
Top 10 Famous Death Scenes: The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start!

Synopsis: Top 10 Famous Death Scenes No. 10: Demon Slayer - Kyojuro Rengoku's Demise Lights Up the Night, the Eternal Flame of Purgatory In the world of Demon Slayer, the passing of Kyojuro Rengoku shines as a beacon in the night. The flames he wielded continue to burn brightly, never to be extinguished. No. 9: Pirate World - Whitebeard's Furious Onslaught at the Navy Headquarters Marks the Dawn of a New Pirate Era Within the World of pirates, Whitebeard's fierce assault upon the Navy Headquarters left an indelible mark, even as he fell in battle. This event heralded the arrival of a new era of piracy. No. 8: Naruto Universe - Unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Fall of Madara's Grand Ambitions In the Naruto universe, the powerful illusion of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was shattered, revealing the true intentions of Madara's grand scheme. His ultimate dream crumbled, a victim of its own deceit. No. 7: Naruto Universe - The Uprising of the Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage's Sacrifice for the Sake of Naruto Amidst the turmoil of the Naruto world, the Fourth Hokage and his beloved wife united in a heroic sacrifice during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Their selflessness ensured the safety and future of Naruto. No. 6: ... The aftermath of these poignant scenes was followed by more entries in the "Top Ten Black Pseudonymous Scenes," with mischievous Laughing Bats spreading across the multiverse. As the chronicles unfold, Ryan emerges as the central deity, guiding the destinies of each recounted character, all of whom have become reincarnators. Once again, they are destined to alter the course of fate. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Top 10 Famous Death Scenes, The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start! This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Komik
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324 Chs

Chapter 279 : Loki Fight!!

The camera cuts back to Loki at this moment.

President Loki and other Lokis surrounded the three Kider Lokis.

Old Loki shouted angrily at Loki, "You fool, you're inviting disaster!"

If Loki hadn't opened the portal, the intruders wouldn't have been able to come in so quickly, and they would have been noticed.

"I think snakes are more appropriate than wolves, President," Loki retorted proudly, correcting Old Loki's analogy.

Kid Loki, who had indeed killed Thor, responded fiercely, "I've killed them all, and their deaths are no different!"

However, as soon as Kid Loki finished speaking, Black Loki's hammer was at his neck. "Sorry, Your Majesty, I betrayed you, and now I am the king."

The location of the shelter had been revealed to President Loki by Black Loki.

But President Loki showed a sly smile. "I'm sorry, I don't plan to keep my promise. The army, the throne, the shelter, the food—it's all mine."

"And you have no right to negotiate."

Just as President Loki was basking in his victory, the other Lokis behind him turned their weapons on him!

"Maybe, I have something to say," a Loki wearing goggles laughed, clearly in agreement.

A small, transparent Loki in the corner shook his head helplessly at this scene of betrayal. The situation was too typical of Loki.

While everyone was arguing, Alligator Loki jumped up and bit off President Loki's hand!

Looking at his severed wrist, President Loki was stunned for a moment before screaming like a terrified child.


It was like a signal, and all the Lokis stopped arguing and started fighting instead!

The scene became extremely chaotic, and all the Lokis who had just entered forgot their previous agreements and began fighting for themselves.

As for loyalty to the group, that went out the window.

How could Loki surrender to anyone? The Frost Giant will never be a slave!

This chaotic scene of Lokis fighting each other stunned countless viewers.

Because, perhaps, apart from Loki, this scene wouldn't happen if a group of any other peers met.

As the protagonist, Loki seemed to be publicly humiliated, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Thor didn't make fun of him, fearing Loki's temper might explode.

Fortunately, Old Loki was more reliable. Seeing the chaos, he immediately sneaked away with Loki and the boy.

Once they walked out of the green portal, Old Loki couldn't help but curse, "Damn, what a bunch of beasts!"

"We lie, we deceive, we kill everyone who believes in us!"

"And what do we gain? Power? Glory? A grand mission?"

"Nothing but death and disaster!!!"


Old Loki's words deeply moved Odin.

This old Loki, much like himself, had seen through everything, possessing immense wisdom. He truly embodied the title of a god.

"If only my son Loki had such wisdom," Odin mused. "I would have no hesitation in passing the throne of Asgard to him. He would undoubtedly lead Asgard to new heights."

But "if" is a word laden with regret. Odin could only sigh deeply, burdened by what could never be.

("Ah, this is Loki!")

"We are villains, every version of us, always!" Old Loki's voice was filled with heartbreak. He couldn't resist the truth and could only laugh at himself in resignation.

Loki's fate was like a thick, dark cloud, completely obscuring the sun and suffocating any hope. 

Kid Loki, for the first time, cried out like a child, "Whenever a Loki tries to correct his evil ways, he's sent here to die."

Countless viewers understood Kid Loki's words, their eyes filling with sadness.

After trying to change, getting caught, resisting, being judged, and then exiled here, most Lokis would collapse mentally and sink into despair.

In such a desperate situation, even surviving seemed like an extravagant hope. So, what could possibly be changed?

It's like seeing the dawn, only for the sun to be destroyed by someone else in the next second, making the situation even more desperate.

Once you've seen the light, the darkness becomes even more terrifying.

"What's the point of maintaining a timeline? It's no better than a program in a computer!" Tony Stark cursed angrily.

This kind of moral dilemma—sacrificing one person to save a hundred—was infuriating.

But the real question is, has anyone ever asked the person being sacrificed if they were willing?

Moreover, are there truly dire consequences for creating a new time branch? Everything we've heard is from that Miss Minutes!

This time, Tony was firmly on Loki's side. The TVA had now made its way onto his list of villains!

Tony thought, maybe it was time to visit Kamar-Taj, because this wasn't just Loki's problem anymore.

Who knows when the Time Variance Authority might come for him for stepping out of line?

It felt like a ticking time bomb over everyone's heads.

"That's why I have to get out of here," Loki said with determination. "Nothing will change unless we take down the Time Variance Authority."

This time, Loki's words didn't provoke laughter from the others. Instead, Old Loki asked seriously, "Is she trustworthy?"

Considering that ninety-nine percent of Lokis are untrustworthy, he had to answer affirmatively. Loki firmly responded, "She is the only person I trust!"

"And I think she's our only chance to defeat the TVA!" 

Kid Loki nodded in agreement, adding, "I believe it's the right choice."

Old Loki looked puzzled but eventually gritted his teeth and nodded. "I promise."

"However, approaching Alioth is a death sentence. We'll only help you get close; we won't take more risks."

Loki nodded. That was enough; he couldn't ask for more. The three of them walked aimlessly until Old Loki suddenly asked, "I must say, fighting that cloud of anger seems impossible. Do you have any plans?"

Loki replied confidently, "You attract its attention, and then I'll rush in from behind to find its heart or brain or something crucial. You get the idea..."

Thor interjected harshly, "Do you really think that will work?"

Not backing down, Loki sneered, "Then what do you suggest, Lord Thor?"

Thor, avoiding the confrontation, pretended not to hear. Seeing this, Loki couldn't help but laugh. 

"I'm afraid you'll just shout, 'For the glory of Asgard,' and then charge in with a sliding tackle right into Alioth's mouth!"


Hey Guys, This novel is going to end. But don't worry.

I have started translating a new novel name Naruto's Review : First Viewer is Senju Tobirama!

Please check it out.