually grabbing a fruit to eat.

"Task established, analysis started..."

"Insufficient data, unable to analyze. Do you want to establish a long-term tracking task?"

After a while, the chip's mechanical voice came to his ears. After some thought, Raymond had the chip retain this task in its task list as a task requiring long-term tracking and analysis.

In the closed study, Raymond smelled the air after finishing the fruit and frowned.

It was still like this. Whenever he meditated for more than three days, the study would be filled with such a strange smell mixed with his body odor and sweat.

Even lighting incense in the room could not cover up this smell.

After trying many methods, Raymond could only give up. Although not very comfortable, this smell represented the improvement and strengthening of his body.

Getting up, Raymond opened the study door and walked out.

Squatting in the hallway outside, the black grizzly bear ran downstairs as soon as it heard the movement in the study. Its heavy footsteps soon attracted the scolding and clamor of the maids.

Raymond did not go downstairs. He walked slowly to the balcony. Looking down slightly, he saw the square of the castle.

Two chefs were busy on the open-air barbecue grill, and the wisps of blue smoke rose into the air, bringing Raymond the aroma of barbecue.

The black grizzly bear soon appeared beside the barbecue grill, sitting there obediently like a well-behaved puppy, waiting.

Two burly servants, holding brushes and buckets, quickly ran to the black grizzly bear and began cleaning its body.

In three months, the black grizzly bear had adapted to this place, and the people in the castle had also adapted to it.

Lazy and unruly, yet somewhat timid, the black grizzly bear's advantages were not only its formidable strength but also its loyalty to its duties.

Even if Raymond meditated for too long in the study, it would not go downstairs for food without permission or roar on the top floor of the castle. Even if it was so hungry that it could hardly stand it, it would still abide by its agreement with Raymond.

Thinking of this, Raymond's face softened, but immediately afterward came the "knock knock knock" at the door, followed by the soft voice of Raymond's maid, Omily, in his ear: "Master Raymond, several more invitations have arrived in the past few days, including one from the City Lord's Mansion. "