
Tokyo Ghoul: Kaneki The Villain

Leon had travelled to 'Tokyo Ghoul' world with his system called 'Darkening System'. Which give him target to turn the target into Darken or evil and when Leon progress on mission system gave him rewards points. which he can spent on shops where he can buy anything but is limited to that world. Now when he is sent to 'Tokyo Ghoul' world his target is 'Ken Kaneki' the protagonist of this world he will have to complete his mission to leave this world and go to another world. Now, let's see together how he will complete his mission of turning 'Ken Kankei' into Darken or Evil. ------------- patreon.com/Kazuma_trash ------------ Discord Link :- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) ------------

Kazuma_trash · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Last Day Of Human Kaneki


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*I almost forgot to update today**


At the same time, Rize licked Kaneki's cheek, looking forward to seeing a frightened expression on his face. This was her usual pleasure before eating.

She enjoyed the fear of being the prey. She enjoyed the prey running away in fear in front of her.

However, what surprised the onlookers, including Rize, was that Kaneki, this seemingly gentle guy, was not afraid at all. Instead, he used his knee to hit Rize's abdomen, and while Rize was stunned, he punched her cheek with all his strength.

Rize was a little stunned. Unfortunately, an ordinary person was still an ordinary person.

Even if Kaneki chose to resist and struggle in this life, his strength could not cause any damage to Rize, let alone make her let go.

Rize finally reacted. Her cheek that was punched to the side slowly revealed an excited smile. Then, she slowly turned her head back to Kaneki.

She opened her terrifying eyes and stared at Kaneki excitedly: "Kaneki-kun, I didn't expect you to surprise me like this. Kaneki-kun, your have a familiar eyes … You killed someone before, right?"

Kaneki's sharp eyes were still staring at Rize.

Rize covered his mouth, making him unable to answer.

He did not give up.

He used his legs to kick Rize back and forth.

His hands kept beating Rize's soft hand that was covering his mouth, but there was no effect.

Rize held Kaneki like this and came to an alley near the railway. The noise caused by the passing of the electric train made it so that even if Kaneki screamed until his throat was dry, no one would respond.

Rize threw Kaneki to the ground and said:-

-"In order to reward you, for you surprised me …"

-"Escape ~"

-"I'll give you a chance to escape."

-"I'll count to three, I'll start chasing you when I count to three."

-"Kaneki-kun, you have to cherish this opportunity ~ Let me feel how much fun you can bring me again."

Kaneki gritted his teeth. Without saying anything, he turned around and ran.

But just as he turned around and was about to run, one of Rize's kagune had already penetrated his thigh from behind.

Kaneki was not surprised. Or angry that Rize deceived him.

In this life, he would not believe other people's nonsense so easily, let alone the ghouls who wanted to eat him by teasing?

He endured the pain and gritted his teeth.

The moment the kagune was pulled out from his thigh, he tried his best to escape! He couldn't accept it! He was unwilling to die like this!

His life had finally taken a turn for the better. How could he die just like that? Bullsh * t like 'instead of hurting others, it's better to be hurt yourself'. Go to hell!

Right now, Kaneki was incomparably eager for such a person to arrive in time and rescue him from danger.

If he could escape this calamity, he swore that he would never be careless again!

Damn it!

As he got up and ran, Kaneki did not forget to ask Leon in his mind, "Do you have any ideas?"

Leon: "A solution? What could you do? You are an ordinary person, how can you be the opponent of ghouls? Forget it. Anyway, this ghoul well also very beautiful. dying in her hands might not be a bad thing."

Kaneki: "Damn it! What's the use of you saying these unlucky words now?! Aren't you one with me? If I die, you also won't feel any better? Can't you help me think of a way?! "

Leon said: "Tsk, just run forward."

Kaneki: "Run forward?"

Leon: "Yes, as long as you continue to run forward, you still have a chance to live."

Kaneki didn't understand why Leon could be so sure.

But now, he had no other choice. He could only give it his all.

After running a few steps, Leon suddenly shouted: "Jump to the right!"

Kaneki was stunned, but he didn't dare to hesitate. Mustering all the strength in his body, he pounced to the right and did a forward roll.

At the moment when Kaneki just rushed to the right, there was a loud sound of 'clang!' from his original position. That was the sound of kagune hitting the ground.

Obviously, this attack was aimed at the other leg of Kaneki.

Originally, Rize wanted to see Kaneki's struggling appearance when his legs were injured, but she didn't expect that Kaneki could avoid her attack without looking back, which made her more interested.

Rize:-"Hahahaha, Kaneki-kun, you are so interesting! Your performance makes me a little reluctant to kill you. But I am very hungry, what should I do? "

-"Run, run, run more ~"

-"Maybe if you struggle a little more, I will change my mind?" While talking, Rize was actually just walking slowly.

Kaneki's so-called escape was, in fact, nothing more than a limp.

Looking at it made people feel desperate, but Kaneki still didn't want to give up.

With the help of Leon just now, he successfully avoided the attack, which made him feel that there was still hope. He didn't want to die. In this way, the two people chased at a very slow speed.

In order to test whether Kaneki's dodge just now was a fluke, Rize had a strong sense of ridicule.

Four dark red kagune attacked Kaneki unhurriedly.

One attack after another.

Kaneki didn't disappoint her. With the help of Leon, Kaneki dodged all of the attacks.

During the process, he didn't even have time to look back.

However, as the blood in his thigh flowed more and more, his movements gradually became slower and slower, and he became more and more embarrassed when he dodged.

From jumping and rolling, he fell to the ground head-on, from falling to the ground head-on, he turned to rolling on the ground.

In the end, Kaneki no longer had the strength to stand up. Rize saw Kaneki crawling to escape as she wished.

However, this kind of now weak Kaneki could no longer arouse Rize's interest. She slowly walked not far behind Kaneki and said regretfully: "What a pity … compared to other prey, Kaneki-kun, you are indeed special. But your limit is only this much…. This is not fun at all ~ "

Kaneki was lying on the ground.

He, who had lost too much blood, could no longer move.

His side face was close to the ground, and his eyelids were very heavy. The only thing he saw in his field of vision was Rize's legs that were walking towards him.

Kaneki:- "Is it over …"

-"Didn't you say that as long as I continue to run forward, I will have a chance to live?"

-"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore …"

-"Damn ghoul … If I don't die this time, I will definitely kill you …"

Just at the moment when Kaneki's eyelids closed.

'Clang!' There was a loud sound.

The steel bar fell from a high altitude and directly hit Rize, just like in the original series.

This position was not the position where it fell in the original series. But this did not prevent Souta from moving the steel bar here and reenacting the scene like in the original series.

Then, just like in the original series, Kaneki was sent to the hospital.

Even if only his thigh was seriously injured, Dr. Kanou still used the excuse of internal organ damage to transplant the organs of Rize, so that Kaneki could start a new life …


Thank you for reading this story.


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