
Tokyo Ghoul: Kaneki The Villain

Leon had travelled to 'Tokyo Ghoul' world with his system called 'Darkening System'. Which give him target to turn the target into Darken or evil and when Leon progress on mission system gave him rewards points. which he can spent on shops where he can buy anything but is limited to that world. Now when he is sent to 'Tokyo Ghoul' world his target is 'Ken Kaneki' the protagonist of this world he will have to complete his mission to leave this world and go to another world. Now, let's see together how he will complete his mission of turning 'Ken Kankei' into Darken or Evil. ------------- patreon.com/Kazuma_trash ------------ Discord Link :- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) ------------

Kazuma_trash · Komik
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26 Chs

Kaneki's Organ Transplant


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In the operation room.

Beep —, beep —, beep — …

Kaneki's weak heartbeat kept sounding from the machine.

Kaneki, who had a strong sense of survival, seemed to have heard the conversation of the doctors in the operating room.

"Continue the blood transfusion, don't stop!"

"The wound on his leg is stitched up, but the internal bleeding in his abdomen …"

"No, no, the organ is damaged, organ must be transplanted …"

"Dr. Kanou, but this … this is not in line with the regulations …"

"There's no other way. As a doctor, I can't just stand by and watch. I will take all the responsibility!"

"Organ damage … transplant?" Kaneki, who was in a daze, heard these words and roughly knew that he was being treated. But soon, he completely fainted again.

He only remembered that his last thought before he fainted was: 'Wait … Wait, isn't it just an open wound on my leg? You want to transplant my kidney?'

He didn't know if he fainted from anger or the effect of the anesthetic was too strong.

When Kaneki regained consciousness again, he only felt that he was lying on a comfortable bed.

Although he couldn't wake up yet, his consciousness could already communicate with Leon in his mind.

Kaneki: "I'm not dead?"

Leon: "Yes, you're not dead."

Kaneki: "My organ was replaced?"

Leon: "Yes, it was replaced."

Kaneki: "…"

After an unknown amount of time, seeing that he still didn't have the 'strength' to wake up, Kaneki naturally remembered what happened before he fainted.

He remembered the question he didn't have time to think about at that time.

Kaneki: "How did you know that I could survive if I continued to run forward?"

Leon: "I know far more than you think."

"…" After a moment of silence, Kaneki continued to question: "My death doesn't matter to you?"

Leon: "You are me, and I am you. If you die, I can't survive. Kaneki, are you doubting yourself?"

Kaneki: "Don't play this game with me again! If my survival is so important to you, then how many things are you hiding from me?! Can I still trust you?!"

Leon: "What's wrong? You were mesmerised by her beauty, and now you want to put the blame on me? "

Kaneki: "Beauty? that little … ghoul, damn ghoul!"

At this point, Kaneki, who was angry, suddenly opened his eyes, and with the thoughts in his mind, he shouted: "Damn ghoul!"

Before he could see his surroundings clearly, Dr. Kanou's voice sounded in his ears: "Awake? Looks like you had a bad dream. "

Kaneki was somewhat stunned.

Glancing at Dr. Kanou in front of him, he slowly sat up straight and took the opportunity to observe everything around him.

Kaneki: "I … Am I in the hospital?"

Dr. Kanou smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Kaneki: "Doctor, when I was in a daze, I thought I heard that my organs were damaged and needed a transplant?"

Dr. Kanou said in surprise: "Oh? I didn't expect you to still be conscious at that time. But even if you didn't know, I was going to tell you anyway. Indeed. "

Kaneki nervously said: "Didn't I only injure my thigh? Why do I need a transplant organ? "

Dr. Kanou shook his head: "That's just a wound on your surface. Some injuries may not be perceived by you at that time. But when you were sent to the hospital, your abdomen was indeed bleeding internally. If you don't get that transplant organs in time, your life may be in danger."

Kaneki's expression of disbelief was already written on his face.

But Dr. Kanou didn't care.

He couldn't wait to record Kaneki, the experimental subject, after the operation.

Dr. Kanou: "How do you feel?"

Kaneki: "Okay."

Dr. Kanou: "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Kaneki: "No."

One question and one answer.

It was over soon.

The nurse also brought in food and drink for Kaneki shortly after Dr. Kanou left.

It was the same as the original series.

Looking at the food in front of him, Kaneki tried to take a bite, only to feel very disgusted, and then he had no appetite at all. But he just woke up and mistakenly thought that he had just finished the operation, so he had this feeling.

He didn't think that he had become a 'Ghoul'.

He pushed the food away.

He wanted to continue the topic with Leon, but no matter how much he shouted in his mind, he couldn't get a response from Leon.

This made him angry and anxious, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Thus, he decided to just lie down and sleep.

In the next few days, Kaneki still couldn't able eat any food.

This time, he was began to nervous.

He asked Dr. Kanou, but Dr. Kanou only told him that it was normal for him to have no appetite after the operation. Then there was no then.

He was hungry for a few days.

Apart from a bad appetite, there were no other adverse reactions. In the end, Kaneki chose to leave the hospital. He went to the supermarket and bought a lot of his favorite food.

Back at home, After trying all the food, he finally realized the seriousness of the problem. He didn't believe in evil and choked randomly, but in the end, he couldn't bear the nausea coming from his throat and vomited all of it back.

In the whole room, there was only the sound of him vomiting on the sink.

Kaneki:- "Damn it!"

-"How could this be?!"

Leon, who had disappeared for several days, finally appeared again and said: "You've already guessed the answer, haven't you?"


He didn't need to see the 'ghouls' habits introduced on the TV program like in the original series, he realised where his problem was. In this life, he had already studied the information of the ghouls when he was in the 'Aunt's Death Event'.

So he knew very well what this meant.

It's just that he was a good human being, for a while, he couldn't accept that he would become a ghoul.

Kaneki showed a ferocious face and gritted his teeth: "You are finally willing to show up? Where have you been these days?! "

Leon said: "Of course, I'm waiting for you to find out your current situation."

Kaneki was angry. He swept all the food to the ground.

Kaneki:-"You knew it already?"

-"Why didn't you tell me?!"

Leon: "Didn't you see your reaction now? If I tell you directly, you have such a perfect performance, do you want to be reported on the spot? Do you want CCG to find you personally? "

Kaneki had no words to refute.

But even what Leon said now was reasonable, it still couldn't extinguish his anger at the moment.

Because in his heart, there was a faint guess.

Kaneki: "What about Rize … What about that ghoul?! Did you already know that she is a ghoul!"

Leon: "Oh? Your IQ finally came back? I thought you were fascinated, and you shouldn't wake up so quickly, right? "

[Darkening progress: __ ]

[28% …]

[29% …]

[30% …]


Thank you for reading this story.


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